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Katrina's POV

Sam had sent me a text message saying he was on his way. So Jen gathered up her belongings and we headed downstairs to meet him at the pick-up spot. Once we got outside we took a seat on a bench and waited for him. It was beautiful out.

When Sam arrived 10 minutes later, to pick up Jen and me, he didn't have Colby with him. That was a bit odd to me. It also looks like Sam might have showered and changed his clothes. Clearly, we all needed that and I couldn't wait to do the same once we got back to the house we had rented.

I know that Jen for sure was ready to get out of this hospital into her regular clothes and Into a nice hot bath. She insisted that we stop somewhere on the way back to get bath bombs because she needed to relax.

"Hey, baby you made it Where is Colby?" I asked him, as he rolled his window down.

"I forced him to stay at the house and get a shower. Like an actual shower not a two-minute one here at the hospital." He said with a chuckle.

"I'm glad you were able to finally do that the nurses did tell me he was being a bit difficult, Jen chuckled.

Yeah here's a bit of a pain in the ass but I know it was because he was worried for you and he didn't want to leave in case she woke up and he wasn't there. Sam said opening the door for us girls. He got Jen in first before opening the front door for me and offering me his hand.

"Thanks, babe, always the gentleman," I smiled taking his hand to help get into the vehicle. Once I got seated in the passenger seat he gently shut the door and walked around to the other side.

"Do you ladies need anything before we get back to the house? He asked. Jen raised her hand to make sure that she had his attention.

"Yeah, can we swing by at a Walmart or a pharmacy or anything I want to get something for a good bath!!" She asked. He nodded and got into the car to drive. We drove for about five or 10 minutes before we reached a Walgreens.

We all got out and headed inside Jen went straight to the bath products and looked through their small selection of bath bombs. I headed over to check the snacks for the movie night that Jen and I had discussed for this evening.

"What's all that for?" Sam asked, Nodding to all the snacks I had in my hand.

"Jen and I were saying that we were going to have a movie night tonight just us girls," said brightly.

"Oh, that'll be fun if you guys decided what you're gonna see," He asked, softly with a smile.

"Not yet! we said that we would browse Netflix when we get back to the house," I said heading to the registers. Jen wasn't far behind with what looked like a purple container of bath bombs. I'm assuming she found the lavender ones she wanted.

Once we got everything paid for and in bags we headed back to the vehicle. Sam once again opened the doors for us ladies and then went around to get in the driver's seat. It was only another five minutes to the house and once we arrived he parked in the front instead of pulling around back like he usually did since we'd been staying here.

"OK, so Colby has a really cool thing set up for Jen's photos so it needs to be a surprise for you both so I'm going to blindfold you!!!" Sam said, Coming around to get us both blindfolded. It was a little odd that I needed to be blindfolded but I went with it. He did mine first and then I heard him move to let Jen out and must've done her next.

I felt Jen take my arm as we walked and I could feel that we were walking into the back part of the house by the beach. Once we reached a certain spot I felt her let go of me and I heard a bit of rustling around and movement.

"All right everyone ready?" I heard Colby ask. I laughed and nodded.

"Yes, yes! Come on, let's hurry up the anticipation is killing me," I laughed. After only another minute or two I felt the blindfold be removed. Once my eyes adjusted to the light in my surroundings I realize this was no photo shoot. There was a giant arch with flowers and candles everywhere. Sam was standing there with a large bouquet of flowers in his hand. It only took a second for me to realize what was about to happen and my hands shot straight to my mouth.

"Katrina we've been together for so long. It only took me two minutes to realize that I wanted to be with you and then another two minutes to realize that you were going to be my forever," Sam said softly, before he dipped down onto one knee, "I know this is many years in the waiting, But I knew that it had to be done correctly and perfectly for you. I love you so much and no one has ever made me as happy as you do. Now I ask that you make me even happier and agree to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

I was in complete shock. We had talked about it and always said that one day it would happen when we knew that it will work best for our schedule. But the fact that they had planned this all together and that he took the time to set all this up made my heart soar.

"Of course of course! Yes yes yes!!!" I guessed holding out my hand for him to place the ring on my finger. It had been five long years of waiting but it was worth every second for this moment. He stood up pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly. Many long years but now I can finally say that he was my fiancé. And most importantly one day I would be Mrs. Sam Golbach!!

I was surprised and couldn't be more grateful for this moment.

~*~*~ authors notes ~*~*~
Thank you all so much for reading this chapter! I'm sorry that it took so long to get up. I've been a little distracted the past couple of days. I've had a lot going on and not much time to edit and get this chapter ready to post but I hope it was worth the wait .

Once again, I can't thank you guys enough for your comments and your likes and your votes and everything else.

Don't forget, I do have three other Sam and Colby stories. I would love it if you would take a look at! The one I've just started, and I like to have a few chapters written before I start posting. For now, and just check out the others and let me know what you think!

And please feel free to point out any spelling mistakes in my auto correct and my Grammarly might not have caught. I tend to think that I got everything even after read through and sometimes still missing so feel free to point those out.

And most importantly, make sure you still be sending me your ideas for the story and I'll do my best to work them in.

Much love,

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