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Colby's POV

Jen and I had a second round that night and for the first time in a very long time, a female slept in my bed beside me. We were both too exhausted to move. It was a fun night with her and falling asleep beside her felt comfortable. Usually, I was a fuck and ditch. Fuck them then shooed them out.

I paid for their Ubers, so I wasn't a total ass, but Jen falling asleep beside me made me miss relationships. Missing the comfort beside me and the actual intimacy but I wasn't sure I was ready for that kind of commitment yet

Usually sharing my bed was maybe my dog when my parents brought him, but females, only once in my past. But Shea, she went thru so much shit for me. I didn't want to see Jen go thru the same shit, and waking up beside her the next morning I knew she was gonna be something special for me.

I reached for my phone and turned back to face her. I took a photo of her sleeping and made it my home screen she was so cute. We'd need to get a couple of selfies together. When she was ready I wanted to make sure we discussed what we wanted.

"You're staring Mr. Brock," she mumbled. I chuckled and leaned over to kiss her back and shoulders.

"Sorry, do you want breakfast?" I asked, getting up to look for some clothes.

"Not right this second.." she said before stretching and sitting up and watching me search thru my dresser.

"Last night was incredible Colby," she said. I nodded.

"Yes it was, we're definitely a good match in the bedroom," I smirked as I pulled some boxers on.

"Yes, we are! Now the question is what do you want Colby? Was that it?" She asked.

"Definitely not J... I want you...." I said gently reaching for my t-shirt.

"Want me? Like sexually or?" She asked nervously. Her questioning was adorable.

"What do YOU want J?" I asked her as I got my shirt on and reached for my skinny jeans.

"I want to be a couple but it's not up to me," She said softly, "You're in the driver's seats here."

"I want that too, but for your protection, we need to stay private!" I said, "I don't wanna put you in harm's way."

"I get it..." she nodded and got up to go use the restroom with a shrug. Shit did I make her upset? It's for her protection!

"J, don't be mad, please," I said softly, "my last girlfriend ended up in the hospital!"

"But that doesn't mean it'll happen to me, I can take care of myself Colby," she said going into my private bathroom and shutting the door. I sighed and fell back on my bed. We hadn't even made it official and we were having our first disagreement. Great Colbs well done. Moron.

She was in the restroom for a few, but once I heard the toilet flush and her wash her hands she came out.

"I'm not afraid Colbs, I don't wanna hide! We don't have to go announcing it on Instagram or anything but we shouldn't have to avoid each other in Public?" She said coming over to lay beside me.

"Examples?" I asked as she leaned over me. She smiled and kissed my lips.

"If I wanna do that at a dinner I can, if we go somewhere I wanna hold your hand! We don't have. To be that open on investigations but if we go out to dinner I wanna be able to kiss my boyfriend whenever I want and hold his hand when we're out walking!" She smiled.

"And if someone sees and rumors start?" I asked.

"Let them talk, we don't have to respond. Our relationship is no one's business!!! And when we wanna post on Instagram we will, but we're not hiding but not broadcasting. It's a happy medium!" She smiled, "deal?"

I wasn't sure if that would work but I liked her and if she was confident then I would trust her. I nodded and pulled her lips back to mine.

"Deal," I smiled stroking her hair back, "so we have all day today it's Saturday what do you wanna do?"

"Well for now let's focus on maybe finding out more about each other than how we feel naked and moaning," She giggled.

"That's my favorite part!!" I joked.

"Mmm yes, we do work well together!!!" She laughed.

"Okay so tell me, besides ghost hunting and your job what do you love to do?" I asked.

"I love concerts and festivals! I'll attend an entire festival for one band if it's one that I love! Or I'll attend a festival if my friend loves one and I just need to go out!" She said.

"So we have that in common!!" I smiled as she rested her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head.

"I don't drink much but will occasionally if it's the right drink! I'm not a beer drinker! Shots shots shots!!" She giggled.

"Damn alright where you been my whole life?!" I laughed.

"Up until last year, Michigan! Cold ass Michigan!" She informed me, "LA was an amazing change!!"

"Yeah Kansas had its cold winters too but I'm sure Michigan's worse with the lakes and being a bit further north!" I said playing with her hair.

She laughed, "yes just a bit!!"

"So now that we've chatted are you hungry!?" I asked.

"I am what do you have I can cook?" She asked.

"Not much... let's go take a look at the kitchen cabinets!" I said she rolled over me and took my hand. We headed downstairs and went o see what we had. She found some eggs and some bread. Then pulled out some strawberries cream cheese and some sugar.

"Whoa, that's probably not gonna fit into my low card diet?" I said. I was trying Leto.

"This will be a cheat meal! Trust me my stuffed French toast is to die for!!" She promised.

"Alright, but I'll have to run an extra mile today to work it off!"
I said.

"And it'll be worth every single bite!" She said pecking my lips as she began making up the filling for her sweet breakfast concoction. Gorgeous talented and she can cook. I'd hit the jackpot!!!

"So girlfriend are we official now?" I asked. She smiled.

"I think so boyfriend you okay with that?" She asked offering me a taste of the filling.

"Absolutely," I confirmed taking a bite. And there it was. I had a girlfriend for the first time in three years.

"That's so good..." I said softly.

"Mmm, yes it is," she said before she kissed me softly. I held her face to mine, not wanting to let her go so fast. I was happy, for the first time in a long time. I patted her backside as she got back to breakfast.

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