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Colby's POV

I felt like my heart stopped the second I saw her slip down those stairs but from my angle, it didn't look like a slip it looked like she was thrust forward at the ankles. No one was anywhere near her but something clearly shoved her down that flight of stairs.

It made me wonder if it was whatever she and Amanda told us to stay away from us. I know that sometimes if she breaks her concentration things can break through her barriers and her protection.

Everyone was in full panic. We were all calling out to her but the second I glanced over those stairs I saw her laying almost lifeless at the bottom of the steps. I took off taking two steps at a time racing down to her.

Everyone else wasn't far behind, but I definitely reached her first. I crouch down beside her and moved her hair from her face well Sam got on the phone and called 999, The UK's 911.

"Jen, Jen, please open your eyes and look at me," I begged. She had a pulse but she wasn't responding. I don't think CPR was the answer here but I had to keep her still just in case she had any injuries.

Kat was crouching on her other side well Amanda paced a bit looking worried trying to take in whatever was going on around us. She seemed as if she was picking up on something and she began to chant gently under her breath. Then I realized she wasn't chanting she was praying.

I felt the tears streaming down my face.  I was so scared.

"Jen please, you can't leave me now. I love you so much I don't know if I could handle it if you left me," I cried over her.

"Colby, try and relax we don't need two of you going by ambulance today," Kat said Rubbing me on the back.

"I get that Kat but she's not moving and I'm freaking out!" I panicked. It took about three or four minutes before paramedics were rushing to her side. They were checking her eyes checking her pulse and they got her on some oxygen. They slipped a neck brace around her neck before they moved her onto a stretcher.

Clearly, our investigation had been cut short. Whatever was here definitely didn't want us here no matter how hard Lady Constantina was trying things were getting to us and I don't think they cared for Jen and Amanda.

The paramedics let me ride with them to the hospital while the others stayed behind until our tour guide could come back and close up.

I stayed at her side watching them do their work the entire ride there. Part of me was almost glad she was out for the IV part. I knew how much she hated needles. After they got some fluids in her they managed to get a little bit of a hand movement out of her.

The moment we entered the ER parking lot her eyes begin to flicker. I couldn't tell if she was waking up or if something else was going on. They raced her into the ER everyone rushed her into a trauma room. I tried to follow but I had a nurse standing in my way holding me back.

"Sir, until we find out what's going on you can't be in here you have to go out and wait in the lounge to your left!" She said closing the doors behind her they closed all the blinds and I was left there standing by myself wondering what the hell was about to happen.

I turned and went to the lobby as I was instructed understood and paced back and forth probably driving everyone else in the lobby crazy. But I was only hoping my friends would arrive soon before I lost my mind.

It took them at least another 45 minutes before they arrive to find me in the waiting room.

"Colby where is she? what's going on?" Sam saw me extremely nervous trying to get me to stop my pacing. He grabbed me by my shoulders and tried to get me to look at him.

"She's in trauma I don't know where she's gone from there," I rambled, "I can't lose her Sam I can't. I finally tell someone I love them after not being able to say it to anyone for so long and then something like this happens. I can't keep putting her in these situations. Every time she comes out investigating with us she gets hurt. And then on top of that, all the shit that I've done for us, and our supposed to be private relationship is no longer private. I keep fucking things up and now I'm never gonna be able to hear her say it back!!"

"You told her you loved her?" He asked. a bit gob-smacked that I would say something like that after what happened last time.

"Yes, Sam but that's not the important part right now what's important is she's off in that room and I don't know what's going on!" I choked out sobbing into his shoulder. I just hope they would come out and tell us something soon! all I know is I had handed over all her information! You know driver's license, insurance all those sorts of things in the ambulance.

I don't know what good that would do here in the UK. I don't think our insurance has anything to do with their hospitals and their healthcare system. What I didn't know is it that when I saw that nurse coming out toward us I felt like my heart was going to stop.

Came over to me and smiled.

"Please, try not to panic we're still running quite a few Tests the x-ray show she may have a hairline fracture in her neck. She's very very lucky! if she had hit her head any harder, or any other angle, we would probably be delivering worse news!" She said.

"All I need to know is is she going to survive this?" I asked.

"Yes, please feel free to take a breath," she said, "the worst part is over! now all we have to do is wait for her to wake up."

"What do you mean wake up? Like from the medication? Or just waking up in general?" I asked.

"Well, it's not from any medication we just think that her body went into some kind of shock. So really we're just waiting for her to come out of whatever she's in but that neck brace is definitely gonna have to stay on for at least the next 6 to 8 weeks, So that hairline fracture heals itself," she said.

"So how long will that take? For her to wake up I mean?" I asked.

"Comas can be very tricky," She said, "But I think it's best that she needs to feel her friends and things around her. Once the rest of her tests are complete will get her into a room. And when she's in a room will let you guys know and then you can join her."

Coma? Did she just say coma? What the fuck have I done.

~*~*~ Author's Notes~*~*~
Now, this chapter technically was written 10 minutes after I posted the last one. But you guys know how much I love to make you wait. Besides the entire thing was written on my phone through talk to text so it's gonna take at least another day to go through and edit. But who knows I might even do a couple more chapters tonight. (that did happen!)

I can't believe we're almost to 75K. You guys are absolutely incredible! I am so so grateful for all the love and support you've shown for the story.

All I can say is I don't even think we're halfway through this adventure. There is still so much more for all of their futures! And the biggest surprise is still yet to come! Any guesses?


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