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Jennifer's POV

After breakfast, we all hugged before we headed to our vehicles. He was into me, what was gonna happen behind closed doors. Everything I hoped. I just wanted him, everything he presented himself to be. He was sexy, dominant, yet very respectful. I got into my vehicle and before I shut my door Colby came over to keep it open and he leaned down to whisper to me.

"There's a lot of flirtatious, a lot of hormones happening with me Jennifer. if it's too much tell me, but tonight I plan to do everything you allow me to do..." he said before he turned back around to go to their vehicle. Well Fuck, at least I knew sex was on the table, well the wall his bed, wherever he liked.

I tried to refocus my thoughts and finally shut my car door. I started my vehicle and finally got myself on the road, heading for the airport. I had to get my rental car turned in before meeting up with sam and Colby again.

It was a half-hour drive, I had my music playing, singing along horribly of course, but I was living my best life singing along to my music. My windows were down and I was letting the music pour out of my vehicle. about five miles from the airport Colby's song began playing thru my speakers. I turned it up even more knowing they were right behind me. I made sure to sing every word.

Once we reached a stoplight they were right beside me and I made sure to wave and continue to sing to Skin. It was a great song and more people needed to hear it. I glanced over at him and he shook his head with a smile.

"You're insane!!!" he shouted over at me. When it got to the chorus I made sure to headbang a bit in my seat and sing even louder.

"Cause I can't forgive myself! If I'm just a servant to my pain Fake face, I'm not well!!!" I shouted. He just laughed and once the light turned green I continued to our destination still jamming. I was a little nervous and anxious, the girls he hangs with are so beautiful, and I was just me. I just hoped I lived up to his expectations.

Arriving at the airport I drove the rental car to the drop-off spot. I pulled up to the valet and he took the keys, as he scanned the paperwork I had and checked it back in. Once he finished with me I stepped aside and let them pull up. Once they handed things over, sam took care of the paperwork as Colby came over to stand beside me.

"You're insane, you know that right?" he said, with a smirk.

"I am aware, but I think you like my crazy," I said still keeping my eyes on Sam as he finished with the valet.

"I do in a weird way, it's kind of a turn-on," he growled, "Makes me wanna kiss you..."

"You can't kiss me anytime you want Colby but I welcome you to try," I laughed.

"Fuck, you're in so much trouble when we get to vegas," he groaned his hands tightening around his bag straps. I leaned into his ear, lowering my tone, and made sure to sound as sexy as possible.

"Promise?" I whispered with a gentle moan, and I saw the vein in his neck tense. Good, it worked.

"Yes, and I keep my promises..." he said, finally smiling down at me.

"You have no idea what I am gonna do to you Mr. Brock," I chuckled, smiling back at him. Was I seriously challenging him right now? In a parking lot?

"I just hope you can keep up," he said, side hugging me. I blushed and nodded.

"I'll do my best," I said, as Sam came to join us.

"You two horny bitches ready?" he laughed as we headed into the airport.

"Of course," Colby said, "To both!!" I giggled and blushed as we headed inside. We stopped at the ticket booth and got our tickets verified and the verification stub printed off. We only had carry-ons so we headed to security, the boys keeping me in the middle of them, Colby behind me. I could feel his presence and smell his cologne so close to me. It was almost too much to handle being so close without being able to touch him or him to touch me.

Once we got thru security, Colby walked beside me and we headed to our gate to wait to board. he carried my bag for me as we drew near it.

"Do you need anything before we board?" he asked, politely.

"Well, you got condoms right?" I snickered. He laughed and nodded.

"Then no I think we're all set," I smirked. He shook his head.

"The way you've been teasing me jennifer I made need more," he said.

"It's not teasing Colby, it's flirting. Teasing means I won't put out, but believe me when I say I plan to!" I whispered. I felt his hand rest on m hip under my bag and he gently dug his fingers into my sides.

"Easy J, I'm already concerned for your safety," he whispered. I moaned softly, wanting on that plan faster. As we reached the gate we took our seats waiting for boarding to call.

"OH MY GOD!!!! You're Sam and Colby!!!!" I heard before a couple of girls hurried over to talk to the guys. the guys smiled and stood for hugs and photos. Their names were Julie and Samantha. Julie had an aura about her. There was sadness. Her mom, her mom just passed recently. Right as I thought if I got a voice in my head.

"Juls is still sad, she was my only baby...." the voice said.

"Aww thank you guys for coming over, it's always nice to meet fans," Sam said, signing Samantha's XPLR hoodie she had on.

"What are you guys doing in Colorado?" Julie asked, excitedly.

"Dude, do you not pay attention to their Instagrams?! They came back for the Stanley Hotel!!!" Samantha said in shock.

"Really? Round four?!" Julie asked, then noticed me sitting beside Colby's seat, "Who is the girl?"

"OH! Jen's a medium! like Amanda...." Sam smiled, "She went with us! She's got an amazing gift!"

"Really?" Julie asked raising a brow.

"Yes, your mom is worried for you Juls, she wants you to take care of yourself... continue your weekly lunch at um... Chance's? Chaunce's.... something with a CH," I smiled. Her face immediately fell and tears welled in her eyes.

"Chandler's," she whimpered, softly before she latched onto me, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you, I was wondering if she was still here...." she said softly. I smiled and looked her dead in the eyes.

"She is, she's looking after you but you need to look after yourself," I said tears welling in my eyes. The sadness seemed to subside a little within her. It was nice to help someone with that and be able to subdue a skeptic in the process.

"I promise, can. I get a photo to remember this?" she asked. I nodded and we took a quick selfie, and I gave her my Instagram so she could keep in touch. They headed back to their seats, Samantha consoling her friend.

"That was amazing Jennifer, what you just did for her, you changed her life," Colby said.

"I just told her what she already knew deep down," I shrugged.

"It was beautiful tho Jen, you really could do a youtube channel all your own going to people n public and giving them readings or messages!" sam said.

"ME? YouTube? I dunno, that's more your guys' thing," I giggled.

"I'd be happy to help you out!!" he said nudging me.

"I'll think about it!!" I said.

"First class for flight 174 is now boarding!!" the intercom said. They hugged and went to get in line while I waited for the coach seating to be called. From flirting and talking nasty to Colby to helping a random stranger in the airport. It felt good to help people.

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