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Jennifer's POV

"Alright, ladies, who is ready for some mimosas and pancakes?" Amber chuckled as we headed outside to Kat's car. Kat made her yummy face and nodded

"Oooh, how about mimosas and french toast!" I giggled. Kat pointed at me and nodded.

"Even better!" she said. We got piled into her car and headed to find a restaurant.

"So Jen, first time in vegas?" Amber asked, curiously.

"No, I was here last time I did that investigation with Sam and Colby," I smiled. She raised a brow.

"Besides just being at their house, like out and about!" she smiled.

"Yes, I never did get to see the city, we were um..." I began but trailed off blushing slightly

"Preoccupied..." Kat teased, making me blush worse, "Only place she saw was the gym for some yoga..."

"Oh yes the day the showers were busted and we came back smelling all nasty.." I laughed remembering how gross it was.

"Yes... we all showered only for all of us to get all sweaty again!" she giggled, bopping her head about.

"But that was worth it!" I snickered remembering me and Colby's first time. 

"With Colby, it always is," Amber laughed. Right she's slept with him too. I felt jealousy run thru me. She was so beautiful and how I even compared to her I would never understand.

"That it is..." I agreed, "It is even better when you're in love."

"It is, but sadly that didn't last long for him and me. I got scared and ran off," she said.

"Do you still love him?" I asked tired of tip-toeing around the question and the elephant in the room. Kat just kept her eyes on the road as her eyes widened. She was trying to stay out of it.

"I think a part of me always will, but whether he and I are together or just friends, I don't want to be in the center of the drama. But I have no intention of pursuing anything romantic with him. Jennifer, I promise.... he and I are only friends..." she said.

"Okay, cool, that's all I needed to hear," I smiled.

"So we're good now. So we can just focus on mimosas and breakfast?" she smiled offering me her hand. I shook it and nodded.

"Absolutely and the first round of mimosas is on me for badgering," I laughed.

"Awesome, deal!" she laughed, 'So tell me, what's the plan now that you're moving to vegas?"

"Gonna take inspiration from sam and Colby! Gonna work on starting my own youtube channel, doing medium readings and investigations," I said.

"Oh that's cool, you are so connected to the paranormal, it's gonna be amazing to watch!" she said.

"Yeah I told Colbyus girls might take some photos for the page, hence why I brought the Nikon and light with us!" I said nodding beside Amber in the backseat.

"Oh, awesome! Yes, we can definitely take some great pictures!!" she agreed.

"After a few mimosas!" Kat laughed. We all joined in on her laughter and got some music on as we headed to the restaurant. Of course, Kat sounded amazing, she always did but I joined in. She turned to me and raised a brow as we sang to the radio.

"What?" I asked, pausing at her and amber just stared at me for a moment.

"Jen," she said in shock. 

"Yeah?" I asked wondering why they were being so weird.

"You can sing," she and Amber chorused. I laughed.

"For fun sure but nothing super fancy like you!" I chuckled. They looked at me like I was nuts.

"For fun sure, but you have got an incredible voice, Jen," she said. I blushed.

"Well thank you but I'll stick to ghosts!" I laughed.

"Fine fine, but you really should sing for Colby..." Kat said.

"Sure I guess... but I've done it horribly off-key in traffic at our investigation," I said shaking my head.

"On purpose, but yours just having fun right now and you can SING!" she said. 

"True story.." amber said as we arrived at the restaurant. I just waved it off and we got out to go in and get a table. Once we got inside the hostess found us a table and got us seated with menus.

"Can we start with brunch mimosas all around please?" I smiled.

"Of course! I will be right back!" she smiled. She headed off as we got focused on the menus.

"Texas french toast.... the thick french toast," I said brightly.

"Ooo, that sounds amazing!" Kat said, gazing at the omelet section.

"Yeah it comes in 2 or 4 slices," I said pointing to the menu.

"And your choice of topping!" Amber said, "Strawberries sound amazing!"

"Yes, strawberries with a light chocolate drizzle and whipped cream," I groaned.

"Cheat day?" she asked, with a giggle.

"For sure!!" I nodded, "It's my cheat meal of the week!"

"I think I will do the same it sounds amazing!" she said. The waitress brought us our mimosas and we ordered our breakfast, all caving to the rich french toast order.

"So Jen tell me more about the Youtube channel," Amber smiled.

"Well Colby suggested street readings and medium work and my own investigations, but I don't really have the equipment for investigations yet," I said, "He said he was gonna talk to Sam about bringing me to the UK with them, so we could promote my channel once we get it up and plan readings or spots for people to come and try to connect with family or spirits."

"So kinda like the long island medium?!" she asked. 

"Sort of but no... I don't always see spirits unless they wanna be seen... and most of my gifts are blue, shadows and mists, hardly ever full figure, but I hear them...." I said.

"Either way that's so cool! You can give people closure and even help spirits move on!" she said.

"Definitely... but it's not always guaranteed that I will hear or see someone," I said.

"Either way, it's definitely a marker to corner...." she smiled.

"Yes, it's not like Amanda who sees full figures.... just feelings and hearing..." I said. 

"Well, I for one can't wait to watch, ill subscribe the moment it goes up," she smiled.

"Thanks, Amber, for now, let's focus on those plates coming our way!" I giggled.

"Ooo, yes, then we can go do a fun photo shoot!" she smiled. Kat nodded and we focused back on brunch.

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~

Hey everyone! thanks for reading this short chapter! I am so excited for the rest of this story, so much more drama and chaos to come, and of course happy things are heading their way. What do you wanna see? or what do you think the cards are holding for our newly formed fivesome?

Halsey Rae

The Medium: A Colby Brock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now