38. under pressure

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Blaise and Florence made their way down to the hall for breakfast, just the two of them. They couldn't find Theo or Draco that morning, Adrian was off with some Hufflepuff in her dorm after staying over there for the night, and Lenora had snuck off that night to the Gryffindor commons, that was to see Dean Thomas, who she had been getting increasingly close with over the past few weeks.

The two Slytherins sat down in the Great Hall, expecting to be joined by their other friends shortly. They waited as the house tables filled up, students began chatting loudly with one another, laughs emitting from every table, but there was still no sight of their fellow Slytherin friends, though.

"Where the hell have they got to?" Florence groaned as she took a sip of her pumpkin juice, followed by Blaise doing the exact same.

"I don't bloody know but somethings up. When does Theo ever miss breakfast?" Blaise blurted, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"Never. Do you think we should go look for them?" Florence pondered the question, cautiously looking around the room for the possible sight of Theo, Lenora or Draco. She happened to catch sight of her younger sister, who when she remembered she hadn't spoken to much over the few months they had been back at Hogwarts, she began to wonder how she was doing. She looked perfectly fine though, sitting with the two boys she always seemed to be with, laughing at a joke one of them just made.

"Maybe, but I gotta finish my lunch though," Blaise stated, biting into his sandwich, "Food before bros,"

Florence chuckled lightly at his comment as she took a large drink of her almost empty pumpkin juice, a smile appearing on her slightly concerned face. "Blaise, this is breakfast..." She commented after fully processing what he had just said.

"Same thing applies, Flossie," He said casually as he finished his bacon sandwich, not seeming bothered at all by his misuse of words. She smiled with both her eyes and her lips as he called her that nickname for the first time, but she wasn't going to protest against it.

They both left the hall as soon as they had finished their breakfast, not hesitating once as they began to wander through the halls, looking for their friends they hadn't yet seen that morning.

They were both walking in silence, keeping an eye out amongst the groups of students for any sight of their friends, before they came to a deserted corridor and heard the weirdly familiar, pacing footsteps of someone they knew around the corner. Blaise and Florence instantly made their way over to the corridor corner, poking their heads round for a view of who it was waking in such a hurried state.

Draco paced down the hallway, anxiously running his pale, veiny hand through his platinum blond hair as he arrived at the doorway, the first time either of his friends who were watching him had ever seen him do that. He had always been so careful about his hair, Draco Malfoy. It was his prize possession, according to Blaise. They both shared a look before turning back and seeing that he had fully disappeared, he was now nowhere in sight. They couldn't even hear his anxious footsteps anymore. Strange.

Both the Slytherins sent each other a look of confusion before walking down the corridor their close friend had, trying to figure out where the hell he had got to. But there was really no point, they would've never found him. He was well hidden.

They both stopped at the end of the empty corridor after realising there was no point trying to find where he went before Florence turned to Blaise and let out a sigh before breaking the silence, "Alright, do you wanna split up? I could go find Lenora and you could go find Theo," Florence suggested, placing both her hands on her hips.

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