13. better in here than out there

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Me and Theodore still hadn't talked about that night. It was bloody pissing me off. He hasn't made any effort to talk to me either, at least from my point of view. I thought there was no way he could feel whatever the fuck it was that I was feeling. But, the thought kept repeating in my head, even better, the fact kept repeating in my head. Theodore was the one who came into my dorm that night. He was the one who got mad at Cormac for talking about me like I was a piece of shit (although I doubt Cormac would like to fuck a piece of shit). He was the one who stormed back in and kissed me.

He was the one.

Not me.


•─────⋅ ⋅─────

As I sat in McGonagalls classroom on the monday, I knew there was something I was missing. There was something I had forgotten about. But I had forgotten what I had forgotten about.

That was until Professor McGonagall stood in front of the class and spoke these very words, "I hope you've all completed the assignment that you were all told to do last week. It would be an awful shame if one of you were to have not done it."

Oh, right.

My eyes vaguely widened at the sound of this and I turned to my left at Blaise who was sitting carelessly next to me, obviously having done his homework. Draco was sitting at a table with Theodore on the other side of the room, smugly smirking his petty ass off.

Theodore, however, didn't seem so amused as he leaned forward onto his and Malfoy's desk, no assigned work laid in front of him.

McGonagall stopped at their desk second as Draco showed her his completed assignment and Theodore sat empty-handed. "Mister Nott, I expect more from you. Detention tonight in here. I will be expecting your assignment to be completed by the morning and handed to me in tomorrow's lesson." She smiled down at Theodore who nodded at her before she walked down the row. At least I wasn't the only one to forget the homework.

Soon enough McGonagall arrived at mine and Blaise's desk and quickly realised I was also, along with Theodore, empty-handed. "Miss Mortimer, I hope that you'll look forward to your detention tonight with Mister Nott. Same rules apply to you." She smiled that McGonagall smile down at me, peering at me over her glasses before walking up out row.

I looked over at Nott's and Malfoy's desk. Malfoy was occupied by some doodles he was making in his transfiguration book. Theodore, however, had his gaze on me. His head was turned over his shoulder and we locked eyes. The amount of times I had lost myself in his eyes was probably higher than the amount of times Draco applied gel to his hair in one morning before school in the first two years of Hogwarts.

As McGonagall began with the lesson, Theodore's eyes drew away from mine and he paid his attention to the front of the classroom before I did the same.

With Theodore Nott.
Just the two of us.

Well I couldn't hide the fact that I was actually looking forward to it.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

The day flew by, and before I knew it, I was walking into McGonagall's classroom for a detention with Theodore Nott. He was already there when I wandered in only a minute late. McGonagall didn't say anything as I walked over to her desk, where Theodore stood in silence. "You will be marking papers for my first years. Here's a pile each." McGonagall ordered, halving her unmarked papers and gently placing them down in front of me and Theodore. "I expect them to be done by the end of the night. You can leave as soon as you finish marking your pile. Sit at those two desks over there. Off you go."

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