31. jealousy

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After Theodore had become the thing he feared the second most, a Death Eater, Florence didn't act like he expected her to. She didn't distance herself from him. Instead, she just grew more and more fond of him. She didn't give a single fuck that he was a Death Eater, it didn't change the way she felt about him, she just hated the fact that Theo had to go through with it and actually be one of them.

Florence was undeniably scared for him. The scars left on his face from his short disappearance were from his father, meaning he had been let out of Azkaban, or had escaped. It was most likely the second one, but Florence hadn't seemed to hear anything about an escape from Azkaban from anyone else.

But Theo disappearing for a matter of four days and then returning with the Dark Mark made Florence question the fact that Draco also disappeared, but he left for three days, but that didn't mean they couldn't have been gone for the same reason, Draco was probably a Death Eater as well.

Lenora didn't know about Theo or possibly Draco, not that Florence knew of anyway. But she didn't tell her, because if they wanted her to know, they would tell her themselves, and she was bound to find out one day anyway. They wouldn't be very hidden forever.

Florence almost ran down the staircase to her next lesson, she had potions, and to be. fair, she actually loved that lesson. She had two minutes to get there as she speed-walked through the halls, not willing to put up with a month-long detention, even if it was just with Slughorn, she still despised the idea of it. She got to the classroom two minutes late, annoyingly, but two minutes couldn't have done much harm to her learning, the lesson had barely even begun.

When Florence arrived at the classroom, she thought she would just be able to sneak past Professor Slughorn and take a seat with her best friend, Lenora, but he caught her movement as soon as she opened the door, to her annoyance. "Miss Mortimer, glad you could make it, come, sit down," Slughorn gave an uneasy yet friendly smile to Florence who gave a small smile back as she looked from him to Theo, who surprisingly was already in the class, and who surprisingly was already looking at her, before sitting with Lenora.

"Hey, where've you been?" Lenora whispered to Florence as soon as she sat down. Florence couldn't stop her eyes from trailing over to Theo, who's eyes were still glued to hers every time she looked.

Florence snapped out of her trance whilst looking at the breathtaking boy who began smirking when he realised how much of a hold on her he had, "Um, I just went to the toilet," Florence stated, and it was the truth.

"Oh, alright," Lenora seemed as if she had finished talking but after a second her head jolted back up to Florence who was eyeing up Theodore Nott, once again, "Hey, Florence, I gotta tell you something in a minute,"

Florence hesitated before returning her glance back to Lenora who was leaning over the table, "Okay," She nodded before turning her attention to the middle of the classroom, where Slughorn was showing them what they had to do for that days lesson.

It was a couple of minutes before Slughorn finished talking and Lenora could finally tell Florence what she had been unknowingly dying to tell her for four days, "Okay, so," Lenora gained Florence's attention once again as they began to prepare for the potion they were meant to be brewing, "You know who Dean Thomas is?" The question seemed strange to Florence, the glistening in Lenora's eyes making it seem she knew something Florence didn't.

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