Chapter 1- Life Of A Church Girl: The Beginning To The Unexpected

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Veronica POV

I jumped out of my deep slumber breathing heavily when I heard a loud rooster along with vibrations sounds which filled my room. I looked to my right towards the night stand and quickly grabbed my phone and turned off that damn annoying ass alarm.

I know, I know you thinking why do I even used that alarm sound then since I'm complaining. The truth is, I'm a deep sleeper. If you set the house on fire I still wouldn't have known.

Putting my phone back on the night stand, I fell back down on the bed and sighed while staring at the ceiling.

I hate mornings. I thought to myself.

I took the covers off my body and suddenly felt a cool breeze caressed me.

I must have forgotten to close the windows lastnight.

I inhaled deeply then slowly exhaled enjoying nature. God is good. Ain't he?

Slowly getting off the bed I took my phone back up off the stand to check the time and it was now 6:45 am. I should reach school by 7:30 so I decided to start getting ready.

I went into the bathroom, showered and did my other hygiene routines then came back out with my favorite fluffy purple towel wrapped around me.

Yes, purple is my favorite color.

Droplets of water was still dripping from my body and my hair because I had just washed it. I digged through my dresser draw to find an underwear and went into my closet to find something to wear.

I saw one of my favourite purple with small stripes of lavender sun dress and decided that's the one.

I quickly got dressed and strolled down the stairs. Hearing the sounds of my footsteps clomping down the wooden staircase I saw my father looked towards me and my nose was instantly captivated by the delicious smell of scrambled eggs, fried dumplings and I'm guessing ripe plantens.

"Good morning princess." he smiled graciously at me.

"Good morning father." I smiled.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked.
I know you weren't feeling good last night"

"I am feeling all better now daddy, stomachache is gone." I smiled at his concern for me.

I love my father so much.

My father is the bishop of St John's Apostolic Church for 15 years now. That's right, I grew up in that Church since I was 3 years old.

I lost my mother when I was only 4 years old. She had a heart attack. To this very day I still questioned the caused of my mother's death.

She was a healthy woman after all.

It broke my heart into million pieces wishing she was here with us. I remember the day I found her laying on the cold tiled floor, I remembered it so clearly as if it just happened yesterday.


I was outside in the swing, swaying back and forth while the breeze stroke my thick black hair against my face. Suddenly I felt the urge to pee, I got off and ran hastily into the living room and up the stairs to where the bathroom was.

After using the bathroom, I slowly made small steps down the stairs while I watched my bare feet strode down the cold tiled floor.

"Mommy?" I called out to her but no response.

"Mommy I want some icecream!" I yelled out but once again, no response.

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