o7. just the two of us

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The always dim-lit, slytherin common room sat quiet as I pranced down there, in search for my best friend, Lenora. Only a couple of first years were sat by the fireplace, making me question where the fuck everybody had gone off to. I vaguely recalled Draco inviting Lena to study with him in the library one night this week, but, oh, did I pray that it wasn't that night.

As I checked every single fucking corner of my homely common room, she was no where in sight. But neither was Malfoy. And without thinking, I decided to track up to the boys dormitories. I already knew which one belonged to Malfoy, Blaise, and Theodore, so I was quickly in front of the door that lead to it. But the second I had knocked, I immediately regretted it. Why was I up there? On what level was my social-anxiety fucking on? Because if I had fully thought that action through, I would never had done it.

Just as I was about to turn on my heels and quickly dash out of sight, the single door swung open. And a red-eyed, yet still fine as fuck, Theodore Nott stood on the other side of the door frame. His eyebrows shot up as he realised it was me, and his weary eyes widened.

From just the look in his eyes, there was no doubt in that boy being high.

"Lenora is down in the library with Malfoy and Zabini, darling." Oh, the things this boy did to me. I swear I melted just at the sight of this deadly attractive piece of art.

He was still Theodore, he seemed to not be that high. But high enough for one like me to notice at a first glance. He took a couple of seconds to glance up and down my body. As it was after school hours, around nine o'clock, I was no longer dressed in my robes. Instead, I was wearing dark green, plaid pyjama shorts and a cropped, black vest which reached just above my low-waisted shorts. His smooth lips parted as his eyes innocently scanned my body, forcing me to wonder whether he was taking in my appearance because I looked like shit, or because he actually liked the way I looked. And I silently hoped it was the second reason. I also took the opportunity to take in his own appearance, seeing him in a white t-shirt which was covered by a black sweatshirt, the sleeves scrunched up to his elbows and on his legs were shades of black, plaid pyjama bottoms. He looked handsome. As always. His hair was all messy and ruffled and he had another look in his eye, other than high, it was a look that I couldn't quite make out.

Our bodies stood around half a meter apart as we stood on either side of the doorway, just close enough so that I could feel his breaths fanning against my face as he looked down at me.

I stayed put for a good few seconds before eventually beginning to head off down the hall, not wanting to make the situation any more awkward than it already was. Until, a hand gently grabbed my wrist, turning me to face Theodore Nott and his dark ocean eyes. "Why don't you come in whilst they're gone?" He looked deep into my eyes as I got completely lost in his own.

I couldn't even word a sentence, too hypnotised by his words and his eyes. God, his fucking eyes. "Oh, alright, thanks." He silently led me back down the hall to his dorm, leading me inside, still having a soft hold of my left wrist, and closing the door behind us. His dorm wasn't much different to mine, however slightly larger since it slept three people, mine and Lena's only sleeping two. It was much plainer than mine, even though there were more people, who's to say more people meant more decorations?

He ever so gently let go of my wrist before walking over to the sofa's that were placed in front of a fireplace in his room, taking a seat in the large chair and waiting for me to join him. And I did as I wished. I made my way over to the slytherin boy who was sitting on the only chair in the room, giving me no other option other than to sit on the fairly comfortable, leather sofa that was placed beside it, all positioned around the dark oak coffee table.

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