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Colby's POV

We headed downstairs to meet up with Sam and Kat and they were waiting for us all dressed and ready. They looked great and kat hugged Jen as soon as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked, grabbing his keys and coat.

"Hell yeah, let's get the show on the road!" I said, excitedly as we stepped toward the front door.

"Definitely, let's get going. I am starving and so is the baby!" Jen said brightly as I helped her get her coat on.

"Yes, can't keep that baby waiting. Let's go get it fed," Katrina said we headed out the door to Sam's Tesla and climbed in. I did love this car. It was really beautiful. I knew my car would need work for Jen and me for now. It had a backseat for a baby car seat.

Once we all got loaded into the vehicle, we headed to a nearby restaurant that would carry pasta and all the other goodies that Jen had been craving lately. We knew we had to cater to Jen and the baby first and foremost and the rest of us weren't too picky, we would find something fairly quickly. The restaurant wasn't that far away, so it only took us about 10 minutes or so to get there.

Once we arrived we drove into the parking lot to look for a place to park. Once we found one, I was the first to get out and I went to her side of the car to open Jen's door. I offered her my hand to help her out of the vehicle. She smiled and took it and lifted herself out of the car with my assistance.

We headed inside and asked for a table for four. They got us to a small table located in the back for privacy. Sam and I pulled out the chairs for our ladies and then scooted them in. Once we took a seat, we ordered some drinks, most of us had a glass of wine or a beer while Jen had some water.

"I guess there are lots of things to celebrate today, huh?" Sam asked. We all nodded and calmly looked over at Jen and she nodded her approval to get right down to it.

"Yes, and we were hoping we could all chat about something!" I smiled, resting my hand on Jen's knee as we gazed at each at our round table.

"Of course what did you have in mind?" sam asked, his arm around Kat, as she gazed at the menu.

"Well, we wanna start by making sure you guys are okay with us staying at the house with the baby," I said, making Sam look at me shocked. Kat's head lifted immediately almost as surprised as he was.

"Of course, we can soundproof before she comes and makes sure nothing we do involving guest or party wise disturns baby's rest.." he said, nodding his head as Kat sighed and got back to the menu.

"Okay, that's great, we already want to start planning a bit of construction to give the baby their half of our room," Jen smiled. Kat smiled and eventually sat aside her menu, clearly finalizing her choice. 

"And then we only have one other question for you," I said, as Jen began to look over her menu. 

"Shoot! anything you want!" Sam said, reaching for his menu.

"We of course had this planned from the second we found out, but we want you and Katrina to be the baby's godparents..." I said with a smile, making Kat's head jerk to us both with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh! really?!" Kat said excitedly, getting up to hug Jen. Jen chuckled and hugged her back.

"Of course, who else could it possibly be?!" Jen chuckled as they parted. Kat rubbed her belly and did one more hug.

"I don't know Colby's brother or a friend at home..." she said, glancing over at me.

"Sam IS my brother.." I smiled, patting Sam's back. Kat smiled and came over to hug me.

"Thanks, man, for sure.... this is amazing... we'll be great godparents," Sam said as they man-hugged it out.

"For sure that baby will definitely be a spoiled rugrat," Kat nodded, "oh my gosh Sam, we need to go baby shopping!"

"Alright love, for now, let's relax and have some dinner, we can discuss baby gifts later," Sam laughed. We all took our seats and I was so glad that we were gonna have them as our baby's godparents. So far this kid had a great future ahead of them. 

Thru dinner, the girls were all chittering and excited talking baby stuff.

"So how you feeling dude?" Sam asked me trying to get me to focus back on guy talk.

"Good, I am super excited to be a father, but terrified at the exact same time," I said honestly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I am sure you are, but you're gonna be a great dad," he reassured. That made me feel great. Hearing that from Sam really made it so much more special. 

had happened in just the last ten years or so.

"Thanks, Sam, I just really hope I can keep myself out of trouble and not mess this poor kid up," I chuckled.

"You got nothing to worry about, I mean think about it, look what we've been thru, and we have survived," he chuckled. We had been thru so much together, from high school to our exploring, to jail, our ghost investigations, and now building families. He was getting married, I was about to have a baby and I still couldn't believe all this 

Our lives were truly taking a turn and I couldn't wait to begin on the biggest adventure our lives could possibly ask for.

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~

I know this is a crazy short chapter, but I figured after making you guys wait so long for it, the least I could do is release something over Christmas weekend. I think this story will be coming to a close soon, only 5-10 more chapters, we shall see what the future holds. Like Sam and Colby, we've come so far together, from a new story to reaching the goal of 100K reads. I Love you guys to pieces.


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