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Jen's POV
I'd been home only a couple of days and I was missing Colby. I loved my job, but that Thursday was gonna be my hardest day and I wasn't fully prepared for what was gonna happen that day. I got myself ready and into my scrubs before going off to work.

Jen to Colby: morning baby hope you have a good day! I'm off to work! miss u so freaking much!

Colby: I will try tough without you hear! I miss you more for sure!

I smiled and tucked my phone away as I headed to my car to leave for work. It was a slow drive. the traffic was awful. I got to work five minutes late but the accident that held me up had already flooded our ER.

I hurried in to clock in and then rushed to get caught up on the information about the accident. Then I helped where I could. It was a three-car collision, some with scrapes and bruises, one was in trauma. It was chaotic. TIll I noticed the one in trauma was my best friend still in her scrubs. She worked here as well. I spotted her in the room and I froze.

"Jen, you can't... you cant freeze, go help the others..." my head nurse manager Kathy said, shooing me off down the hall.

"But that's Hayley!!" I protested.

"And you know that you cant work on friends or family... you cant do your job if you're a mess... go help someone else...." she said firmly before those doors were shut. I was in shock. I got some water and headed off to assist with the simpler situations. My head was a mess. All I could think about was Hayley. 

After I cared for everyone else I went to check on my best friend to see what was going on with her. As I approached the trauma room I felt my heart sink. there was a body in there covered by a sheet. Kathy was standing outside the room and saw me approaching.

"Jennifer," she said softly, shaking my head as I began to cry. The nurses in the room closed the blinds.

"Kathy, Kathy please tell me that's not her..." I said, softly, but she just pulled me into her chest, letting me sob it out. It was a mess, it wasn't fair, and I couldn't handle it. I never even got a chance to tell her about Colby.

"I'm sorry Jennifer, we did everything we could," she said, leading me to the nurses' lounge to get a cup of coffee.

"Did you call her parents?" I asked.

"Of course, they're on their way down, we don't want to tell them over the phone," she said. 

"I can't deal with this, what happened?" I asked.

"Drunk driver..." I heard. Sure, of course, so typical.

"Not sure, it's tough to tell," Kathy said simply.

"But you just said it was a drunk driver..." I said confused. 

"I didn't say anything..." she said, looking at me strangely. Shit... I heard it, I know I did but for now, I guess we were stuck. 

"I could have sworn I heard it... assumptions maybe.." I said softly.

"Wouldnt surprise me tho..." she said softly rubbing my back, "You still have vacation time, take the week off Jen, I don't want you working thru your grief."

"I can't afford to use my vacation time," I said. 

"I'll see what I can do, okay.... just take some time off...." she said. I just nodded and wiped my eyes.

"Okay, thank you, I am sorry I am such a mess..." I said softly.

"it's alright, you guys went to school together and then nursing school, then you began working here together, she's been a huge part of your life," she said.

"Thanks, Kathy," I said softly, and then she got waved out. Hayley's parents must have arrived. 

Jen to Colby: I need you and my friends, can you, Sam, and Katrina get to L.A.?

Colby: sure, babe what's going on?

Jen: long story.... please hurry...

Colby: okay... ill get everyone together.

I knew it was a three-hour drive but I'd want to be here for Hayley's parents anyway. I didn't know if I could face them. After I tucked my phone back into my locker I headed out to see Dr. White speaking to her parents. it only took a second before I saw her mother cry out and collapse into her husband's arms. I hurried over to help console her and she latched onto me immediately. 

"Jennifer were you there? did you try?" she sobbed.

"I wasn't in there I was in a different room, I didn't find out till after..." I whimpered hugging her back as her husband rubbed her back.

"She was talking about you two finally looking for a place together.... we were gonna help with the first last and deposit..." she whimpered. 

"It's alright, Nancy, I can handle it...." I said, "She loves you so much...."

"Loved, past tense..." she sobbed.

"Even in death people still love their families...." I said.

"Can you speak to her? please?!" she begged. She knew I was a medium, and she found my gift fascinating. She believed me for sure, she's seen it work. 

"Nancy, you know it doesn't work like that... she may not even be around... you need to give her some time..." I said softly, "And you need to give yourself some time to grieve...."

"All I want is my daughter.." she sobbed, as her husband took her into her arms, and they stood crying together before she was escorted into Hayley's room to identify the body. They knew it was but they had to have the parents confirm it. 

I knew Hayley could communicate I had already heard what happened by her voice, but I don't think Tim and Nancy could handle all this right now. And I definitely wasn't ready to summon the ghost of my best friend an hour after she died. I went back to my locker to see Colby had messaged.

Colby: we got a flight leaving in thirty minutes, give us the address to where you want us to pick you up and we'll be there as fast as we can.

Jen: Los Angeles Medical Center

Colby: you're at work?

Jen: yes, I will explain when you arrive.... come right to the Emergency Room. 

Colby: Are you okay J?

Jen: No. No Colby I am not. 

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