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Colby's POV
It had been a crazy week dealing with all this sex Livestream chaos! But today we were leaving for the UK to do some investigations! I had missed doing our work and we knew we had this trilogy to do and then we'd have to start planning for Hell Week!

It was gonna be so fun to have Jen and Amanda with us for these UK investigations! We'd do one with Jen, one with Amanda then we'd do the last one with them together! And of course, Kat was gonna be with us for all three! It was gonna be a great week!

"You got everything you need babe?" I asked her chuckling at her 2 big bags!

"Yes, I think so!! My personal stuff and my vlogging stuff!" She said looking at her bags with a nod.

"You know we are only going for a week right?" I chuckled, shaking my head at all her bags. 

"Yeah well not everyone can live out of a couple of book bags." She snickered, nodding to my bags.

"I'm a dude one bag is clothing the other is hair products and such," I said with a shrug zipping my final bookbag and getting it over my shoulder.

"Yeah your hair products are so manly," she teased, poking my side. I flinched and laughed.

"They are!! my hair is amazing!" I laughed, pushing her hands away, "That tickles."

"Your hair is amazing...." she agreed, kissing me softly, before snatching one of my t-shirts out of the closet to change into for the day. 

"Um, you realize that's mine right?" I chuckled, pulling at the t-shirt which was quite large on her. It was super hot tho, to see her so relaxed and wearing my clothes. I always thought girls wearing men's clothes were very sexy. 

"Yes, I know but it looks better on me," she giggled, pulling on a simple pair of black leggings to go on underneath it.  I smirked as I got a sneak peek of her red panties underneath. 

"Mm, you know I love the red ones..." I smirked smacking her backside. She yelped and swatted my hand away but I wasn't gonna apologize for swatting that beautiful behind. 

"I know but behave!!" she laughed, "OUr horny ways have gotten us into enough trouble!" I nodded and knew she was right. We had let our horny habits take control of situations. 

"I know I know..." I smiled pulling her to me with a soft kiss. She smiled into my lips her arms around my neck.

"I love your lips.." she smiled, kissing them a couple of extra times. I loved that she was just as addicted as I was to her.

"I enjoy yours as well, but we really should get moving angel...." I smiled, grabbing our bags and heading for my bedroom door. 

"If only we have one more hour.... then you could take your shirt back..." she smirked walking ahead of me. I couldn't help but watch her walk away. she didn't even try to make it move but her ass always had a great movement when she walked. I was obsessed with her and how she made me feel.

"Temptress..." I growled, following after her. She turned me on so much and she was making it very difficult to focus. Once we arrived downstairs Sam and kat were there with their things loading them into the van to get us to the airport. He of course has all the camera and investigation equipment in carry-ons for us all to avoid them getting lost in transit. 

"You guys ready to rock and roll?" he asked as we brought our bags out to join them.

"Absolutely!" Jen said brightly, "I've never been to the UK before!!"

"Never?!" I asked in shock.

"Only been out of the country once and that was to go to Canada!" she laughed.

"Canada is still great! Celina and Kris are from there!!!" I smiled.

"Ahhh, this is true, they're great people!" she smiled, "Kris has always been a fave tik toker of mine."

"Oh dang, well maybe you'll meet her one day! we can make that happen!" Sam smiled.

"I am sure one day, but maybe thru my own channels... and not you guys.." she smiled, "I don't wanna take advantage of your connections!"

"It's me introducing my girlfriend to a friend... that's all," I said putting our bags into the back of the Uber van waiting for us. 

"I guess, but let's focus on the UK yes?!" she smiled. Once everything was loaded we got into the van pulling Jen to my side and us getting us all in a tight group to take a selfie. 

"We'll have to do another one when we meet up with Amanda at the airport!" Kat said. Jen nodded.

"For sure, after I finish fangirling over her," Jen nodded sounding a bit stoked to meet her.

"Oh gosh, you didn't fangirl over us," I laughed, poking her side.

"I know because I was trying to hold my shit together! And frankly, I was so awestruck by YOU in person I couldn't collapse when I was just awestricken," she teased.

"Okay, that was so not what happened!!" I laughed, "You were completely in control of yourself! So I think you're fibbing!"

"No on the inside, I was completely melting down, I just managed to keep myself together on the outside," she snickered, waving it off as nothing. 

"Well, you fooled us," Sam chuckled. She blushed and nodded.

"Thank you, I tried extremely hard to hold it in!" she said.

"Well it's good to know we spent time alone with a crazy fan girl who is also an incredible actress," Sam laughed.

"Thankfully I am not near as crazy fan girl...." she said, laughing at her comment.

"Now you're just crazy head over heels girlfriend!!" Kat chuckled, smiling at Jen. 

"And it's the best title I have ever had..." Jen said snuggling into my side.

"And I am dating a crazy fan girl..." I teased, hugging her to me. We all laughed and focused on the drive to the airport to meet up with Amanda. She was excited to work with a second medium. So the UK was gonna be an incredible experience for everyone involved.

~*~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~*~

Sorry for the massive gap between chapters, it's HAUNT season and I haven't had a day off since the first week of September! I am hoping these will get more frequent once the HAUNT season is over. 

Thank you all SO MUCH for getting the reads so high in such a short time. I am beyond grateful for all the love and support you guys have shown just by reading this story!! 


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