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Colby's POV

It was finally time, Jennifer and I were rushing to the hospital, her contractions 3 minutes apart. My little girls were on their way.

"Colby it hurts..." she whimpered.

"I know you're hurting babe, remember your breathing... I am right here.." I said, trying to calm her down. I had to support her through everything I could. She just nodded and began breathing, crying as another contraction went through her body.

I tried to race to the hospital as fast as I could. I was so scared about becoming a dad, but I had to stay strong for her. She was about to do the most incredible thing a woman could ever do. She was so damn strong 95 percent of the time, but she was so fragile at this exact moment. I couldn't believe she could ever be this way, but I knew when the time came she would be so strong to bring our girls into the world.

Arriving at the hospital I parked and went to get her a wheelchair before rushing to help her into it. Once she was seated, I rushed her to the front doors to head up to the delivery floor. The lady at reception called up to the delivery floor so they were ready for it. When we arrived we were greeted at the door, sweetly and calmly as they led us to a labor and delivery room. It was beautiful and very cozy.

Once they got her all settled and hooked up, I got a chair to sit by her bedside.

"I am so damn proud of you jennifer... you're so strong," I said stroking her hair as the nurse gave her some pain meds thru her iv.

"Im gonna be much better in a few moments..." she said smiling at the nurse.

"You're right at 6 centimeters already, these meds are to get you to 10... comfortably..." the nurse smiled.

"6? already?" I asked.

"Yes, you said she's been contracting off and on for 24 hours at home... so yes her body has been doing quite a bit of work at home! I am quite impressed she's been so relaxed as a first-time mom..." she said.

"She is a strong-ass woman..." I nodded.

"Yes she is," she smiled before heading off to prep for Jennifer's delivery. They had to get two hospital bassinets for the twins. It was a chaotic few hours before the doctor came in to check on her. I had already spoken with Sam and Katrina out in the lobby as they waited for the big news. So everyone was waiting for the exciting news, as our families were waiting by the phone to hear something. The doctor smiled up at jennifer after doing a dilation check.

"Well, are you ready to meet your girls?" she asked.

"Yes yes is it time?" Jennifer asked. The doctor nodded and waved the nurses to get things 100 percent ready and help jennifer get sat up and ready.

"Alright Dad, we just want you to support her, from her head here, okay?" the nurse instructed.

"Okay, I got this," I nodded and smiled down at Jennifer, "You got this beautiful, you're doing so well. I am so proud of you! Ignore me, focus on the girls... I'm here if you need me.." She just nodded and held my hand tightly as the nurses helped hold her legs back so she could push with all her might when she felt another contraction.

After an hour or so tiny cries filled the room as our first little girl arrived. the nurse helped move me up to get a glance at our daughter and cut a cord. My hands were shaking and I was in shock at this tiny little person and this little life we had created. I only got a few seconds to focus on her before she was carted off to get cleaned up and we were immediately back to pushing. I was in shock at how fast our next little girl arrived, only 6 minutes later. The room was filled with crying as the girls were cleaned up. It was then I realized I had tears rolling down my face. I had daughters. I had TWO daughters.

AS they helped get Jennifer cleaned up they let me go out into the waiting room, to see Sam and Katrina. I sauntered in, still crying and overwhelmed.  They immediately jumped up.

"Colby, what is it?" he asked, with a worried tone "Is everything alright?" I just nodded.

"They're here... the girls are here...." I smiled.

"Oh my gosh, our god babies are here?" Katrina asked.

"Yes they're getting Jen and them all cleaned up.. they said you can come in in just a few hours, can you please call our families for us please?" I asked.

Katrina nodded, "Of course.... of course, go be with your girls..." Sam hugged me tightly and patted my back.

"I can't believe you're A dad... congratulations....." he said.

"Thanks, man! I can't believe this!!" I smiled, then headed back to the room to see my girls. Jen was all settled and had the girls settled on her chest. I hurried over to kiss her forehead and smile down at me, I could believe they were mine.

"I can't believe this.... they're here... HERE! our girls," she said softly, smiling down at them.

"I know, it's amazing....." I said stroking their dark hair. They had beautiful blue eyes and they had Jennifer's cute nose and ears. they were a clear mix of both of us.

"Names?" the nurse asked, standing there with a clipboard and pencil.

"The oldest is Samara Leigh and the youngest is Fiona Jane," Jennifer smiled. The nurse wrote them down and nodded as she jotted a few things down before attaching their name bands and information to their tiny ankles. My daughters were here and I was a father. My life was always chaos and now nothing else matters to me except these beautiful little gifts of life.

I was a father... My life had changed forever and it was all for the best.

Samara Leigh and Fiona Jane Brock had arrived... and I couldn't want anything else but this.

~*~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~*~

So there it is... the twins are here, and this is the end of Book One... I am sorry for the long wait. For those who do not know, I am a full-time medical assistant and I also am a full-time homeschooling mom of a young transgender teen. Things have been insane for us these past six months with how the world is going and my having such a full schedule. I am doing best to update as often as I am able and I am so grateful for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!

Please feel free to follow and favorite my profile for a notice when Book Two is posted and begins.

I am so honored that everyone has bee so kind and so dedicated to this book. I apologize to those who comment and I don't always see them. wattpads notification system is so messed up.

The Brock Family is posted and started! Check it out on my profile to continue the journey!


🖤🖤🖤🖤Halsey Rae🖤🖤🖤🖤

🖤🖤🖤🖤Halsey Rae🖤🖤🖤🖤

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