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Jennifer's POV


Arriving at our hotel room, I immediately set my bag down and turned to face Colby. He pulled me to him attaching our lips together.

"Right now? you wanna start right now?" he mumbled into my lips as I began fighting with his top.

"Yes Colby, right now..." I said firmly as he lifted his arms to let me remove it. It slid over his head with ease as he began fighting with my clothes as well. First came my shirt swiftly over my head as we both kicked off our shoes. He immediately moved me to press my back against the wall of our hotel room.

It only took a moment for his hand to go around my chin to move my neck just right for his lips to begin dancing over it. It was a light step up and down the left side of it before his hand fully wrapped around it. He had perfect pressure! not too tight but just enough to turn me on and show me his dominance.

It truly was my favorite thing with him, as far as foreplay goes. The sex itself was always incredible but this time felt different! I noticed his kisses never intensified, they stayed soft, almost breathless. It was so subtle I knew he was gonna take his time.

"Colby," I whispered, feeling my body begin to get desperate from his torturously slow movements.

"Yes?" He asked his kisses still moving downward inching toward my stomach. He eventually reached my hips his fingers latching around my panties and sliding them off my hips. I lifted my body just enough for him to remove them!

He tossed them behind him onto the floor. Then he placed his lips back over my thighs kissing everywhere but where I needed him to.

"Please Colby," I begged. He chuckled in that sexy deep voice I adore so much. He was torturing me and loving ever second. He placed his head between my thigh and ran a finger over my folds. He then proceeded to taste it off hi finger his eyes locked on mine the entire time.

He ran his tongue over me and finally began to abuse my clit with his tongue. I let my body fall back against the bed my hands gripping the sheets as he worked me over.

"Fuck," I panted unable to think of anything else but that to express how amazing it was. I was moaning a bit too loudly but I couldn't help myself he was incredible at what he did. After a moment I felt him slide two fingers into me, making my back arch off the bed gentle finger stroke began drawing me closer to my first orgasm.

He pulled his mouth away from me biting at my hips as his fingers continued to pick up speed. His other hand began to rub and circle my clit at full speed making my legs begin to tense before I finally felt my orgasm pulsate thru my legs and stomach.

I cried out his name letting my body shake for him. Once I began to calm down he finally stood to remove his clothes, me watching ever single movement. I was expecting him to turned me around and pull me to the edge of the bed, but he didn't he climbed up to me between my legs before gently pushing into me.

"Shit J," he whispered kissing me softly. He began a gentle and slow push and pull. It was so gentle and relaxed. It was passionate and he was fully focused on me.

He was hitting my spot just right as he was going from slow to quick and back again while his lips were either all over my neck or pressing against mine. We weren't going fast but my body was still trying to keep up.

"Colby.. yes," I moaned my arms around his neck my hands entangled in his hair. He brought on a second orgasm for me before he began aiming for his own climax. I wasn't even sure how long we'd been going at it but it felt like time stopped during it. It was him and I with no cares for the outside world.

I felt safe, protected and loved in a way I hadn't felt in a very long time. Once we finally came to a stop we were both breathing heavily his face buried in my chest. I stroked his sweaty hair back. We were sticky from our mess and sweat.

"My god that was incredible...." I whispered once he finally rolled onto his back beside me.

"Yes yes it was," he whispered back., turning to smile at me. He was glistening with sweat and his eyes were a darker blue than normal. Almost a navy blue. The more he relaxed his eyes shifted back to his normal baby blues.

"Your eye shade changes colors..." I smiled stroking his face with my fingertips.

"They do huh?" He smiled reaching for some Kleenex off the nightstand to clean up.

"Always making a mess aren't you sir?" I teased.

"Not all of this is me baby girl!" He chuckled. I smiled and got myself up to go use the restroom. My legs were a bit weak but I managed to get myself cleaned up and back to him with a towel for him to clean up properly.

"We might need a shower and clean sheets!" He chuckled.

"Probably, but shower first and then we can just sleep on the other full size!" I said nodding to the second bed. He smiled and nodded in Agreement. So we got ourselves into the shower, stripped the dirty sheets and into the seconds bed for a bit of sleep before we had to head to Bruce castle.

He pulled me into his arms, my back against his bare chest. He kissed my shoulder and I could feel his hands shaking a bit.

"Jennifer.... I think I love you....." he whispered nervously.

AAANNNDDD there it is... how's Jen gonna react? I dunno... I guess we'll find out I'm a few days...

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