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Colby's POV

Jen's messages were so cryptic, so I was concerned. what had happened in just an hour after she got to work that she needed us so badly. Sam and Kat didn't question it we were on the first flight to get to her. Sure, we could have driven, but we got lucky with tickets and we'd be there faster this way.

"You have any idea what's wrong with her Colby?" Sam asked once we landed at LAX

"Not a clue, unless it's a paranormal thing... a bad encounter... but she would have told us to bring our equipment..." I said our carry-on bags with us. We headed toward baggage claim. We'd packed quick for a couple of days just in case!

"That's true..." he said shaking his head as we reached the right claim area.

"I wonder what could have happened she needed all of us..." Kat said as she grabbed her pink zebra bag from the carousel. Sam and I snatched up ours then headed out to get a rental. Thankfully that was a quick process and we got a vehicle big enough for all of us.

Sam decided to be the one to drive since I was too concerned for J. He climbed into the driver's seat and punched the hospital into the GPS. We began driving there while I reached for my phone.

Colby to Jen: we're on our way GPS says we're 20 minutes away.

Jen: ok I'm still here.. almost done.

Colby: ok we're all worried J... what's going on?!

Jen: massive accident. Three cars. That's all I can say here!

Colby: ok babe. We'll see you soon.

I sighed and set my phone aside. So that's what happened. She must be surrounded by a lot of death today.

"Jen had a massive accident at the hospital today but that's all she's saying for now...." I said.

"Oh damn... must be a lot of paranormal shit going on then," Sam suggests. I shook my head.

"I don't think so, I think there is more to it..." I said. she seemed distant in her texts. Something was wrong.

"Well, we'll be there soon buddy just make sure you're strong for her..." he said, "Just in case." I nodded.

"Of course... anything for her..." I said. Kat smiled at me and poked my knee.

"You're falling for her...." she cooed, playfully.

"Of course I am, why else would I drop everything and go to her when she calls?" I smiled.

"I know I am just saying, I'm proud of you Colbs, you deserve happiness," she said.

"Thanks, but we're not quite celebrating yet, we're still on the down-low..." I sighed, "Gotta make sure she's safe, she's already been hurt once because of me..."

"I think she can take care of herself, " she smiled.

"I am sure she can but I don't want her having to have a reason to..." I said.

"Colby the fans are always gonna be a little crazy, but after Shea's attack, most fans said it was way over the line... you can't assume all fans are like those three girls..." she said softly.

"I know it's just a fear ya know, I never know what to expect in these situations. It's why I have avoided relationships and having a girlfriend," I said.

"Well, now you have one and she is crazy about you," she said massaging my knee. I patted her hand.

"Thanks, Kat," I said, and she nodded and turned back around linking her fingers with Sam's as he drove.  It was a short drive but it felt like forever. When we arrived there was a large medical van parked out front. There was a body being loaded as Jen and an older couple watched. They were all crying as it was being placed in the back. The man wearing a uniform that was the same as the logo on the car handed the woman some papers and she signed them.

We waited for the van to pull away before we all got out of the rental. Jen spotted us and she nodded us over as the couple went back into the hospital.

"J.... what's going on?" as we approached. She latched onto me, sobbing into my chest. I just held her tight against me and let her cry.

"Hayley...." she whimpered.

"Hayley?" I asked, confused till it hit me, "Your grade school best friend Hayley?" Hayley was to her like Sam was to me. they grew up together. Jen has told me that first weekend when we were talking about growing up and our homelives. She just nodded into my chest gripping my shirt.

"How?" I asked gently rubbing her back as Sam and Kat stood nearby, Kat wiping her eyes.

"She was in her car on her way to work. according to witnesses, she went to go into the exit ramp, and blinker on when some car rear-ended her going so fast it flipped her vehicle end over end. this cause two more vehicles besides the perp to run into her vehicle," she said.

"She died here at the hospital, while I was working on some guy with bumps and scrapes..." she said.

"Another victim?" I asked.

"No, I was stitching up the arm of the asshole who killed my best friend. I didn't even realize till the cops came in to talk to him an hour later," she said, "I know I shouldn't think it but I would have switched with someone if I had known.... and to think his alcohol test came back, and the cops gave him a breathalyzer and he was wasted."

"Oh shit J, I am so sorry, what can I do?" I asked tearing up. She was far stronger than I. Screw that guy. People like that don't deserve care if you ask me.

"Exactly what you're doing, just hold me... give me a few minutes then we can get out of here..." she whispered still hugging me. Kat and Sam joined us for a big group hug, then hugged her individually as well.

"I am so grateful for you three..." she said softly, "I still can't believe you all just dropped everything no questions asked and came here to be with me."

"We're the core four, we're best friends all of us," Kat smiled.

"Yeah, we'd be shit friends if we didn't," Sam said, "We got you...." She smiled and hugged us all before going in to get her things. We waited outside before she came out and went with us to the parking lot.

"Can you drive for me Colby?" she asked me, handing me my keys.

"Of course," I said taking the keys and kissing her softly.

"Okay, just follow us," she said to Sam and Kat. He nodded and we all got loaded into vehicles to head to Jen's. Thank God we packed for a few days of being away. I wasn't planning on leaving her till after the funeral and everything. I had to be by her side for this.

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