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Jennifer's POV
After leaving the doctor, we ran through McDonald's, and got myself some food. I was starving all the time we made sure to grab something for Sam and Katrina as well before heading back to the house.

Once we got back to the house, we took the food in the house and called out for our friends.

"Katrina get down here! I brought you nuggets," I called out. I only took a moment before I heard her scream nuggets at the top of her lungs, and then come flying down the stairs.

"You're the bestest friend ever," she said rushing over to hug me and rub my belly gently, then took the bag of her nugget meal from me.

"Well, I figured you were gonna be a happy camper. You're sweet and sour sauce is also in the bag," I smiled.

"So are we going to find out the sex of our godchild or are you guys hanging onto that?" Sam asked with a grin.

"Dude, we're totally making you wait for the gender reveal party just like everybody else!" Colby said.

"Dude seriously that's no fun!" He said. I just chuckled and patted him on the back.

"Poor Sam can't have his way! dude, seriously don't stress about it. It's got a few things that we need to go pick up so I was thinking maybe we could all run up to the baby store and pick out some things?" I suggested.

"So you want me to eat my nuggets and then go to the store so I can spoil my god baby?" Katrina asked.

"Precisely! That is exactly what I want you to do," I chuckled, as she popped a nugget into her mouth.

"Well, then, that sounds like the perfect plan to me. What do you think babe should we go get some stuff to spoil the bubs?" She asked Sam. He nodded with a gentle shrug.

"Well, yeah, it's probably a good plan," Sam smiled. We all sat down and chitchatted about the gender reveal trying to figure out how we wanted to do it.

"So are you guys going to do that just for friends and family or are we gonna do something that we can eventually use for the channel?" He asked us, I glanced over at Colby. I hadn't even thought of announcing it to their fans. I guess it would be the best way to announce pregnancy too because we still hadn't done that we've been super cautious about protecting our little secret.

"Yeah, we could probably do that. I'm sure we can figure something out. Maybe drop a few hints between now and then really good suspense going," Colby suggested.

"That could work!! I think that could be fun for everyone maybe do something private for friends and family and then come up with something really funny and fun for the actual fans," I agreed.

"This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait to figure this out," Katrina said. We finished eating and then got ourselves all cleaned up and the trash is thrown away before gathering our coats and bags and heading for the vehicle. Sam was insistent that we take the Tesla.

"I still don't know how you're going to fit a car seat in this vehicle, Sam." I laughed. Sure it wasn't his baby but if they ever had to babysit, we'd need to make sure a car seat fit. 

"Well, it's a vehicle, not a basket. I'm sure we'll figure it out." He laughed.

"This is very true," I said, as we all climbed in. We headed off for the store and I was getting more and more anxious about this trip. I just knew they were gonna freak out when we finally dropped the hints. It was a quick trip to the baby store, and once we arrived, we headed inside. Once we got in Katrina immediately went over to the baby clothes.

"Do you really want to do that without knowing what we're having?" I asked.

"There are plenty of cute, gender, neutral, clothes, here I'm sure I can find something adorable,"  She said, waving me off, "Besides, it would be really easy if you just told me."

"Nice try but now you're gonna have to wait," I said as we continued around the store. she found a couple of really cute little onesies. They were pretty gender-neutral. Once we get over in the baby furniture section, Colby begins glancing around.

"Dude, what are you doing? You have everything baby why is the need as far as furniture goes," Sam asked a bit confused.

"I know I'm aware of that I feel like something's not right," he said glancing at a few cribs and a changing table. There was one that was connected and had storage on it.

"We really should've looked into one of these," Colby added.

"Don't you have one just like that what are you talking about?" Sam asked, raising a brow a little confused.

"Yeah, I see what you're saying Colby we might need that one but I was thinking maybe it was the stroller replacement we should look at first," I suggested,

"Oh, that's right we definitely need to look into that didn't we?" he asked and we headed over to the stroller section.

"Why on earth would you need another stroller? you already have two," Katrina asked, shaking her head. 

"You have one for basic walks and one for Colby to have for him and his runs. They're both already so cumbersome why do you need another one?" Sam asked.

"Well, I think it's because I don't think the ones that we have a really gonna work," Colby said

"What's wrong with the ones that you have?" Sam asked, "They're pretty top of the line. You already spent so much money on them."

"I know we're gonna have to return them all we said we're definitely gonna need to upgrade," Colby sighed.

"Yeah, something kind of like this!" I said as I placed my hands on the nearest double stroller. Sam looked at me, then at the stroller, then back at me, then at Colby, and then at the stroller.

"No fucking way!" he said his eyes wide, making Katrina's eyes match his gaze.

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