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Colby's POV

Getting onto the plane I was anxious. I needed to get home with Jennifer. She had me all riled up and not I was gonna have to fly with a massive hard-on.

"Colbs, what are you doing?" sam asked as we got settled.

"Doing? with what?" I asked confused, as we get ourselves comfortable.

"With Jen.. we're working with her," he said, "She is an amazing medium... you can't fuck and run with her... I want her to continue working with us!" I sighed.

"Dude I am aware! I promise you it's not like that! shes into me I'm into her, who knows where it goes!" I said.

"I get that, but dude... we are not losing another great female haunter and youtube because you can't keep your dick in check," he said softly.

"My dick is in check!" I said firmly, a bit frustrated. I was a bit annoyed with his assumption! Sure I loved sex, I've been with my fair share of them, but I liked Jen this was more than a drunk night and sex. I'll be sober... and she'll be staying over.

This wasn't a one-time thing. And I guarantee after this weekend I'd make trips to see her and vice versa. I wanted to be with her for sure if she wanted it, but I definitely have to take it easy and keep her safe!

Not just on our investigations but from the fans. Shea got death threats just for being my girlfriend! They can get pretty possessive and want to know everything!! And they don't like me being with anyone. They're jealous little females sometimes. Even my female friends get death threats and hate how close we are.

"I just don't want you treating her in a bad way so she leaves!" he said.

"Dude, what the fuck, why do you assume I'm gonna treat her bad?! great best friend!" I said a bit annoyed. I don't know what the fuck is going on with him.

"I'm not trying to be an ass, but you know as well as I do we've gone thru how many females? from Maddi to the fans to your hormones?" he asked. I sighed. I mean I guess I get it, there's a lot that comes with being my friend or a girlfriend. I was so annoyed with this situation.

"I get it, it is fine, I'm gonna try and sleep for a couple of hours," I said. I let myself get comfortable, as we waited for the plane to finish boarding and take, then I let myself get a nap for our short 2 hours flight. It didn't take long for me to drift off and once I did fall asleep my dream immediately started with Jen and I's lips pressed together and her fighting with my clothes.

Did I really need a nasty dream right now? Yes, yes I need it to get some ideas to make sure that tonight I went in with a game plan. I was just getting to the final highlight,  it seemed like seconds before that when Sam began to wake me. I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to finish this dream. Dammit.

I sat up rubbing my eyes and got my seatbelt back on for landing. Shit... I guess yay we're back in Las Vegas, so I could get to the real thing. I was anxious as we got the release to un-board the plane. I grabbed my carry-on and we exited the plane. We waited for Jen to un-board and join us. She looked exhausted.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked as she came over to walk beside me. She nodded.

"Yeah, the plane was a bit overwhelming. So many spirits were so loud. Ever since that encounter at the Stanley they're all so much louder and overwhelming," she said softly. She yawned covering her mouth and then pouted a bit leaning her head on my shoulder.

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