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Jennifer's POV

Meeting with Colby's parents we had a lot to get started and figure outs and most important we had to talk with our roommates about the baby situation and the preparation for her. Yes I know we don't know for sure yet but I believe in Colby's dream. He has a sixth sense I believe. After Sam and Kat returned from the UK they seemed smitten and so happy. we helped them put their things away as Kat began to ask about the interaction with his parents.

"His mother was SO excited about the baby and his dad was so kind," I smiled.

"That's so great I'm so glad everyone gets along !" Kat smiled, hugging me.

"So what have you guys been doing while we were gone?" Sam asked resting his hand on Kat's back as we chatted.

"Discussing how to turn half of my room into a nursery! So there might be some construction needed that is, of course, if it's all right with you guys," Colby said looking for the approval we needed. Sam nodded.

"I'm sure we can definitely figure that out so it works best for everybody but we gotta do what's best for baby don't we?" Sam asked patting his back.

"Yes, we definitely have to make sure the baby is taken care of," Colby agreed, clearly with relief.

"So I was thinking we should all go out for dinner tonight. Colby and I need to talk to you about this whole situation more in-depth," I said with a smile. We all needed one last big night, Vegas! Well, not the last one but it's a celebratory night in Vegas.

"That sounds perfect. You can be the designated driver since you can't drink anyhow," Sam laughed, making Katrina shake her head.

"Always have to be the bearer of bad news don't you, babe," she asked him packing his cheek

"Not always, but it will be nice if it's not me for once," he laughed, kissing her back.

"Well, then, why doesn't everybody get ready and we will head out it's gonna be a big night!" I smiled and then we all retreated to our rooms. Once we get into the room, I started digging through my clothes.

"It's really gonna suck when I can't fit in half of this anymore. I'm going to have to do some maternity shopping once I start showing," I stated sadly, looking through my dresses.

"Yeah, your festival wear is definitely gonna be getting a change," Colby said with a chuckle, kissing my temple, "But no matter what you wear you'll be beautiful."

"Well, aren't you just the sweetest always such a flattered?" I giggled, swatting him on his chest.

"I mean it! It doesn't matter what you put on it suits you and I think you're gonna be beautiful pregnant," he said, "you'll always be beautiful to me." I blushed and covered my face.

"Well, that's good because the baby is gonna make me look like I'm carrying around a bowling ball," I laughed.

"It will be a very beautiful bowling ball, it will be," he insisted, kissing my forehead, "Nothing that's gonna happen to your body is gonna change the way I feel about you. Since it's my fault it's changing anyways."

"Oh thank you babe that means a lot. I love you so much," I smiled.

"I love you too!" he said flashing that million-dollar smile at me. As we got ready for dinner, Colby and I chitchatted about our parents and what our lives were like when we were kids, and things that we would want to carry over raising our child.

"My parents didn't really spank when I was little we got timeouts and stuff, and as we get older, they took things away from us," he said.

"My mom was military, so she was definitely a spanker, but only in pretty difficult situations other than that it was grounding and removal of things that I really enjoyed," I shrugged.

"That makes sense. I don't think there's anything wrong with spanking as long as it's for something important like anything that can cause harm," he said.

"I completely agree! if it's hurting them or hurting someone else I think it late tap on the hand or late spot on the tush are going to hurt anybody!" I agreed.

"Have you thought about whether you're going to bottle/formula feed or breastfeed?" He asked. He was so sweet asking so many questions. it's like he'd been reading my pregnancy book.

"I'd like to try breastfeeding but I know that women in our family have always had trouble with that, but I definitely want to try it I'm not it. A lot of the females in my family had trouble developing the milk necessary to properly feed the babies so they always tried to breastfeed, but ended up having to do formula because the child was constantly hungry and wasn't getting enough nutrients." I commented

"So we will need to get a breast pump for sure so as soon as your milk starts coming in, you can store it?" He asked.

"I think that's a genius idea just in case we can at least start the first month or so breastfeeding and then if it doesn't work we can switch to a good formula base," I agreed.

"soo, the next big important thing that we need to discuss is assuming we're on the same page as far as godparents go?" he asked.

"If you're thinking, same Katrina, then yes, we're on the same page," I smiled. I finally found a dress that I wanted to wear.

"Well, then, I guess we can have that conversation tonight then," He said.

"Yes, I think that's a brilliant plan," I giggled, removing my clothes and searching for clean underwear.

"And now I'm officially distracted," He said, his eyes glued to my body, "What am I supposed to do now? Watching you sitting there, naked digging through drawers?"

"I don't know call me maybe a little self-control," I teased

"I have no self-control. Are you kidding me? Your breathing turns me on or have you forgotten this?" he laughed, swatting my bare ass.

"No, I haven't forgotten you. Remind me on a daily basis," I chuckled finally finding underwear and a bra and pulling them on.

Once we got dressed, we headed downstairs to meet up with Sam and Katrina. I was excited about this.

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~

Sorry, it took so long to update, large family so Christmas activities are usually scattered thru December. So December is a gonna be a bit dry for updates, but I'm excited for the next ten chapters or so! Who's ready for some baby-centered chapters? We're almost at 100K! I am so damn grateful for all of you!!

🖤🖤Halsey Rae🖤🖤

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