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Jennifer's POV

After we returned from yoga we noticed Colby and Sam had returned from their run. They looked exhausted and their bodies were glistening from sweat. 

"Wow, did you guys not shower before you came home?" Sam asked gently.

"Showers at the gym stopped working," Kat grumbled.

"Well their hot water wasn't working," I said just as annoyed.

"Seriously? That's crazy!!" Colby said a bit surprised.

"Yeah, they had to shut down... so annoying!" Kat said.

"We're gonna go shower," I said as we went over to join the boys.

"Okay," Sam chuckled at Kat who was clearly upset she had to drive her car all stinky.

"Stop laughing at me!!" She pouted.

"Sorry baby girl!" He said hugging her, "there! we're both stinky!" She laughed and pushed him away.

"You're so gross!!" She laughed.

"Sorry sorry! Showers for everyone!!" Sam snickered as we headed inside. As we headed in, Colby's fingers latched with mine. 

"I don't want you to leave..." he said softly.

"I know, but I have to, I need to go to work..." I said, gently. 

"You can work here, do youtube with me, or take your medium work to the streets!!" he pouted.

"As much as I would love to, I can't abandon my patients.... they need me, and even if I wanted to leave, how am I supposed to pay my rent, LA is expensive!!"  I said. 

"I don't know babe, just suggestions, but if you do it on the side, who knows how it may blow up. Here in Vegas, it would be easy for that kind of career..." he suggested.

"Again, my patients Colby," I said softly. He hugged me and kissed my temple.

"I know, but just know the moment you change your mind, you're always welcome here. And most importantly, my bed is always here for you, I'll make room for you..." he smiled.

"Thanks, I will definitely think about it, for now, let's get a shower, and then I have to pack my stuff back up," I said. He nodded and we headed to his private bathroom. We got some clothes and towels ready on the bathroom counter before we got undressed. 

"You're so beautiful," he said, his hands running over my sides as we climbed into the shower. I blushed and turned the shower water on. I felt Colby's lips trailing over the back of my neck and shoulders. I moaned softly, reaching my hand back to latch into his hair. The second my hand latched into his dark locks I knew what I was in for. He groaned and his left hand slid up my body to gently wrapped around my neck. He turned my face to his kissing my lips roughly before spreading my legs with his right knee and then lifting it with his right hand. He gently bent me against the wall and pressed himself inside me. 

His length, as always, made me cry out. I would never get used to the way he felt inside me. It was a bit too much for me sometimes. I tried to brace myself against the wall the best I could and let him slide in and out of me at a slow torturous pace. I felt his hand connect roughly against my ass making my body tense up and a deep moan escape my lips.

"Fuck, yes Colby, that's it, there," I panted trying to press myself back against him. He let me take over the movement. He stood still gripping my hair as I pushed my hips back to him, thrusting at a faster speed, wanting every inch as deep as I could possibly take him. 

"J, that's so fucking good,"  he groaned, his free hand massaging my breast for a moment before he landed a few more rough spankings to my ass and thighs. I cried out and felt myself drawing near to my end. 

"Oh shit, Colby I'm gonna cum, fuck it's so good," I rambled, trying to rush my climax. I needed release. Once I felt my body climax, I cried out his name once more and then shook, almost losing him from inside me. Once my body relaxed, he turned us around and pressed my back to the shower wall and he lifted me up, his arms tucked under my knees. He began thrusting roughly, aiming for his own climax.

"Oh fuck, yes there, shit," I moaned loudly. It was so good I had almost forgotten what sex was like before Colby Brock. This man had a talent I didn't even know was real. it was like something out of a porn movie or some smutty fan fiction. Before him, I don't think I had truly experienced a real orgasm. 

He was attentive to me, always first, then finished off, not once has he finished before me. Of course, this was only the third or fourth time we had had sex, but either way, I had high hopes for him. It didn't take him long for his own finish. He ended it with our lips pressed together, moaning into them.

"God damn, I don't wanna miss out on this every day," he chuckled once he was placing my feet back down on the shower floor. I nodded as I tried to catch my breath.

"I hear that," I agreed, "You're amazing Colby, by far the best I've ever had...." He smirked and kissed me softly.

"Hopefully I'm the only one for a very long time..." he said, "I don't wanna share you...."

"You don't have to, and besides sure you won't have my pussy wrapped around you every day but I am sure we can help one another out here and there..." I smiled. He chuckled and kissed me softly.

"For sure, you have a dirty mouth so it shouldn't take much for us to help one another out..." he said. We both got refocused on the shower we had originally climbed in there for. He helped me wash my body and even helped me wash my hair.

I helped him wash his back and such, kissing his skin occasionally. I had to control myself with him, I could not let us get carried away again. We had to get cleaned up and then out of the shower. Once we finished up he helped me out of the shower, wrapping me in a soft black cotton towel. I smiled and kissed him softly as he got one around his waist as well. Moments like these made his request for me to move to Vegas much more appealing.

My concerns were leaving my patients but the biggest one was the fact we'd known one another personally for less than a week and for me to up and move my entire life seemed crazy. I just wanted to live in the moment, what was the rush?

~*~*~AUTHOR'S NOTES~*~*~

I know usually I alternate POV but I got halfway thru and messed it up so I had to repair it and it was easier to keep it in Jen's POV. 

I hope everyone's enjoying this story. I have noticed reading thru even with Grammarly I still have errors, please feel free to correct me or point them out if you noticed them.

Let me know where you want this to go next, any characters you wanna see brought in?

Thanks so much for reading!


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