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Jennifer's POV

"Moving back home?" Colby asked confused. His mom chuckled.

"Of course! You can't possibly think raising a baby in Vegas is a good idea!" She said.

"Mom... lots of people are born and raised here mom..." he said a bit confused, "this is where our jobs are... sam is my partner... I can't just up and run!!!"

"And what about us?" She asked, "if we wanna see our grandbaby?"

"You can see the baby anytime you want ma, and when we go out of the country or something for investigations you can have the baby all you want mama," he said nervously.

"I guess but goodness! If you're gonna continue your investigations even after baby comes I appreciate you allowing us to have her!" She said a bit annoyed.

"Mom please understand! If there are  no investigations there is no way to care for the baby!" Colby said.

"I get that Colby I just hate to think that my grandbaby is gonna be so far away!" She said softly.

"And I am sad that her grandparents are gonna be that far away!" I said, gently, hugging her to my chest.

"Just promise me that I can FaceTime with that beautiful baby anytime I want and if it's all right with you and Jennifer like to be here the week before and the week after the baby is born so I can help out!" Mom said.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm sure you and baby you're gonna get along just fine you're gonna be one of her favorite people!" Jen said brightly.

"Wonderful where are you going to put the nursery?" She asked.

"That's what we were just discussing not too long ago. I was measuring a part of my room. I can clear out to make room for the baby," I said.

"Well, at least you guys are thinking ahead and trying to plan," dad said, "come show me what your plans are. Maybe I can help you with some ideas." My dad and I headed upstairs to check out the room while mom stayed with Jen downstairs gushing about the baby. My brother followed behind me and our dad.

"You do have quite a large space up here! I am sure if we cut this room in half you would have plenty of room for a nursery," he said.

"That's what I was thinking, but I got to make sure that Jen and I still have space as well,"m I said. We definitely have a lot of time to figure it out.

"I'm proud of you son I really am I never thought I'd see the day. Where you would not only be happy in a relationship but have a baby on the way! I truly believe she's changed your life for the better," he said.

"Thanks, dad I totally agree. I've never been happier than I am with Jen . And this baby is only proving that she's it for me. I couldn't imagine wanting to spend my life with anyone else but her but one step at a time," I smiled.

"Just make sure that whatever you do you make sure she and the baby are number one I know you love your job but you're gonna have a new tiny little life that depends on you!" He said.

"I know I've really been thinking about that a lot lately if anything I might have to cut back just a little once the baby is born and Sam and I will just have to start planning around these sorts of things because I don't want to end up missing everything all the really important stuff I said.

"And I don't think Sam would want you to miss all that stuff! You guys have been best friends for as long as I can remember and he would never expect you to give up time with your family for the job. Keep figuring out a way to work things out for everyone. He always has been the planner!" dad chuckled. Patting my back I nodded and hugged him.

"Anyways, I was thinking if we put up a partial wall here, then it would be the baby's changing table, crib, and all that stuff, or maybe even a half wall," I said, explaining what I had in mind.

"If you plan to do something that big, you might want to start planning to get that wall built for starters! And of course, you need to make sure she's got a regular doctor she can be seen monthly. Who does she have in her family?" He asked.

"The only part of her family she really talks about is her mom. But she passed away about 14 years ago now that I think of it, I don't think we really talk much about her side of the family just her mom and her one friend that just passed away," I said, realizing we haven't really talked as much as I thought, nor do I know hardly anything about her.

I've only ever heard about the trauma in her life and honestly, I don't even think we discussed the reason why she moved from Michigan to LA, to begin with. I guess she and I are going to have a sit-down and have a long conversation with her to try to figure out exactly what's in our future.

Or maybe I've just been so focused on her and me that we have had this conversation and I've just forgotten all of it already. I'm 100% desperately in love with her and couldn't imagine my life without her. I don't know too much about her life before us. Just the bad things, the crappy relationships the losses I can't remember the last time we talked about something happy

So step one get to know my girlfriend much better than I do now. Step two is to make sure that this baby has nothing but happy memories as far as I can give them. I couldn't imagine my child going through the trauma Jen is gone through.

Sure step two is probably further off in the future but I can't think of the entire list now I'm working on it maybe I need to get the baby here first before I make too many plans.

~*~*~ authors notes ~*~*~
I can't believe it, you guys! can you believe how many chapters we have? And on top of that we're almost at 100,000 reads it's been a dream and a goal since we hit 50,000. I couldn't believe that and yet here you all are still reading, loving, and sharing the story I couldn't be more grateful for all of you, I love you to bits my little RAEs of sunshine. I can't wait to continue the story. This is the last draft that I have. I had so many chapters saved up and I've been so busy. I haven't had the time to write so please be patient as the next few chapters will have larger gaps in between.

🖤🖤HalseyRae 🖤🖤

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