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Jennifer's POV


When the food arrived I was starving! We all ate in silence clearly all famished from the day's activities. After we finished eating I helped Kat clean up the dinner mess before I was swept off by Colby back up the stairs.

"Colby!! I was trying to clean!!!" I giggled as he rushed us up the stairs. He smirked back at me.

"We can clean later!!" He said as we reached his bedroom. He immediately brought my lips to his lifting his sweater over his head. I pulled his lips back to mine once he was free of it running my hands up the T-shirt he still had on.

He took hold of my face tilting it to the side and kissing up the side of my neck before biting roughly at the skin above my collarbone. I let out a deep moan, loving the feeling of his grip. He reconnected our lips and his hand gently held my throat as I was running my hands up to remove the last piece of fabric covering his chest.

We parted for only a moment to slip it over his head before I finally got a view of his chest and stomach. Fuck me he was so damn sexy. I ran my hands up his chest before he forced my lips back to his.

He led us to his bed our lips not parting for even a second. Once the back of my knees hit his mattress I hopped onto it letting him remove his shirt from my body, tank top and all. He groaned the second he caught a view of my bra-covered breasts and buried his face in my cleavage biting at my skin.

He wrapped my legs around his waist and moved me back on the bed so he could tower over me. He began fighting with my front bra clasp. It only took him a few seconds before he unhooked it and released my breasts. His lips were all over my neck as his left hand grasped my right breast massaging it roughly.

His other hand was back around my neck making me gasp. Fuck he knew what he was doing we didn't even have all our clothes off yet and I was soaked.

"Fuck," I panted as his lips fell onto my breast biting at my nipples and making them stand at attention. I began fighting with his jeans but he pinned my hands above my head not allowing me to.

He pulled back from me and began pulling at my shorts and underwear removing them roughly then readjusting me up the bed again. He began kissing down my body biting at my skin and leaving a few marks on his way down.

He moved to position his torso between my legs. He kissed over my stomach breathing deeply as his fingers slid over my thighs and hips. Then he ran two fingers between my lips feeling my wetness.

"Fuck J you're ready aren't you?" He groaned raising me off his fingers.

"Oh god yes please," I begged. He moved his head between my legs and spread my lips open with one hand before he began dancing his tongue across my clit and dipping the full width of his tongue up and down my lips. I let out a loud moan, desperate for him to fuck me. Whether with his fingers or his tongue I was desperate for penetration.

"Please Colby I'm begging you," I whimpered. He chuckled against my lower lips before I felt him slide two fingers into me making me cry out. My hands gripped the bed sheets under me and I arched my back.

"Fuck yes just like that," I groaned. He began pumping his fingers in and out as his tongue started circles around my clit gently biting at it intermittently. I was desperate for release and he was already bringing me close to the edge.

He groaned into me causing another vibration. The speed of his fingers intensified and in what felt like seconds my legs began to shake.

"Fuck Colby shit yes that's ughhhh fuck so good!!!" I squealed, as the rest of my body joined my legs and I came over his tongue making him drink every drop as I poured my juices for him.

Once my body calmed down he stood to remove his jeans and his boxers reaching for a condom. I was still shivering as I waited with bated breath for his next move.

"Colby..." I groaned, "if you're that talented with your tongue I can't imagine your fucking skills." I leaned up on my elbow seeing him walking toward me his cock obviously ready for the next part of this. He got a condom slid on and joined me on the bed.

He spread my legs and positioned himself between them. He kissed me roughly then slide his hand around my neck again as he slid himself into me. I moaned as I took every inch. I was ready! So ready!

"Fuck, you're tight!" He growled before he began pushing in and out at a torturously slow pace. I was moaning with each stroke, my legs around his hips as he knelt between them. He gripped my hips and every time we connected it was a loud slapping of skin coming together.

I arched my back and began rolling my hips back to his wanting him to pick up speed. He held my hips to the mattress not allowing me to go at my pace.

"No," he growled before I felt his hand connect with my thigh. He was changing speeds constantly, from slow and deep to fast and rough. My body couldn't keep up and I felt my second orgasm teetering on the edge.

"Oh god Colby, fuck!" I moaned, my hands gripping the sheets and shivering as my body began to lose control. He groaned as I tightened around him. After a moment he turned me over and lifted my ass in the air before pressing back into me.

He gripped my hair and pulled back as he began speeding up and clearly reaching for his own end. I tried to push back against him to increase speed but he spanked me roughly to make me stop.

"Please please Colby one more before you end," I begged, "I'm so fucking close!" He groaned and reaches around to rub my clit causing my body to begin to tense as he continued his thrusts. I came quickly making him grabbed my throat and pull me back against his chest.

After that, it was all him wanting release. I did everything I could to help end him. Talk nasty to him and kiss every part of him I could reach in this position. Soon his movements got sloppy.

He was groaning before he pressed my face into the mattress and gripped my hips as his thrusts slowed and I felt him twitch inside of me.

"Fuck... shit that's good, fuck," he groaned before I get another spank and he collapsed onto me kissing over my back and shoulders.

"Fucking hell that was good," I panted. He pulled out and rolled onto his back, breathing heavily.

"God damn that was worth the wait...." He said palming my ass in his hands. It was about damn time for us. I needed it and clearly, he was good at what he did. I had a new addiction and it was Colby Brock.

~*~*~AUTHOR'S NOTES~*~*~
There you go everyone! The chapter everyone was anxiously awaiting. I hope you're all enjoying this story! Any ideas or things you're hoping to see?! Let me know!!


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