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Jennifer's POV
Pulling into the airport parking lot, I was so excited to finally meet Amanda. She had a very powerful gift! I didn't really have anyone to look up to till I saw her videos.

"You ready to go meet her, she texted and said shes waiting by check-in," Kat smiled. I nodded nervously. I couldn't wait for this. Once we parked we grabbed our bags and tucked our parking pass in the window. Colby took my hand in his and we headed inside.

"I hope Amanda and i can do really good things for your videos...." I said.

"You've done so well for us already and so has she... so the two of you combined is gonna be incredible..." he said.

"It's definitely gonna be an interesting night!" I agreed as we reached check in. Amanda was there looking calm and relaxed. She had an emotional shield up. Clearly with the amount of activity and emotions going around on around here. She was protecting herself.

"Jennifer! It's so great to meet you! Your last video with Sam and Colby was intense!!!" She smiled offering her hand. I smiled an shook it.

"Thanks it's so amazing to meet you! Your gift and abilities are super impressive!!" I saidz.

"I've not had physical contact recently like you have! I'd love to hear more of your stories!" She said as we headed off just her and I to check in, just chatting. She told me about her first experience with the paranormal while gushing over mine and how she wished she could have been there!

By the time we finished our stories we realized we'd reached security. I glanced back to Colby and he smiled winking at me. He knew how much I had needed a fellow medium to talk to about all this! And meeting Amanda was also pretty huge for me.

Amanda and I continued to chat till we go thru security. The last security guard seemed to be forcing a smile. I paused for a moment then went back to her.

"Ma'am are you alright?" I asked.

"yeah, I'm fine," she said confused raising a brow. Then I heard a voice.

"She's sad, I've only been gone a couple of weeks...." A man's voice said. I got a fatherly vibe from him.

"It's alright to still be grieving... it's only been a couple weeks... don't be too hard on yourself...." I said, "your father loves you..." She looked at me in shock.

"How.. how did you..." she asked before she began to cry.

"Oh.. sorry ma'am... I'm a medium... he's worried you're not talking the time to fully grieve..." I said.

"He's here?" She asked looking around.

"Forever and a day," I smiled looking from him to her. She hugged me tightly treating thank you, over and over. After a moment we continued on and she apparently took a break to collect herself as another security personnel took her place.

"Whoa! THAT was amazing!!! I sensed something and saw him but I didn't get all that! You're incredible!" Amanda gushed. I blushed.

"It's all about the feeling. I sent sadness in her so I opened my mind to be able to receive any messages and he popped in ughh in, right away," I said.

"You brought her some comfort that the incredible part! And you just went right up to her!" She smiled.

"I felt a responsibility about it.... I had to say something or my chakras would be all thrown off for the day!" I smiled.  L

Once we got to our terminal Sam and Colby got approached for a couple pictures and autographs before we got settled.

"I'm proud of you beautiful," colby said to me kissing my temple. I felt my cheeks turn hot and I nodded.

"Thanks was just following thru..." I smiled turning to kiss him. He smiled into the kiss then parted once Sam came over to interrupt.

"We might need to start recording your on the spot readings!" Sam said, sitting down beside me.

"Well o guess you need to be more on the ball then mr Golbach!!" I teased. He shook his head with a chuckle.

"Maybe! But it's not really predictable is it?" He said with a shrug.

"Nope but if it's important and needed, doing it with your iPhone should be good enough!!" I said, as I dug in my bag for a snack. Candy, pretzels, hmm... ahh! Ritz chips! I love these! I pulled out my small bag to munch. I wanted to have a bit of food in my belly for the flight take off. I still get a bit nauseous on take off.

I had my Xanax as well to calm my nerves but I haven't needed those lately as long as I kept some food in my system. After my quick snack they began calling first class. Colby took my hand as we grabbed our carry ons.

Our group headed to get in line to board. Sam said they don't do first class all the time but with oversea trips they were needed for the long flights! Colby insisted as well. He said they were both too tall to fit in coach for 13 hour flights!

I was fine either way but boarding into first class for the first time I was just in awe. I didn't even realize this was a thing! Recliners? TVs? Whoa!! This was Fancy! Once we got seated I almost didn't wanna touch anything it was so neat!

Colby set his bag in the compartment beside his seat and shit the cabinet door. I followed suit and got mine put up too before I got my phone out to take a selfie with him.

I got on Instagram and posted it with the caption: "Watch out UK we're headed your way!!! 🖤🖤"  I tagged colby in it and then set my phone aside as he got on, liked it and shared it to his story.

"I'm so excited for our first international trip together babe," he smiled.

"Me too! It's gonna be amazing!!!" I smiled. A whole week traveling and investigating the area! I was excited!! It was gonna be a great fresh start for us and for my new youtube channel Sam was so kind to help me with.

First stop.... London.

~*~*~*~AUTHOR'S NOTES~*~*~*~

Thank you all so much for being so patient with me! It's been tough to work 7 days a week and try to fit in time to write and find the inspiration! I'm so blessed you've all been so kind to read, vote , and comment!! I hope you love my other Sam and Colby stories as wel. Their process is just a bit slower! But thank you thank you thank you again! I can't be more grateful for all the love you've all shown!!


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