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Jennifer's POV

I felt an immediate uneasiness and I knew right then we had to leave! It didn't feel right and my chest and head felt heavy.

"Leave? Right now?" Colby asked coming down to my level.

"Yes I have to go... I can't stay here.." I said. They could stay but whatever was here didn't want ME here! They had secrets they didn't want revealed. I could sense the evil in this space and all I wanted to do was leave.

"Okay let's get you outside," he said and helped me up. I get weak, drained. It happened in seconds. It was all laughs and fun till I got that staircase. It was like something had drained my entire strength and weakness.

"Whatever is in there, in that spot didn't want me there," i said. I had never felt so emotionally drained and exhausted from something so fast.

"Do you want to go? To a hotel? We can catch up with you in the morning?" Colby asked.

"Sure," I said softly, as we finally got outside. I took my hair out of my bun needing to few some pressure release from my head. It was overwhelming and that little hit seemed to help. They got me a little water before Colby walked me to my vehicle.

He took my phone and put his number into it.

"I want you to text me the second you get to a hote and are safe there," he said, "promise me!" I smiled at him as he handed me my phone back.

"I promise, sir, I won't disobey," I giggled. He chuckled and brushed my hair from my face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, I'll be fine..... promise!" I said. He hugged me and opened my door for me.

"Do you want me to go get your bag for you?" He asked.

"Oh shit, Yes please!" I said. I completely forgot about that. He smiled and headed off to get it when Sam came over to me.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah just shaken up! Promise me you guys will be careful tonight! There's something dangerous in there! Something you haven't dealt with before and it doesn't like mediums!" I said.

"I promise we'll be careful!!" He said, rubbing my back gently, "and I'll look after Colbs I promise!"

"Yeah he's a risk taker! Hopefully Maddie is clear for him now! How long as she been attached?" I asked.

"Since the Shanley!" He said, "if it's not the fans it's her that gets in the way of any crush or interest! It's destroyed his love life besides the random sex occasionally!"

"Really? He's that type?" I asked surprised.

"Have you seen all our videos?" He chuckled. I laughed.

"Right right the handcuffs and dominance!" I laughed, "I guess I shouldn't have asked!" At that moment colby came out of the hotel with my bag. He brought it over to me setting it in my back seat for me.

"There you go, now drive safe and text me when you get somewhere!!" He said.

"Aye aye captain," I smiled and fake saluted him. He laughed and they both hugged me goodbye. I climbed into my vehicle and waved at them when I left.

On the drive, I began thinking about what Sam said. Maddie only came around when Colby was interested in someone. Did he have an interest in me? Why? I'm just a normal chick, not a model or anyone famous.

He could choose anyone he wants, why would he be interested in me? A nurse during the day and a tarot reader and medium in her free time. I was just... me. I wasn't special.

Colby? Now he was special! Kind, funny, talented, and GORGEOUS! He was so big on YouTube has millions of fans... clearly tons of girls happy to be in his bedroom! We've all seen that Kian and JC video! We know what goes on!

I sighed and punched in hotel too my GPS and chose the closest one and fro e that way. It was only a couple of miles away so thankfully it didn't take me long. When I arrived I went to the front desk to get a room.

It was affordable, thank god and right now I just wanted to shower, cleanse my space and mind and then try and sleep!

I got my hotel key and headed to the elevator. In my way up I pulled my phone out.

Jen to Colby: I'm at the seaside hotel a few miles away. I'm on my way up to my room! What time do we wanna meet up tmrw?

I didn't hear back right away. I reached the 5th floor and went down to my room and let myself in. Before I entered, I spoke out loud.

"If there's any spirits here you do not have permission to speak to me or show yourself to me. I just wanna get some sleep!" I said before crossing the threshold into my room.

I set my bag on the chair beside the bed and pulled out pajamas to go shower quick. It was a fast three minute shower and then got my teeth brushed before going back into the room.

I pulled my crystals from my bag and sat on the bed to meditate and focus myself. I did. A quick prayer and then cleaned up my crystals and put them away. I plugged my phone cord in and as I plugged my phone in it beeped.

Colby: alright sounds good! 11 am! There's a restaurant  across the street from there, We'll meet you then!

Jen: ok. C u tmrw gnight mr Brock

Colby: c u tmrw Jennifer 😉😁 💤

I smiled and climbed under the covers of my hotel bed. I set my alarm for 9:30 so I had time to change, so my makeup and check out before I had to meet them! It was 2am so I wasn't gonna get much sleep, but it all felt like it was it dream at this point. Like something out of a crazy fan fiction!

My dreams that night were NOT what I expected. I expected haunting dreams or Maddie to annoy or invade my space, but it was more on the X-Rated side of things.

I have had sex dreams before but this one with Colby felt real, almost like I was experiencing an actual orgasm in myself. It felt so real it woke me about 3:30 in a cold sweat and panting.

Oh god... how was I going to be able to look him in the face tomorrow?

~*~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~*~
So! The flirtatious is there and clearly Jen's having Ummm some serious dreams. Not quite the invasion she expected in her streams but man what Colby fan isn't had that kind of dream before? Especially after his "sex dungeon" bedroom!

"Colby's hand is a choker! His hand is my favorite necklace" - JC AND KIAN

The Medium: A Colby Brock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now