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Colby's POV

I was so nervous for my parents arrival. I am sure everything would be fine but I couldn't help but be super nervous about their reaction.

I made sure the house is nice and clean this morning before Jen even woke up! The last thing I wanted her to do is clean the house pregnant. Yeah, yeah I know women have been doing that for years but I was going to be looking after her and I didn't want her to lift a finger if she didn't have to.

And I was sure that my mom would give me the same lecture. And I would only do it until Jen told me to knock it off. And I'm sure that wasn't going to be very far behind. I knew for sure that she was eventually going to remind me that she wasn't broken.

When we returned home from the UK, I was doting over her all the time. She didn't seem to mind that, but I did catch her once or twice rolling her eyes. But I was definitely spoiling her running bath, making dinner and doing most of the house work.

" Colby would you relax the last thing you parents are gonna be worried about is if the dishes are done. We have a dishwasher just load it," Jen giggled coming downstairs.

"Sorry babe I'm just trying to make sure the house is nice and clean for when they arrive," I said. She came over and kiss me softly.

"Then let me help you," she said, adding dishes to the dishwasher. She got one of our dishwasher pods into the correct spot and then got the silverware tray organized.

"Babe you know I really wish you wouldn't do that! You shouldn't have to do any of the stuff!" I said.

"I know I get that, but here's the thing! I'm barely pregnant , I'm not even showing and I am perfectly capable," she giggled. I Side kissed her temple, and we made it a joint effort.

About noon I heard the doorbell ring. My parents of course didn't wait for us to answer the door. They know that it's a ring and enter kind of house. As they came in I was so excited to see them. I rushed over to my mom giving her the biggest hug! I feel like I haven't seen her in forever.

"Oh my gosh, my baby boy I have missed you so much!" She said, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and offered for them to sit at the island as Jen started the dishwasher.

"So how was the UK? Jennifer good to see that you're doing well," my dad said. Jen smiled and took a seat sitting down with us.

"Thank you very much, sir I appreciate that! And it was pretty great the one day that I got to see it," she laughed.

"Yes, you definitely seem to be a little ghost magnet," he chuckled.

"Definitely," she said, shaking your head, "Amanda even said I was like a human rem pod!"

"Yes,"my mom said, "but here's my question you didn't bring us here to talk to us about the UK. What was so important? We had to fly here right away?"

"Well, I guess we could just spit it out!" I suggested. My mom's eyes began to widen. Was she expecting this? Did she already have a hint?

"While I was in the hospital, I found out I had a condition,"Jen said gently, making my mom's face drop.

"Condition?" Mom asked, "what kind of condition?"

"Don't worry too much mom," I said, "it should clear up in about 26 weeks!" She looked confused for only a moment before she began to squeal and excitement.

"Oh my god are you kidding me?! Jennifer are you pregnant?" She asked excitedly. Jennifer blushed and nodded, and I went to stand beside her to make sure that they knew we were in this together.

"Wow, of my two boys. I definitely wasn't expecting it to be you!" Dad said, nodding his approval.

"You that's what I was telling Jen," I laughed, "I was constantly telling her that you would be in complete shock because I said for the longest time when I was younger that I didn't want kids."

"well, I'm definitely glad you changed your mind! I think the two of you are perfect for each other and you're gonna make great parents!" he said.

"Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! oh my gosh! I can't believe it my first grandbaby!" Mom squealed with excitement.

"Congratulations, big brother!" My brother said, hugging me, "I'm gonna be the best uncle ever!"

"I have no doubt man!" I said, hugging him back. And then I turned my mom and she's latched onto me and Jen all excited.

"So tell me, how many weeks are you?" She asked

"I believe the doctor said we were at 10 or 11 weeks. I don't remember!" Jen said.

"Well, that is very exciting! Have you always wanted a family?" She asked.

"It's definitely something I've always wanted, Jen smile and I know with Colby it's going to be perfect and it's gonna be a beautiful little baby!"

"Definitely as long as we're together, it's gonna be a perfect pairing," I said, "I'm so excited. I'm already having dreams about our child!"

"Really Dreams already?" Mom asked, "what kind of dreams?"

"I had a dream that we were gonna have a little girl, and I even had a dream about what her name would be," I said.

"And what name is that?" Dad asked with a smile.

"Samara," I smile glancing at jen.

"And it wasn't until he told me that dream that I let him know that's the name I've always wanted for my daughter since I was little," Jen nodded.

"So I guess my next question would be and I'm not trying to rush or anything but I have to ask. Clearly you're not gonna raise a baby in Vegas so When are you moving back home?" Mom asked.

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