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Colby's POV

Jen and I gave Sam and Kat the house on the beach for the last couple of days of the vacation and we headed home on our own. All I wanted to do was get home and talk about the baby and discuss our options.

Not like whether or not we would keep the baby options but like how to announce the pregnancy what kind of spectacle will make of it if it'll be super dramatic or what the plan would be.

Maybe even sit and discuss some names or discuss a nursery or if we were going to find our own place! We never did talk to Sam and Kat about that. We will definitely have to have that conversation.

"So here we go! Are you ready to get home and get into your own bed and relax?" I asked her.

"Absolutely I feel like it's been forever since I've slept in my own bed," she said softly. We only had a couple of hours left of our flight before we arrived home. Nothing could be better than finally touching back down in Vegas!

she rested her head on my shoulder and I let her relax a little bit I think it only took a few minutes for her to fall asleep. It was so weird to know that she was so tired especially if she slept for almost 3 days straight.

I kissed her forehead and let her rest. Right now all I wanted was for her and the baby to be healthy. I let myself get a tiny catnap for now. I am sure I'd wake up once we landed.

"Daddy!!! Pushes me!!!" A tiny voice asked tugging at my jeans. I glanced down at the cutest little girl I had ever seen. Dark black hair and blue eyes, just like me. I smiled at her and let her take my hand.
"Of course...:" I said.
"Samara, sweetie you need to finish your lunch first..." I heard Jen's voice call out. I turned to look at her and she was VERY pregnant. Samara. What a beautiful name. Jen came over and I kissed her softly and rubbed her stomach. It was so amazing to see.
"Colby..." she said, "Colby!!"

I bolted awake to Jen trying to wake me. My eyes locked onto her. We were on a plane. Right. Vegas. We were home. That was so on it all seems so real. Had I really just dreamed my own child into existence? Or was it just something that was running around in my brain and it just happened? I always heard that the last thing you think about is usually what you end up dreaming about. And our baby was definitely on her mind.

"Colby, come on... we're the last ones!" She giggled, offering me her hand: I grabbed my bag and made sure we had everything before we exited.

"Wow, you were really in the zone there! Seemed like a pretty deep sleep! What on earth were you dreaming about?" She asked linking her fingers with mine. I just chuckled and rub the back of my neck.

"You're gonna think I'm crazy!" I said Glancing down at her. She looked up at me and gently poked my side

"Babe I already think you're crazy," she laughed. Making me chuckle as well.

"That's beside the point. But seriously it was so weird and felt so real. I had a dream that a little girl was calling me daddy and asking me to push her on the swings!" I said, " and you were telling her that she had to finish her lunch and when I turn to look at you you're so beautiful and you were pregnant very very pregnant. Makes me wonder if I'm just thinking about the baby too much or if my brain is trying to give me clues or what!"

"That doesn't sound crazy that actually sounds pretty amazing," She smiled hugging my arms, "so tell me, did they happen to say their name in the dream?"

" Samara," I said. Her eyes widened and looked at me her eyes wide

"Are you serious? That's literally the name I have wanted for a future daughter for I don't even know how long!!!" She said in shock.

" I am very serious. It's crazy that my brain would just think of that, I said.

"Absolutely!! it's been a name I've had since I was like 12 years old maybe. I know it sounds absolutely crazy but I am the weird kid that watched the movie the ring and sympathized with a little girl In the well!" She said softly, "And when I heard her name I just knew that's what I wanted my daughter's name to be!"

"Well, it's a beautiful name! Most importantly she was beautiful!! She had your dark hair and my blue eye! She was just the cutest little thing!" I smiled kissing her softly As we headed to go get our bags.

"Well, at least if it's a girl we have a name already?" She asked. I nodded in agreement.

"Samara Brock does have a nice ring to it doesn't it?" I asked.

"It does! it sounds pretty perfect!" She agreed. Once we got our bags and had everything together we headed out to grab an Uber home. We would leave the vehicle for Sam and Kat when they returned. Besides he had the keys anyway not much we could do.

Finally getting in the Uber to head home I turn to Jen and stroked her hair back.

"So when do you want to tell people? we need to at least tell my mom first!" I said.

"I agree! I think telling your mom is the first priority! I don't really have anyone in my own family to tell. I've always been the black sheep so I don't think anybody really pays much attention. And no one's gonna fly to Vegas to see the baby! They'll expect me to come to them for a reunion or something. Lord knows I haven't met my cousin's kids since they've been born and there's three of them!" She said.

"It's still so surreal to me that you're not close with your family!" I said, "Do you think they fly to Vegas for our wedding?"

"Our wedding? Let's focus on the baby first!!!" She giggled as we pulled out of the airport parking lot.

Right of course. The baby first. Geez, if you start running a sprint like that she's going to get scared off. You need to focus on your child first and worry about making everything official later. Marathon, not a sprint! You've already been sprinting through this entire relationship. You need to slow down and pull yourself together!

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~

What do you think of the name? It's what my daughter would have been named if my mom hadn't passed. Once she passed I chose her choice and her name for her middle. It all seemed to be better that way. A great way to honor her. So how will Colby's family take the news? any thoughts?

Halsey Rae

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