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Colby's POV

"Babe," I said nervously. She was silent. She seemed to freeze up before she sat up and turned to me.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say to me?" She asked fear on her face.

" I... I said I think I love you," I said softly reaching for her. She let me take her hands in mine, pulling her close to me.

"J... say something..." I said softly, feeling like I may have just fucked everything up with my outburst.

"I.. Colby, it's so fast, and that's such a huge word..." she whimpered, her eyes darting back and forth from my hands to my eyes.

"I know... I'm sorry, I should have kept quiet...." I said sadly, looking down at my own hands. She lifted my chin and smiled at me.

"No no! Colby! I... I'm crazy about you! Please don't ever take back how you feel! I love your honesty SO much!" She said stroking my face.

"I just, I thought you and I were on the same page... the way it feels when we're connected, the fact that we live together... I just, I thought...." I rambled. She stopped me with a kiss.

"I know Colby I know..... I'm just not ready to say the word back, that's all...." She said, "but you have me... I'm yours...."

"I know, I just it is a bit rough to say it and it feels like rejection..." I said, not wanting to sound winey or pathetic, but I had to be honest. Guys feel rejection just as easily as females do.

"It's not babe, I swear, you have me.. and in time I will be where you are...." she said, kissing me softly, "And I promise, you'll be the first to know." I chuckled.

"I would hope so!" I smiled kissing her again and pulling her back into my arms. For now, I just wanted to sleep and not think about this and hope we'd both forget about it after our nap.

Thankfully our nap helped me freshen up and focus on the job at hand. We had a lot to get done, going to the castle to talk over everything and get some information, it was gonna be a long night ahead of us.

"Alright, Guys you ready to begin our first UK investigation with some research?" Sam chuckled. It was so great having all five of us at the first one. It was gonna be a great beginning. Then Jen and Kat would be doing Jen's street stuff the next day so that was gonna be so great for her. Kat was so excited to be a part of Jen's channel. They'd become best friends thru everything we'd all done together.

"Yes let's get this show on the road!" I smiled. We recorded our intro and then headed in to talk to the tour guides.

"Hello! Welcome to Bruce's Castle... I am Theresa, I've worked here for almost 5 years now... I'll be your guide today!" she smiled.

"So tell us, what's the big story about this place?" Sam asked.

"Well, the history here is mostly about one specific ghost! This 16th century  was originally known as 'Lordship House' and was once home to Lady Constantina Lucy. The mysterious circumstances of how her ladyship met her end are still widely speculated by historians and ghost hunters like yourselves to this day," she said.

"DO you think it's haunted?" I asked her as Jen was closing her eyes and focused on something.

"For sure, historians may not be certain, but what is certain is the history. That she was married to Henry Hare, 2nd Lord Coleraine, who inherited Bruce Castle after his father died choking on a turkey bone. The marriage was said to not be a happy one and after growing tired of his young wife, Lord Coleraine had Lady Constantina Lucy locked away at the top of the family home. Over time, their relationship gradually got worse and she was allegedly locked away under the clock tower in a small room. Unhappy with her miserable confinement, Lady Constantina Lucy jumped off the balcony with her child, killing both of them," Theresa said.

"She was angry, still is," Jen said, softly, "She's still confined to this place.

"Have there been any sightings or activity?" Amanda asked, gazing around.

"Usually right around the anniversary of her death are full body apparition sightings.. other than that doors are shutting, lights flicker, loud knocks are heard..." Theresa said.

"When did all that start happening here?" I asked.

"They say the first sighting of her ghost wasn't until 200 years after her death!" she said.

"WHOA! 200 years?! That's crazy!" I said.

"It seems a bit odd for there to be such a huge gap..." Jen said, shaking her head, but Amanda was nodding in agreement.

"It's the big mystery, it's why so many historians don't believe it's true," our guide stated.

"What have you personally experienced?" Kat asked her.

"Well, I've had lights turn on without anyone in the room or doors shut when I am here alone closing up at night. It's definitely a bit scary," she said.

"Anything else physical or touching that happens?" Sam asked.

"Nothing that we're aware of! But who knows, there's a first for everything..." she shrugged.

"Oh, I don't like the way you said that," Jen laughed, "almost like you're holding back."

"No no, I meant it, I've had no reports of it and it's not happened to me, but with the history and mystery of this ghost, who knows..." she said putting her hands up.

"Well thank you so much, Theresa, for all your help, feel free to leave us here all alone and we'll get our investigation started!!!" Sam smiled. Theresa left us to it and Jen held my arm.

"Things are about to start you guys! And I think at some point tonight we need to split up... all go our separate ways..." Sam said.

"We could do that, the girls go off together and you and I go off alone... Then one of the girls goes off alone to the tower," I agreed, pointing the camera to the girls, showing Amanda and Kat already had their fingers on their noses.

"God dammit! that's not fair! I wasn't ready!" Jen laughed, shaking her head.

"You gotta be they're sneaky!" Amanda chuckled, clearly knowing once I said to the girls what I was planning.

"Alright alright! Challenge accepted!!!" Jen said throwing her hands up, "BUT I get a camera with a light!"

"Agreed!" Sam said, "No blackout for you!"

"And a rempod if you want one," I said, with a smile.

"Dude, she's a walking rempod," Amanda reminded me, making Jen raise a brow.

"Okay Okay, touche!" I said hugging my girlfriend. It was gonna be an interesting night.

~*~*~AUTHOR'S NOTES~*~*~

Alright, guys, there's part one of the Bruce's Castle investigation! Do you guys like the way I do these investigations, getting the information in one chapter and the investigation in another, even tho I think we may do two chapters for this part, what are your thoughts? I know some people find the information part boring, but I think it's important for you all to know that I do my research!

The history of Bruce's Castle is courtesy of this website: https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1491474/2chill-bruce-castle-haunted-london-manor-lady-ghost

BTW How sexy is Colby in that Chapter picture? He's trying to be sexy when really all I see are bedroom eyes... LOL Anyways thanks so much for the incredible response this story has been receiving. I am UNBELIEVABLY grateful for all the reads, votes, and comments! So much love!


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