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Jennifer's POV

I was so excited to be here with these boys, it was something I always wanted to do, go on an investigation with them. And to be those close to Colby I was silently fangirling. As we entered the hotel I immediately felt the energy change. It was cold and it felt a bit heavy in there.

I paused in the lobby, closed my eyes, and tried to get a feel for the room.

"You alright Jennifer?" Sam asked. I nodded and opened my eyes.

"Someone's here, a man, a soldier," I said softly, "He's following someone.... his wife..."

"What's the vibe?" Colby asked curiously.

"Sadness, nothing else really," I said opening my eyes to see them both looking at me anxiously. I chuckled.

"You guys good?" I asked curiously raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah just wondering what you're hearing or seeing," Sam smiled.

"Just a feeling, sensing it..." I said, "I see your attachment has finally decided to stay gone."

"Oh, Sallie? yeah, we think we took care of that for good," Sam said.

"Yet you're still a bit troubled Sam, everything okay?" I asked. Something was on his mind.

"Yeah, just a lot going on," he shrugged, as we continued to the front desk to get our keys. It was one room, two beds. I chuckled when we got upstairs.

"Beds when no one is sleeping," I laughed, glancing around.

"Yeah, mostly for holding suitcases.." Colby laughed.

"Yeah and equipment... I was wondering if I could do the Estes method... see if it helped make things clearer for me,"

"You still get things a bit distorted?" Colby asked.

"Yeah I don't always hear voices, and I rarely see shadows or ghosts, it's more of an empathic connection," I said.

"Well then of course! you can give it a shot today!" Sam said.

"I don't think I have ever met a medium who didn't see ghosts or hear voices..." Colby said. Wow, really? that was kinda rude!

"I do, it just doesn't happen often, all mediums are different Mr. Brock," I chuckled, "And usually I have to invite them to speak to me, they can't just invade my space unwelcomed. I have boundaries..."

"As you should! We always tell people not to open doors you're not ready for," Sam chuckled.

"Exactly," I said, till I felt a wave of cold air thru the room. I stood up immediately feeling it. It put Colby and sam immediately on high alert.

"What happened? what is it?" Colby asked concerned as the camera captured my panic.

"Did you feel that?" I asked messing with my hair.

"Feel what?" Sam asked, confused.

"That cold breeze," I said softly, "Maybe I am imagining things... but it felt like someone blowing on my hair. but it was ice cold."

"Really? I don't think that's something you can imagine..." he said softly.

"I guess, sorry. I didn't mean to freak out.." I said sitting back down. Colby looked at me concerned.

"It's okay, if you felt it you felt it!!" he said gently, rubbing my shoulder.

"Thanks but I just wasn't sure..." I said, softly. it kinda scared me. he took his seat and he kept the camera rolling.

"So what's first?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"We're in the room, lets's get settled and get the second camera and rem-pods set up," Sam said, getting that done as I got myself situated comfortably and got my eyes closed. Once Sam sat down we all tried to focus and I began to speak.

"We're here to talk to you, I give you permission to speak to me and show yourself to me," I said out loud before reopening my eyes and Sam began to ask questions. As he did a shadow began forming behind Colby. It was tall and dark, and the vibe was a bit off. Unreadable almost and it kinda spooked me. I nudged sam and nodded toward it.

"What? what do you see?" he asked, looking where I was looking.

"You don't see it?" I asked, softly, as it became more clear. It was a man, a soldier just as I suspected, staring at me, before turning to go stand in a corner and glance out the window.

"What do you want?" I asked, making him turn to look at me and then back out the window. Colby's eyes were wide following my gaze.

"I can see you, the least you can do is answer the question...." I said softly. He ignored me and he disappeared thru the wall. in doing so a photo fell off the wall. It made the boys jump right from their spots on the bed.

"Holy shit! No fucking way! no way!!" Colby said in shock just staring at the photo that was now on the floor.

"Please tell me you got that on camera," Sam said in shock.

"For sure, we've never seen that, anywhere anytime ever..." Colby rambled.

"He was just leaving the room," I said, softly.

"That was him leaving?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, he realized I could see him and didn't wanna stay apparently," I said.

"You did kind of lecture him," Colby said, with a smirk.

"I just didn't understand why he would show himself to me but not talk to me..." I shrugged.

"Well, for now, I can't believe we captured that..." Sam said in shock running his hand thru his hair.

"Dude this is HISTORICAL!" Colby said brightly, "All thanks to Jen here!!" I smiled and nodded.

"I think I offended him," I said, "If you can please come back sir, we just wanna help..."

"We have other things here you can interact with to answer questions without having to show yourself or speak to Jennifer. You can talk to us..." Sam said quickly. After a moment the rem pod went off.

"Thank you, thank you so much for coming back, did Jennifer upset you?" Colby asked, "One beep for yes more beeps for no..." We stayed quiet and eventually it beeped, once...

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I thought maybe you were scared or couldn't hear me...." I said gently. It beeped once more.

"Thank you for accepting my apology..." I said gently, "Do you need our help?" It was quiet for a moment before it beeped again.

"Okay, how can we help?" Sam asked glancing around the room.

"Not a yes or no question Sam," Colby said

"Okay, do you need help becoming free?" Same asked. Three beeps. Then I heard it clear as day.

"Die..." the voice said, "Die now..." I saw him reappear again, and his eyes locked on mine.

"Who has to die?" I asked, making Colby and Sam snap their eyes back to me and hearing our conversation.

"Me," it said, the tone dark and almost a growl.

"Sir, you are dead..." I said gently and in seconds his hand reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"NO!" he shouted, making me flinch and cry out. This made Colby stand quickly the camera still pointing at me. Then the shadow was gone again. Sam and Colby's eyes focused on my wrist as the bruise of a hand began appearing on my skin, Colby filming every second.

"Holy Shit," he said their eyes widened in shock. I felt the tears flowing down my face as i tried to recompose myself, as Sam and Colby huddled around me with concern, both trying to rub my shoulder as Colby continued to record... And that was how it started, he marked me and after that the rest of our night was unexplainable.

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