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Colby's POV

"14 weeks? so about what two and a half months ago?" I asked.

"Correct...." he said with a smile as a nurse brought in an ultrasound machine.

"And tell me doc how is it possible that I fell down a flight of stairs and baby is still okay?" Jen asked a bit confused about how that was even possible, "Those stories do not usually end well."

"We're just as baffled as you are.... must have avoided impact to specific areas.. most of your bruises are on your back, so it probably took the brunt of the blows from the stairs," he said.

"Okay.... well can I eat first before you do that? I'm starving," Jen asked nodding to the ultrasound.

"Yes ma'am..." he said and they exited, leaving the ultrasound machine behind. Jen was anxious to finish her food and as we waited for her to finish Sam snickered and put the ultrasound tool against Katrina's noggin.

"Ahhh, it all makes sense now!! nothing..." he teased. She laughed and swatted his hand away. Jen spotted her left hand still empty and she sighed.

"Everything got put on hold then?" she whispered to me sadly.

"Yes... till it can be perfect....." I whispered back to her softly.

"SO! I say after you get out of here we go on a fun group picnic on the beach here just the four of us!" Sam said suddenly.

"Oh, that's a great idea! a great vlogging chance! Like in the old days!" I said.

"Oh yes, a fun beach day!" Jen smiled, "Maybe in the vlog, we can announce the pregnancy!!" Sam glanced at her raising a brow. She nodded to Kat gently but tried not to make it obvious.

"It'll be fun!!!" I encouraged him, trying to give him the eye like 'dude, she knows.'

"Hmm, we could... sounds good to me!" he nodded, politely, "What do you think babe?!"

"Sounds good to me!!" Kat agreed, "we should do something cute with your belly, like paint on it"

"Oh my gosh, that's such a cute idea!!!" Jen agreed, still taking a few bites of food in between our conversation.

"Like a loading and buffering logo," Sam chuckled, making Jen laugh.

"Awesome, for now, food! If you guys need to go get food or something we'll be okay here for a bit!" she said.

"Yeah let's do that," he said to Kat and stood up.

"I wanna see the baby," she pouted, glancing at Jen.

"You will, I'll get pictures!" Jen promised. Kat hugged her goodbye and they headed out, leaving me and Jen to ourselves.

"I love you," I said to her, rubbing her back.

"I love you too," she mumbled back with a mouthful. I chuckled and shook my head. She was so darn cute. I couldn't wait to share this news, but I knew this beach day was gonna be for Sam and Kat's engagement. We could find a new way to announce her pregnancy, maybe once she was further along and we saw a baby doctor.

After Jennifer finished eating the doctor came back in. He got her laid back and had me move to a chair beside her. Then he put some gel on her stomach and begin moving the ultrasound tool around for a moment until we heard a faint heartbeat.

I was in complete awe. It was almost like I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I Took hold of Jen's hand as he turned on the monitor for us to see.

"Baby is only about an inch and a half long, But you can see right in here!" he said, and began moving the tool around a bit then point to the screen to show us, "he's itty-bitty but it's a very clear photo."

"He? How can you tell?" I asked. The doctor chuckled.

"Well, we can't tell for sure the sex of the baby at this point. That'll take a few more weeks just a general term!" He said, "but everything looks accurate to more about 10 weeks! They will be able to tell more at the next big ultrasound with your doctor that you decide on back home. With your status on YouTube and everything I would suggest paying the extra money for a Private doctor."

"I agree there are some things that need to be kept private. This is definitely one of them and we don't want anyone to know until we're ready to share," Jen said.

But, we had already, accidentally, shared way too much and this is something I was in total agreement with her about when it came to keeping things private. We might have to maneuver Kat's plan around and come up with something so that the engagement didn't get spoiled but we could still maybe take photos of Jen now and do a lead-up to the time when we're ready to announce it.

After the doctor completed the examination, he printed off a few photos of the baby for us to take home and a couple of extras to share with friends and family. It was so great we got this first one done here in the UK. Usually, the US charges for extra photos other than the one or two that are given to the parents.

The number one thing I wanted to make sure we did was to tell our families before anyone else knew. Of course, Sam and Kat already knew, but I knew telling my mom had to be a big deal.

She and my dad never saw me as the brother that would settle down. But now I'm not only going to make my mom thrilled that Jen was going to be a part of our lives forever but that we would be giving her her first grandchild. After the doctor left Jen turned to me.

"At least we know that baby is healthy," she said, "I couldn't be happier to be doing this with you. I know we're both completely terrified right now but as long as we stick together we're gonna get through this just fine."

"I completely agree. And the best part is now we get to focus on Sam and Kat's engagement. We have to make sure this goes perfectly!" I smiled. I kissed her softly and we just sat relaxed while The nurses and doctors finish checking Jen over, eventually after all her tests came back normal, they started working on her discharge papers. I was so anxious to get her out of this hospital.

~*~*~ Authors Notes~*~*~
Well, good news I hope for everyone! My next decision, and of course I'll have it figured out by the time you all read this, but I need to decide if this is gonna be in Sam's or Kat's point of view it'll definitely be a change in our regular Colby and Jen chapters!!

Either way, I am so blessed that all of you are reading and enjoying the story. Don't forget to check out my other two Sam and Colby stories and by the time you read this, there might be three other Sam and Colby stories, if I can get my ideas together for my new one.

Thank you so much my little RAEs of sunshine!!

Much Love,
🖤🖤HalseyRae 🖤🖤

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