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Jennifer's POV

I was frozen for a moment, isn't that his ex? his first love? I felt my hands tighten and stormed back out to the gate to stop my uber. Fuck This I was going home. I couldn't believe this, I had dropped EVERYTHING to come back to vegas, put in my two weeks, and came here the moment my shift ended.

"Jen! No no no!! it's not what it looks like! I swear!" he said chasing after me. He grabbed my wrist.

"Please please hear me out..." he begged. I shook him off and snapped angrily at him.

"You couldn't wait for me?! You just went back to your usually slut behavior?!" I shouted.

"NO! J! baby girl please listen to me..." he cried, "Please! Her condo building is out of order and she needed a place to crash! for a NIGHT! she just got here! She knows you're my girl, she knows I love you!" he said. I just glared at him.

"Why would you even let her stay here?!" I asked, "The love of your life!!"

"Hey lady are you getting in or not?!" the uber snapped.

"No, she's staying," Kat said tipping him and shooing him off.

"No! Kat! Are you kidding me?! you're supposed to be my friend!!!" I snapped.

"I am and I am telling you to hear him out!!" she said, "If you do and you still wanna go back home ill pay for your flight!" I groaned and nodded to the uber and he left. 

"Fine, but I'm not going inside, we can talk out back," I said heading to the backyard thru the gate. Colby was hot on my heels and the moment we got out back he pulled me into his arms.

"I swear, I love you so much... please... I want nothing to do with her romantically! I swear..." He whimpered, 'Please please...." I tried not to respond physically to him, but he smelled so good. I felt myself respond but let myself sink into his chest before my arms went around his waist.

"I could have told you, but you would respond to my text babe... I would have explained what happened, I couldn't see her on the streets, it's just for a couple of days..." 

"Please tell me she's not in your bed..." I whimpered, feeling my tears fall.

"No no guest room by sam and kat's room...." he promised, wiping my eyes and kissing my forehead.

"I gave up everything... my job my apartment..." I whispered. He pulled me back to look at me. 

"Why?! For what babe?!" he asked concerned, "But you love your job.... and your patients..."  He held my face tightly in his hands, his blue eyes making me weak. I wanted him to kiss me so badly. I missed his lips.

"I'm choosing you..... no matter how scared I feel..." I said softly staring into his eyes. He just smiled and kissed me softly. I kissed him back and I felt him smile against my lips. I was so happy. I guess I had to apologize to Amber, but I wasn't sure how she had responded to my freak-out when I arrived. He held me to his chest.

"I am so sorry J, I am so sorry that the fans were so horrible to you and Hayley's family. How are they doing?" he asked leading me inside.

"They're doing okay now, I did a medium thing with them, and let Hayley talk to them...." I said.

"That's good, probably good closer.... and what about you?" he asked, his fingers linking with mine.

"Good, we had a good talk... she likes you... She literally just said, 'Got to vegas'," I smiled.

"And where is she now?" he asked looking around.

"At peace... she got her closure with her parents and moved on as far as I could tell. So I am assuming she's at peace," I smiled, hugging his arm. 

"So where do you want your bag to go?" he asked, a bit nervously as he lifted my bag from the front stoop as we got back to the front door.

"Up to our room," I smiled, kissing his cheek and swatting his ass. 

"Our room?" he asked brightly trying to dodge my naughty spanks.

"Yeah if you still want me here," I snickered, getting my hand into his back pocket.

"Definitely do babe, definitely....." he smiled giving up on the avoidance. Clearly, he didn't mind my hand in his back pocket. As we entered Amber looked a bit nervous to be in my presence.

"I'm so sorry Jennifer, I swear Colby's just a friend... he's helping me out," she blurted out.

"I know I am sorry I panicked," I said gently, waving it off. She seemed to relax and let out a deep breath. 

"I can understand why showing up to see your boyfriend and find his ex-girlfriend in his house. I get it," she chuckled, "For now I wanna hear more about you and your gift! Their last video was insane...."

"Oh, sure but it's kinda late, and it's been a long day for me, maybe us girls can do lunch tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Oh for sure, that's a good plan, maybe brunch? for some mimosas?" she smiled.

"Yes! Mimosas!" I nodded, kat also agreeing.

"Awesome! 11 am?" kat asked. Amber and I nodded as Colby led me upstairs. We got upstairs into his room and I smiled. I missed his bed and his sheets. It was by far the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in. And the whole room smelled of his cologne and sadly a bit of boy smell. The gym smells and B.O. 

"Damn Colby, you need to do laundry..." I snickered wrinkling my nose.

"I know, I'm sorry..." he snickered pulling me to him and kissing me gently his hands holding the back of my neck.

"So sleep... for sure... I'm exhausted..." I said, mumbling against his lips. He growled in frustration. Then I felt him lifting me up to put my legs around his waist. Apparently he had other plans.

"Colby, I'm exhausted...." I whimpered, as his hands held my thighs and led us to his bed. His lips were all over my neck.

"Oh baby girl, I promise, I will do all the work..." he said as we fell onto OUR bed. Man, it felt good to be back in his arms....... And under him......

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