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Colby's POV

Jen began digging for clothes till I handed her some sweatpants and one of my hoodies for clean clothes. I thru on a hoodie and we headed downstairs,fingers linked; since my parents were gone. Sam and Katrina were in the kitchen looking over the menu and writing their orders down.

"Oh my gosh! Jennifer! So nice to finally meet you properly!" Katrina gushed rushing over to greet Jen.

"Oh yes!" Jen blushed, "I can't believe I get to meet you!! Numb was an anthem for me with my last breakup!" It was so damn cute to see her fangirling over Kat!

"Oh my gosh! You know my stuff!!" Kat smiled in shock. She was just as stoked to meet a fan as Jen was to meet her.

"Hell yes! I may be more excited to meet you than the boys!!" Jen giggled. I gasped in shock clutching my chest.

"Hey!" I pouted, "hurtful!"

"Oh stop! There is plenty for the two of you to do that her and I can't!" Kat laughed.

"That's true!" Jen giggled, making me laugh too.

"But we definitely need to hang out!" Kat nodded.

"Absolutely!!" Jen agreed. Katrina looked between Jen and I.

"So, what are you two?" She asked with a smile and raising a brow.

"Dating hanging hopefully fucking," Jen giggled, "but it's been a day.. so who knows!"

"Oh believe me he wants the latter!!" Sam said, with a chuckle as Jen began gazing over the menu. The view from here was great. Her bending over that counter. Ughh the things I want to do to her.

"Colby always wants the latter!" Katrina chuckled making me grumbled fuck got under my breath as I went to look over the menu with Jen.

"He's a 25 year old guy, sex is always amazing, but as long as he's safe, no harm done," Jen shrugged, "I love sex! It's by far more fun than any other activity! It's just tough for me to find a guy who can keep up! Every boyfriend I have ever had has either bailed because I had a sex problem or I dumped them because they were controlling!!"

"Controlling?" I asked wondering what she meant. She wrote down her order and I wrote down my low carb choice. I had a work out tmrw so I'd carbo load in the morning at breakfast.

"Telling me how to dress where to go who to be friends with!" She said, "assholes but I didn't stick around!" We handed our orders to Sam and he called them in for us.

"Assholes! You don't deserve to be treated like that," I said, angry about how she was treated.

"I know that's why I left! After the last one I refused to let my guard down and put my heart at risk again! It's gonna take a pretty amazing guy to tear down the bridge cross the moat and get thru my steal barrier!" She snickered.

"Wow you got a medieval set up huh!? Sounds similar to mine! After shea I don't think I'll ever have that feeling again!" I said. The fans destroyed that relationship for me.

We were such great friends and eventually it turned to more but the second we went public the fans began sending threats and eventually they cornered her at a store and they beat her up so bad she ended up at the hospital!

I swore to myself that I would never put anyone else in danger! Jen is so gentle and kind, so innocent... I couldn't let anyone get to her! Those fans who hurt amber end d up in jail a couple in juvenile cuZ they were MINORS!

It's crazy sometimes what fangirls will do to claim the ones they supposedly care about. But after that attack amber and I split for her safety and I made a public plea to all the fans to be kind and get therapy for anyone who thinks what was done was right.

I even ended up blocking quite a few fans that supported those girls. I didn't think it was funny. They claimed to be protecting me but she made me happy. We're still friends and she's with someone else now but I still haven't forgiven myself for what happened to her.

"Yeah I remember hearing about that! That was insane!! They were just children and so obsessed!!" Jen said, "but how is she now? Amber?" I smiled at her and nodded.

"She's doing much better! She's with a guy name Clark, they're happy, so that's good... she's still in therapy and she volunteers at a battered women's shelter wanting to help any way she can to help women build strength and courage!!" I said.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing!!" She smiled as we got comfy on the couch to relax while we waited for our Uber eats delivery.

"So Jen! Outside of being a medium, what do you do for a living?" Katrina asked.

"I am a medical assistant at Los Angeles a community Hospital! I work in their after hours clinic wing!" She said.

"Oh wow! That's so awesome! You're like an actual hero!" Katrina smiled. Jen laughed and shook her head

"Not even a little!!" Jen chuckled, "I am merely doing a job! Everyone was affected during the heavy bits of the pandemic! I'm was just doing my part!"

"We'll your part I am sure helped save lives!!" She said, with a smiled.

"And you guys all gave people something to smile about! Thank god you two didn't go to jail during the pandemic! Woulda been days to get out!!" Jen said.

"Oh gosh don't remind me!!" I groaned, "worst day and a half of my life!!"

"We'll you guys learned from it didn't you? No more illegal explorations!!" She smiled.

"For sure!! I was just glad my experience wasn't worse than it was..." I said. I didn't like to think about it. That whole situation scared me to death. Never again!

"Anyways, she said moving into my side resting her head on my shoulder, "tell me mr Brock, now that we've asked Maddie to leave are we gonna get back to our plans tonight?"

"Absolutely!!! I'm ready if you're ready but you need to eat get your energy back!" I chuckled slipping my arm around her shoulder and kissing her forehead.

"Definitely ready we just gotta make sure Sam and Kat have ear plugs!" She giggled.

"I got gags you'll be fine!" I said turning her face to mine kissing her roughly. She moaned softly into my lips making Sam put his fingers in his ears.

"God you two! Can't you wait till AFTER we eat!" He grumbled.

"Oh Sam! Stop your complaining! You're just as hot y as he is!" Kat laughed, "we'll just have to see who's louder tonight!"

"Game on!!" Jen said shaking her hand.

"What about the system?" Sam asked.

"Fuck the system! This is a competition!!!" Kat said. The girls laughed and we got back to chatting about work and her life. Apparently, she lost her mom about 14 years ago, and had quite a bit of trauma throughout her life. With some of the stories she told, I don't know how she got up in the morning.

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