18. tear us apart

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It was the end of a relationship. The end of Lenora's and Draco's relationship. To be totally honest, I don't remember when they started dating. They both seemed fine though, aside from the sneaky glares they had at each other and whatnot. They both seemed to be doing better without each other. Well, Lenora was doing better without Draco. Draco, however, he was just getting worse everyday. I don't think the breakup impacted him that much. But who am I to know?

The day after the breakup was the worst day of them all. Obviously, neither of them were speaking anymore and they were the ones who initiated in this group forming anyway. So, now it was me and Lenora, and them three, well, four of you included Pucey but he was barely with us. We didn't sit with each other at breakfast, lunch or dinner. I was just pissed that I no longer had an excuse to hang out with Theo all of the time. If I wanted to, I'd have to bring Lenora. One, he would probably come in a package deal with Malfoy and Zabini. Two, I wouldn't want Lena to be there when we're together, we wouldn't really be allowed to be together if she was there I guess. I mean, it's not like we're going to do anything when she's in the room.

As me and Lenora sat lunch, the boys were on the other end of the table. Draco didn't look over once. I wondered if he'd been saying anything about Lenora or the break up since they had broken up. Or, maybe he was just as quiet as he usually was.

I looked over at the boys who had now been accompanied by Adrian and Pansy. What the fuck was Pansy doing over there? Since when was she friends with them? I knew in the past, when we were friends, that she had a crush on Adrian, and then Draco but I never thought she was friends with any of them.

I tried not to let it bother me too much, but there was no doubt in mind that she still had a crush on one of those boys. And I bloody well hoped it wasn't Theo. I wasn't usually the jealous type, but ever since I started getting closer to Theo, I was nothing but the jealous type. I tried to hide it though.

Theodore's eyes met with mine as he turned his head to look at me but as soon as I noticed, his eyes looked away, and so did his head. A quiet but audible sigh left my mouth as I turned my attention back to my best friend who was eating a cauldron cake and looking content with her life, so I didn't let my jealousy get to me. I didn't want to ruin her mood, not that my mood would ruin hers anyway.

"Are you finished? I wanna run by the library before class." Lenora asked, looking down at my empty plate which previously had a ham sandwich on.

"Yeah, let's go now." I insisted, standing up from the bench, just eager to get out of there before I could have possibly seen Pansy flirting with Theo. I was surprised Pansy went there alone, she was normally with Daphne. The two were practically inseparable, but I couldn't see Daphne anywhere in the hall that day so maybe she was sick or something.

Lenora's eyes widened at my sudden movement before standing up on the opposite side of the table and walking out with me . As we met up at the end of the long table, I snook a glance at Theo, but he was already looking at me. This time, he held eye contact, but it was soon interrupted by Pansy talking to him and having to repeat what she had said because from the looks on their faces he'd not heard her the first time.

Me and Lenora swiftly exited the hall and made our way to the library. I know it had only been a day since I'd last spoken to Theo, but to be with him was all I wished for in that very moment of time.

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