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Colby's POV
At about 6 pm I had to drive Jen to the airport. I didn't want to but she had to get home for her job. I held her hand the entire drive, fingers linked.

"You alright Colbs?" She asked resting her other hand over our hands.

"Yeah, I just don't want you to leave... it's been an amazing weekend and I'm going to miss you," I said honesty smiling over at her and lifting our hands to my mouth. I kissed the back of her hand and made her blush.

"I'll miss you too but I'm only a text away..." she smiled.

"I know but it's not the same as having you close, feeling your heartbeat at night..." I said. I was already so attached, so maybe a bit of distance was gonna be okay for us. I hated to say it but I didn't wanna become a clingy boyfriend.

"We're gonna be fine Colby.. promise, it's only a week or two apart...." she giggled.

"Alright, I know, but maybe on weekends you can come back to Vegas?" I asked.

"Well, sure if I have a weekend off, but my days aren't always weekend days... could be a Wednesday or Thursday," she said.

"Okay, sure but just let me know your schedule, and we'll work it out!" I smiled.

"For sure, we can totally figure that out!" She smiled, as the rest of that drive to the airport was silent. Comfortable but silent...

Arriving at the airport I parked the car and went around to let her out and take her arm.

"Are you sure you can't stay one more night?" I pouted. She smiled and hugged my arm.

"I'm positive...." She said softly, "believe me once I can come back I'll be here!"

"Promise?" I smiled kissing her temple as I grabbed her bag for her.

"Promise!" She nodded as we headed inside. I wasn't sure how I'd be this week without her but I'd have to keep myself busy! I couldn't follow her past security. I got her into the security line, kissed her goodbye, and watched her leave.

I felt my chest clench a bit but after she disappeared from my site I headed back to my vehicle wiping my eyes. I didn't like my girlfriend not living close to me. I was always so used to Shea living close when I lived in LA. Now I was in Vegas and Jen lived in LA. A four-hour drive away but a 20-minute plane ride.

When I got to my vehicle I paused to get myself together before I started my car, and pulled out of my parking spot. The traffic was nuts so I tried to focus on that drive home before I heard my phone beep. I pulled into a gas station to check my messages.

Jen: don't be sad babe ill be back in a week and a half.....

Colby: what if I just want to hire you to attend all our adventures?

Jen: hire me as what? your tag a long girlfriend?

Colby: no as a medium......

Jen: Colby, my patients, we talked about this already. I cant. 

Colby: I know I'm just saying I would do anything for you...

Jen: I know you would babe, but I have to focus on my job, these people need me...

Colby: Okay, when you get home let me know what day to book your flight back to me.

Jen: promise babe, they're calling for boarding. 

Colby: ok text me when you land and when you get home safely. 

Jen: promise xoxo

I sighed, set my phone back in the charging port, and then got myself back on the road. I focused on the last ten minutes of my drive, wanting to get myself home safe too. Getting home it was quiet.... it was almost midnight so I knew I just had to shower quickly and get myself into bed while I waited for Jen's arrival texts.

The moment I entered my bedroom her perfume hit me right in the face. She always had a soft sugar-type smell to her. She even showed me her body spray which was called Pink Sugar. It always smells amazing like a candy shop. I got myself some jogger bottoms and clean underwear before going into my private bathroom to get myself a quick shower. 

After climbing out of the shower I heard my phone ding in the other room. I got myself wrapped in a towel before going to check it. Jen had left me a couple of msgs one she sent while I was in the shower saying her plane landed, another just now saying she was finally home in her apartment ready for bed, and surprise she had snatched one of my button-ups. And she even proved it with a photo of herself. Damn, those legs.

Colby: stealing my clothes? babe, I'm not gonna have any left if you keep taking my stuff! lol

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Colby: stealing my clothes? babe, I'm not gonna have any left if you keep taking my stuff! lol

Jen: I get it, but it's cute on me right?

Colby: of course beautiful, but damn, teasing me with those legs! what time do you have to work tmrw?

Jen: not till 11, but I really should get some sleep, tty tmrw?

Colby: of course, anything you want!

Jen: ok ill send you a photo of me in my scrubs. 

Colby: mm naughty nurse photos I'm on board for that!

Jen: no silly just me working but I can make that happen if you want...

Colby: alright babe I will talk to you then, be safe xoxo gnite beautiful.

Jen: okay... sleep well handsome, missing you so much already!

Colby: miss you too xoxo gnite

Jen: gnite MUAH

I smiled and set my phone aside. I was happy with our relationship so far, and I couldn't wait to see where it would go from here. I wanted to tell people but I figure giving it some time first would be safer. I couldn't wait to see some of our footage from the investigation, and see what the fans thought of her as far as a medium and our friend. That response even with something that simple would be so telling. 

For now, I laid myself on my bed to get some rest, taking in the smell of her spray that was still all over my pillows and bedsheets. 

~*~*~AUTHOR'S NOTES~*~*~

I wasn't even sure I was gonna finish writing this today but thanks to animefan202043 and their comment today I got a surge of inspiration to write today. SO this one is dedicated to you!


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