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Colby's POV

Balls in my court huh? Well what I wanted to do right now probably wasn't appropriate at a restaurant or at the breakfast table.

"When do you have to be home?" I asked moving my hand back over her knee taking her hand in mine

"Monday," she said softly.

"Will you come back to Vegas with me for a couple days?" I asked, stroking her hair from her face. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I wanted things to be private. I didn't want us out anywhere... not till we were serious.

"I live in LA.... It's a 5 hr drive.... Yeah I can do that, if you really want me too," She said, softly linking her fingers with mine.

I nodded, "I really do.... Away from the scary shit and spend some non work related time together!"

"I'd love that..." she nodded as the waitress returned with our drinks.

We hadn't been searching the menu like we were supposed to. We asked for a couple more minutes and looked over the menus, our hands separating for the time being. I was glad she was into me.

What would happen back at my place behind close doors, nobody knows. I still didn't at that time. It would all be at her pace.  A kiss was gonna be a great start.

Once we finally decided on our meals we ordered. She got 2 pancakes with scrambled eggs. I decided on a breakfast scramble with eggs sausage bacon cheese and hash browns. Sam got the same with double bacon!

Once the waitress got it all written down and headed off to put the orders in I turned back to Jen.

"I like you Jen, but things between us can't be... public. Fans are mean... you thought Maddie was nuts, but the fans are territorial! I don't want to put you out in that shit storm till we're like super serious!" I said.

"I know this about them, remember, I am one... but their death threats and cruel comments don't scare me! Demons and shadow figures, those scare me! Territorial fans don't scare me, but this is your fan base. Whatever decision you make I will respect," she smiled.

"Thanks, just for now till we know what we are and until it's serious, we're just getting to know each other! We've known one another 24 hours. There is no rush to jump into a relationship. We can date get used to one another and go from there..." I said.

"Sounds perfect... so, my question, when can I kiss you?" She whispered.

"Not here!" Sam chuckled making a face.

"Once we're in private, but first we need to get your ticket changed from LA to Vegas!" I smiled. She paused for a minute.

"I don't think I can afford that! Then a ticket home!!!" She said suddenly.

"This time I got it," I said, "don't worry about that!!"

"Colby that's a lot of money, I can't expect you to do that!!" She protested.

"You can, you will, and you are," I said politely but firmly.

"Yes sir," she giggled, "if you insist." Oh don't sir me! That's not helping my hormones right now! She is playing to the dominant side I struggle with. I don't hide that! For Fucks sake I announced it in a video once! My kink for dominance! It was no secret and I wondered if she knew that. It's fine. Colby be cool!

"Sir huh?" I laughed getting on my phone to take care of her tickets. I could do it thru my travel app and pay right on my phone! I changed her current ticket on her phone for Sunday nights return to LA and I bought her a ticket to Vegas for our flight. Thankfully they had one left to fly the same flight but she'd be in coach.

"Sorry it's coach!" I said, "you won't be sitting with us..."

"It's okay it's a short flight! I'll sleep!" She smiled, "it'll be worth it!" I smiled and nodded.

"I wanna kiss you so bad right now," I said honestly.

"I know me too," She said biting her bottom lip. I removed my hand from hers and sighed.

"Stop biting your lip," I said firmly. She raised a brow.

"Umm okay, why?" She asked folding her arms.

"You're affecting his hormones," Sam said quietly. She blushed a dark pink and looked down at her hands.

"Oh I'm sorry it wasn't my intention!" She said.

"The lip biting and the yes sir stuff is a weakness for him!" Sam said, "the whole internet knows his kink!"

"Oh right! The truth or drink video! I almost forgot about it!! So is your bedroom still dark and gloomy?" She asked.

"Yes it's still the same, handcuffs and all Jennifer!" I said firmly a bit frustrated as I tried to shift my weight and try not to focus on my hormones!

"Okay, note taken! Ill behave!" She said putting her hands up In Defeat. Ughh behave? I don't want you too!! I do but I don't! I wanted her so bad!

We went from crush to lust so fast! I couldn't be that guy... I mean I was... I have had my fair share of women, but in relationships I'm different. And I was hoping we'd get there, but right now I was ready to test her waters and see if we were compatible!

Vegas seemed so far away! I knew we had to get thru breakfast and we probably wouldn't be home till 3 or so maybe a bit after! For now I had to focus on one thing at a time!

"So Jen! My question is this, will you work with us again? Not everything will be this crazy or evil!" Sam said.

"Oh! Of course! This was a special situation! I wasn't prepared for that entity at all! It was stronger than anything I have ever dealt with! Hell we can do a part two one day as long as I'm more prepared!" She smiled.

"Awesome! I'd love to set up something where we could have both you and Amanda with us and see how your gifts work together!!!" He said.

"That would be awesome! She's much more experienced than me! So I'd love to watch her work!!" She said.

I was just staring at her. She was gorgeous and I was hanging on her every word. I know it sounds crazy after 24 hours, but I had a good feeling about this new connection. I really think something amazing could come of this new work relationship.

But Step One: Breakfast

Step Two: Get to Vegas

Step Three: Finally get my kiss

And from there it's wherever the night takes us! And I couldn't wait to find out where that was.

The Medium: A Colby Brock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now