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Jennifer's POV

I turned to Colby's bed and went over to it. I ran my hand over his sheets and then sighed. How many girls had graced these sheets and this bed before me? I knew he was very familiar with the ladies. I didn't want to be another notch on his bedpost, but at the same time, I couldn't wait to make my mark. And hopefully, be one he never forgets.

I sighed and kicked off my shoes and then dug thru my bag for comfier clothes to wear. I had some shorts and a tank top for now. I switched off his lights and then went climbing into his bed. It was massive and extremely comfortable.  I did have to agree it was a bit dark and had sex dungeon-y vibes. It was sort of hot and it did smell like a boys' room. It needed a good cleaning for sure, and it was clear he hardly ever made his bed, but he had the emo-black vibes throughout with the red lighting behind the headboard. The wolf head on the left side, the crescent moon on the right.

I looked around and wondered if he still had those handcuffs from that one Kian and JC room invaders video. I didn't wanna be nosy or invade his privacy, but it was hard to not be curious. I reached for my bag and pulled out my crystals. I got myself sitting and centered before getting a meditation set in. I needed to cleanse my aura and my personal bubble of all the bad energy. I eventually had to open my eyes because I felt like I was being watched. I noticed Maddie was standing at the end of his bed.

"You can't be here Maddie, I told you to leave, you're not allowed here anymore," I said closing my eyes. She glared at me and folded her arms. She wasn't leaving till Colby told her to.

"Okay, fine, I get that, but do you really wanna stand there and watch me meditate and then sleep in his bed?" I asked. She narrowed her eyes a bit more before heading toward the wall and vanishing.

"Thought so..." I said. Colby and I were gonna have to chat about finally setting some boundaries and breaking that attachment. It wasn't healthy. It made me wonder if he still had anything with him from the Shanley Hotel. He may need to burn it or dispose of it to break that chain. The clothes he wore or anything else from that day. I shook it off and got back to my meditation. I was able to relax and cleanse myself of any negative or anxious energy.

"Any spirits that are here, I do not want to speak to you or see you. Do not bother me and leave this room!" I said aloud. Afterward, I got my crystals all put away and tucked back into my bag. Then I got myself tucked into his sheets and let myself take the full smell of his cologne into my nostrils. It was intoxicating. He always smelled so good. It was almost too much to handle and try to sleep. I eventually let my eyes close over and focused on getting some rest.

I must have slept for quite a while because I woke to Colby's bedroom door opening up. I groaned and rolled over to block the light.

"Shit, I'm sorry Jen, didn't mean to wake you," he chuckled. I could hear him kicking off his shoes.

"We were gonna order in some food, are you hungry?" he asked, as I felt the bed sink a bit behind me.

"A little," I mumbled, "Where are you ordering from?" His hand ran over my side over the blankets.

"We were discussing getting some Thai," he said.

"Oh, sure, a vegetarian curry would be great... my wallets in my bag," I said rolling over to face him. Even in the semi-dark, his eyes were shining. He nodded and leaned down to kiss me softly.

"Did you sleep alright?" he whispered, in between kisses.

"Yes...." I said gently. He pulled back and he raised one of those perfect brows at me.

"But?" he asked curiously.

"Maddie... She pestered me, but I shooed her off," I said.

"She's still here? I thought you said she was gone?" he asked as I turned on a light. I sighed and shook my head.

"Apparently not! She must still be latched onto something," I shrugged.

"Like what? what do I have to do?" he asked. I noticed Maddie had returned and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Tell her to leave yourself. She's back..." I grumbled. He sighed.

"Maddie, we've had this conversation... you can't keep bothering my friends or girlfrien for me. You need to leave," he said aloud.

"You still have something of hers.... her money?" I asked confused.

"No way... she wants her cashback?" he asked surprised.

"Yeah, but how would you still have the ten-dollar bill? you left it right? you don't still have it do you?!" I asked a bit confused.

"Actually, I do," he said and went into his closet to pull out a book. "Adventures" was written on the front of it. He opened it up and turned to a page that read Shanley Hotel and there was a ten dollar bill in the plastic sleeve.

"Oh my god, Colby, you took it back?!?!" I asked in shock, "You have to send it back to the hotel or deliver it!"

"I guess we could go back and put it back. I can make a call!" he said.

"Probably a good idea, because anything we had planned i don't think she's gonna allow or be absent from, and knowing i can see her, it's weird..." i said making a face.

"Oh my god, has she actually been watching when I am with females?!" He said, getting a bit angry.

"Yeah, she figured you don't see her..." I said, "and no one else does... but now I can see her, so she'll be there to make sure I'm uncomfortable..."

"NO! Absolutely not, Maddie you're dead, there's nothing and there is never going to be anything between us! You can not keep ruining my love life!!" he said angrily, just gazing where I was pointing. Maddie huffed a bit but retreated.

"She said fine, but she wants her cash back," I snickered.

"This is funny to you? She's been driving everyone away for years," he snapped darkness in his eyes, that I wasn't sure was lust or anger.

"Whoa, easy tiger. I was merely giggling because I know when she's so protective and clingy with you..." I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Well, thanks but it's so frustrating to know she's been invading my privacy and shit..." he said, running a hand thru his hair.

"Relax, she's gone, for now, don't let her bother you, let's get up and get some food," I said standing to offer him my hand. He sighed and took it, but pulled me in for a kiss.

"I am sorry she's bothering you...." he said softly.

"She doesn't frighten me, she's an unsettled spirit they have no control over themselves," I said.

"Well, I promise, I am gonna make this up to you.." he promised, kissing me softly.

"I know you will, but for now, food," I said leading him out.

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