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Jennifer's POV

I felt something touching my hand. Where was I was I still laying on the floor in that hotel. What was I attached to and what had a hold of my hand? Then I suddenly smelled Colby's Cologne surrounding me.

"Colby?" I asked, "Is that you?"

"Yes, Jen, it's me open your eyes and look at me," he said. It gently let my eyes open but it was extremely bright so I couldn't keep the moment. I felt his hand rest over my eyes as a shield. I still had my eyes open, but this lets them just to the light around me.

Eventually, my eyes adjusted and they landed on Colby. Looking around the room it was clear I was in a hospital. I reached my hand up and gently stroke Colby's face.

"What happened to me?" I asked. He smiled and kissed me gently.

"You fell. That's what they're saying but I know you were pushed. I Saw it." He said. I tried to get my mind focused but it hurt too much. I definitely had a migraine. I saw Sam and Kat in the room as well and Kay eventually left to go get a nurse.

That did it. For the next half an hour it was just a bunch of nurses and a doctor looking me over trying to figure out what was going on. They removed The equipment that was attached to me as the doctor was checking my eyes and everything else. It was all a bit overwhelming and right now all I wanted to do was get some answers. I turned to them and ask them how long I had been out.

"Four days," the nurse said, "That boy has been by your side since you got here. He hasn't left to do anything! Not to shower, or eat. His clothes were brought here and he's even been sleeping here. He's been a bit of a challenge."

"A challenge what do you mean by a challenge? I asked.

"Not necessarily for us but for his friend. He has been trying to convince him to leave this room or at least leave the hospital and get fresh air," she said.

"He's very stubborn," I said.

"Yes it's clear he loves you very much," she said. I smiled at her and glanced down at my fingers.

"Yes, it really is," I said. It made me wonder if I had been fighting this for too long. He was truly taking care of me and I shouldn't be this stupid. I loved him too, I was just scared. After they all finished poking and prodding at me they let my friends come back in. Colby rushed over to me taking my face into his hands and kissing me repeatedly.

"I'm so glad you're OK. You had me so worried," he said, " I love you so much!"

"I know you do, Colby. I love you too," I said.

"You want? What did you just say?" He asked his eyes lighting up.

"I said I love you too," I said. He smiled brightly and kissed me. I kissed him back and stroked his cheek.

"You've made me the happiest man in the world, " he said.

"Well hopefully I have somewhere to go from here," I chuckled, "I hate to think I've reached my peak!"

"I don't think you ever could! I'm sure they were plenty of more things that we can do to make each other happy," he said. Kat laughed.

"Make sure you get a room first," she laughed.

"Oh my god, what happened to the rest of the investigations?" I asked Anxiously wondering how much of my issue got in the way of the rest of the week.

"That part is not really important," Colby said, "we did what we had to do."

"So are you telling me you had to cancel everything? I am so sorry you guys he didn't have to do that for me," I said, sadly. After a few moments, the nurse came back in.

"Hey Jennifer, we're gonna draw some blood okay? just to do a few tests," she smiled.

"Alright, what are you checking for?" I asked. She just shook her head.

"It's just to confirm previous test results now that you're awake. Once we get these results, The doctor will let you know!" She smiled. 

"Okay, thank you," I smiled and let her do what she needed to do, me watching her poke and do the blood draw. I always enjoyed drawing blood myself, so it was always fascinating to watch it get done on me.  After she got those, she hurried off, almost like she was in a rush. 

"Did she seem antsy to anyone else?" Kat asked curiously looking at each one of us.

"Not really.." Sam shrugged, waving it off, "I am sure she's just got other patients she has to care for."

"I dunno... She did seem in a hurry to me. Maybe bad test results or something?" I asked, "Maybe wanting to verify something is wrong before they give me the bad news?!" Sam just smiled and waved it off.

"I am sure you're fine Jen.." he smiled, nodding to Colby to console me.

"I agree babe! I'm sure it's nothing... she's probably just extremely busy!" he nodded. I sighed, even busy she didn't need to rush off so quickly. But I guess for now all we could do was wait.

"Are you hungry babe?" Colby asked, sitting on my bed beside me.

"I'm starving it feels like... whatever nutrients they've been using to feed me thru my IV isn't enough. I am awake and hangry," I giggled. Colby went to stand up, but Kat jumped up quickly and interrupted his plan.

"Alright I will go check and see what they can do for you..." she smiled and then headed off. 

"Good I want you to stay right here with me," I smiled leaning into Colby's shoulder.

"Nowhere else I would rather be my love..." he cooed. 

"Blech..." Sam teased, "You guys are so gross!!!"

"Oh, whatever! Like you and Kat aren't sickly sweet sometimes!" Colby laughed. Kat came in and was all smiles.

"They're gonna get you something to eat! But hey Jen... what would it mean if your HCG levels were high?" she asked a bit confused. I felt my face pale.

"Excuse me?" I asked, "Are you sure they said HCG?"

"Yes, I heard them talking and they said your HCG levels were high so they took the blood to confirm a diagnosis..." she said.

Oh shit.

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~

Thanks for reading ;) 


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