46. better than revenge .

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warning: suggested smut, ig??


The sky grew brighter despite the tension growing deeper throughout the castle. The tension was one of great concern, and mystery. It didn't mystify every single person that walked through those stone cold corridors; only the ones who had the right minds to know what was coming.

Florence had dreamt about possibilities. Well, had nightmares, per-say. Some of Theo leaving her alone, abandoning her in the midst of all of the tortured chaos overthrowing them. Some in which her loved ones ended up dead. Some even in which Florence herself had ended up dead.

As much as the tormenting visions were invading the territory of her mind, Florence didn't speak a word of it, nor let anyone know with only actions or looks how she was feeling. She knew others felt it, plenty made it obvious, but she also partially thought she was going insane. She admitted that to herself.

Everything seemed so bittersweet, even more so as the days went on. It was the worst sort of bittersweet feeling Florence, and the main victims of it all, had ever felt in their entire lives.

Theo hadn't been himself. But that had been for a while.

Draco was just being a dickhead, as usual. But, still, he was holding many lies and secrets underneath his icy skin which were impatiently waiting to break through at any moment. He was like a ticking time bomb.

Blaise was... Well, Blaise was just being Blaise. He was just living his best life.

Lenora had nothing to do with any of it, other than being nothing other than cruel to Florence.

And, Florence, she wasn't doing so well. She never was, anyways. But these confusingly conflicting events weren't doing her any favours - only harm.

Life was moving slowly, now. All of the deafeningly beautiful silence was leading up to a tragically fated turn of events.

You might be thinking that it was the calm before the storm.

It wasn't, surprisingly.

The calm before the storm was still awaited, and it was soon.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

Thursday had rolled around and Florence and Theo had been moderately alright. Theo had been around more than usual - not disappearing for days at a time. However, that didn't mean he was any better than usual. He was still hurting like hell, and it was getting worse as the days drew on. He never mentioned it to anyone, though. He'd always been the 'suffer in peace' type of guy.

It was later on in the day now and everyone was just doing their own things. Blaise, Theo and Draco were chilling in their dorm. Blaise was lying upside down on his bed, throwing his herbology book up in the air over and over again. He'd been doing that for the past minute out of pure boredom and, surprisingly, the book hadn't fallen on his face yet. Until it did.

"Ow!" Blaise screeched in pained shock as the book fell open onto his face, his features screwing up as he shoved it off of him, earning a laugh from his two best friends.

Draco was sitting on the sofa with Theo, a game of wizards chess laid out on the table in front of them. Draco was in the lead, and had been for a while, which Theo was pissed about, as one would be. Theo was sat with his head in his hands, his arms resting on his knees, staring at the board with a bewildered expression, trying to think of any ways he could possibly manoeuvre himself out of being beaten by Draco in something he usually wins at.

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