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Colby's POV

I watched as Jen's car pulled away. We waved to her before I turned to shuffle back inside.

"Alright spill!" Sam demanded as I came face to face with my best friend.

"Spill what?" I asked confused and a bit took aback by the demand.

"Jen... you're into her, aren't you?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Yeah, but you saw how she reacted to the Maddie thing! She's freaked out just like every other girl I've ever tried to date!" I said.

"It sounds like she dealt with your Maddie issue!" He said.

"Believe me if it worked I'll risk it! But right now I don't need any other females getting freaked out and scared by Maddie's antics!" I said.

"But she's not gonna freak out if she sees her or if she sees things move by themselves or lights flicker!" He said, shaking his head.

"I get that but this isn't like a crazy ex-girlfriend! It's a damn ghost! That has somehow attached itself to me and follows me around! She can pop up at any moment!" I said.

"I'm telling you, dude! She spoke out to her and you need to start telling her too! If she comes back you need to start telling her she's no longer welcome to follow you!!" He said. This conversation to any outside listeners probably sounded crazy but believe me I knew how it sounded! I've been dealing with this for almost two years now! I needed peace from it.

Arriving back at the front of the hotel we went back to the stairwell. I glanced around to see where Jen had slipped down, noticing an earring laying on the landing. I leaned down to pick it up and then slid it into my pocket. I figured it came out in the shuffle and chaos of the moment. We got the camera back out and I began talking to it.

"Hey guys, so Jen has a pretty serious encounter there, so we had to stop right away. She went to a different hotel. She couldn't continue, so Sam and I are gonna keep going on our own and we will all reconvene tomorrow to talk about things.... and then maybe she can help explain herself what happened! For now, let's get back to the investigation.  I glanced around there and then Sam turned to me and handed me the spirit box.

"Girl. Clear." It spoke and readout.

"Yes she's gone now, you scared her away," I said.

"Dangerous," it said. I shook my head.

"She's not dangerous, she's a medium....." I said.

"Is she dangerous to you?" Sam asked, "Can she remove you from this place?"

"Freedom, Removed!" it readout.

"She said you were dangerous. what did you do to her?" I asked, "You completely drained her energy."

"Remove, Spy..." it read.

"Well, for now, she's gone, and you're not welcome to attach to us or follow us out. you have to stay here," Sam said firmly. It was quiet after that. After we left the stairwell we went to explore the hotel a bit more. Sam and I decided we'd go where it was a bit more haunted, where Jen had even said we shouldn't go. I wanted to figure out what was going on here that the activity had gotten so much worse.

As we headed toward the off-limits basement area, my phone went off. It must have been Jen, letting me know she had arrived at the hotel. I smiled knowing she was better, but I would check the full message once we got downstairs. Reaching the basement stairwell was an eerie feeling, and I immediately felt what Jen was warning us about. We carefully headed downstairs and once we reached it,  I pulled my phone out, read and answered her message, and sam nodded to my phone.

"She alright?" he asked.

"Yes, she was asking about tomorrow, I told her 11 am at the restaurant across from her hotel," I said, then muted and tucked my phone away. I had the spirit box while Same had the EMF reader. 

AS we walked the first part of the basement the spirit box went off.

"Get out," it said. Sam and I both turned to look at each other.

"Why do you want us to leave? we just wanna talk," I said.

"Leave, go away," it said.

"We wanted to try another way to communicate if that's okay!" Sam said pulling out our flashlights. 

"Fine, get on with it," the box said, making us both jump and start to get all excited about contact. 

"Holy shit, this is nuts!!" I said, "When does it ever give us a whole sentence like that?!" 

"Never that's insane, okay okay let's get the flashlights all set up!" I said. Sam came over to get us all set up and we positioned them in certain spots before we took a seat.

"Okay, we have a few things set up, if you wanna talk can you turn our flashlights on?" I asked. It was quiet and nothing till one turned on.

"Thank you so much, you wanna talk, but do you want us here?" Sam asked. The light turned off immediately. 

"Is that a no? if you want us to leave can you turn BOTH of our flashlights on?" I asked. In seconds both flickered on.

"Okay, let's get out of here dude, this thing is intelligent, I think we need to leave...." Sam said.

"Dude we're getting responses, so we need to keep going,"  I said. Sam shook his head.

"Dude, a MEDIUM even said this was dangerous and whoever or whatever this is, is intelligent and wants us out of here!! Usually, I am all for sticking around and getting more evidence, but THIS this is too much!" Sam said.

"One more question!!" I said. He went to answer but the lights turned off and the one came flying toward us. we screamed, jumped up snatched our stuff, and ran back to and up the stairs.

"Did you get that on video?! did you get it?" sam asked. I checked our video and noticed that the camera had been completely out of focus the entire time. we caught the noise but not the flashlight moving.

"Son of a bitch!!! Seriously?!" he asked, "That could have been our best evidence ever. "

"It's queen mary all over again!!!" I said a bit frustrated. I was so tired of everything happening and not having the evidence.

"Well, let's get our asses upstairs to the room to do our seance..." Sam said. We headed back to our room and sadly, nothing else happened the rest of the night. the spirits were done with us tonight so we tried to get some sleep. I was anxious for the following day. I wanted to check in on Jen and see how she was doing. We got about 5 hours of sleep that night, but I probably got less. My dreams were completely inappropriate for sure. It was definitely something that was gonna make it hard to be in the same room with her the following day.

The Medium: A Colby Brock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now