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Jennifer's POV

It was a tough few days. I was ridiculously embarrassed and paranoid now. I still don't know how he was so calm about all this, but I guess this is the result. He warned me about what would happen if we went public but this was a new level of public displays of affection. We were heading to the UK soon and I wanted to make sure he still wanted me to tag along now that well, that was out there.

"Hey Angel, you alright?" he asked coming into the bedroom while I was packing.

"Yeah just still a bit stressed," I said smiling up at him. He sighed and sat down beside me resting his hand on my knee.

"I promise you it'll blow over after a couple of weeks! We got things sorted with Instagram, that's fixed, it was deleted from there and everywhere we have control over it," he said.

"But the fans still have it and so does the rest of the internet..." I smiled, "I know Colbs, and I know it's my fault just as much as yours... It was a joint mistake...."

"We should have just done a basic recording device, something that didn't have access to wifi or Bluetooth," he smiled.

"Which is basically non-existent nowadays..." I giggled, kissing him softly.

"This is true, but we just gotta be more careful, but I must say what I did get to see of the video it was pretty sexy..." he chuckled.

"Was it? I always feel like those things are never sexy just weird..." I laughed.

"YOU were very sexy...." he promised and smiled at my bag. Then he glances at me raising a brow.

"Packing kinda early aren't ya?" he asked.

"No, I need to be prepared!" I laughed, "I'll be adding and removing things up until we leave, it's a process."

"I get it, but what I came in for was to say Sam finished your youtube page if you wanna see it!" he said.

"Oh! He didn't have to do all that, I would have gotten to it! he's so busy with your stuff!" I said.

"I know but he's gonna show you how to use OBS and get things taken care of and edited... he'll teach and help from here on out..." he said.

"Okay, I don't want my channel causing him any stress..." I said. 

"Not at all, he's happy to help! we're all caught up editing and such for these next couple weeks of videos, then we're just filming at our new locations..." he said. 

"Well let's go peek and be nosy!" I smiled and he led me into sam's "office". Once we got there I was so happy with the layout and the things he had set up! He even had my socials all connected to it and had their channels under suggested channels. He had done so much for me and I was so happy with it.

"This is amazing Sam, thanks so much!" I said. 

"Sure, no problem," he said with a nod.

"I mean it, you guys have done so much for me and I couldn't be more grateful!" I said.

"I got a thing on our Instagram and our youtube shouting you out, so shouldn't take long for followers to come and check it out and subscribe. Now all we have to do is get your intro video recorded for it before we leave and you'll be set!" he said.

"That would be great! Thank you," I smiled. 

"I helped Kat with some of her stuff, so it's not a problem," he said, "Just make me one promise!"

"Of course anything!" I said, placing my hand over my heart and offering him my pinky finger.

"No more sexy live broadcasts," he smiled, latching his pinky onto mine.

"I swear to god never again!" I giggled shaking our pinkies in agreeance. 

"Then no worries, we're golden, you packed for the UK yet?" he asked.

"Working on it, you?" I asked looking around his office and seeing all the camera equipment sprawled out.

"No, just organizing a couple of things, but I hear Kat and Amanda are working on theirs... you females..." he laughed.

"Hey! we're picky and want to make sure we have everything... it--" I began.

"A process," he finished, "I know that is what Kat said."

"Just gotta make sure your stuff can be in a couple of bags, we're flying remember?" Colby chuckled.

"I know and checked luggage can be expensive!" I smiled, kissing him gently.

"SO Jen, let's plan for tomorrow to get your intro video recorded, and plan a street pop-up reading for the UK to get things started!" he said, "So pack your laptop, your cameras, and such as well!"

"I have my laptop, but what cameras?" I asked confused.

"OH right, I knew I forgot that part!" Colby said and took me back to our room and pulled out a box and handed it to me. I opened it up and found a brand-new camera, some SD cards, extra batteries, and a carrying bag.

"It's everything you need to get started... I will be happy to help film when you go out and about, we make a good team.." he smiled handing me each thing as he talked.

"Awww, babe this is amazing, you didn't have to do this! I swear I will pay you back for everything!!" I promised, hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome baby girl, and you don't have to pay me back! It's a gift!" he said.

"Are you sure, I feel awful, this is so extravagant!" I said looking at everything. This couldn't have been cheap!!

"I am sure! you're my girlfriend, it's a gift..." he said with a smile.

"Thank you, Colby, thank you so much!" I said hugging him again. He held me tight to his chest and I could feel him smiling against my temple.

"I love you J, and I will do anything to help you..." he said softly. We parted and I kissed him.

"I love you too Colbs, thank you, thank you so much..." I repeated. I know we'd been thru some shit since we met but he was such an incredible man and I could not wait to go to the UK for the very first time with him. And with him and our friends at my side, I  knew things were gonna work out just fine. 

Even if my tits were all over the internet.

~*~*~*~AUTHOR'S NOTES~*~*~*~

A happy ending to a chapter? It's definitely a good start, and the UK trip is happening in the next few chapters! Any thoughts on what should happen or places I should research for them? Leave a comment if you have any thoughts!

 I am so grateful to each and every one of you. WE'RE almost at 22K!!! like this is UNREAL! I've never had a story in my 10+ years of writing on this platform do this well in such a short time. 

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!!

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