36. darker

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this is kind of a shorter chapter than the recent ones but anyways...


Time was ticking.

The halls of hogwarts were becoming even more lifeless by the days passed.

Something strange was happening inside those walls, something dark.

It had come quite clear to Florence that Draco was hiding something. He was always so panicked, but he also looked almost ill. She knew it had to have something to do with The Dark Lord, seen as though they both disappeared for a few days and Theo returned with the Dark Mark. Florence had no insight as to whether Draco was a Death Eater too, she wasn't close to him, really, and didn't know what was going on in his life.

As Florence entered the Great Hall, she was immediately met with the eyes of a dark-haired gryffindor she had never really had much to do with.

Harry Potter.

She held it for a few seconds, it was almost a concerned glare from him, confusing her as such as to why he would even be looking at her in the first place.

Florence had never really spoken much to Harry Potter, sure they said the occasional 'hi' when they passed in deserted hallways, and in third year they were next to each other in herbology, along with Hermione on his other side and on Florence's side there was Blaise, but they still talked sometimes in that class. They were never what one would call 'close friends', though, one could barely even refer to them as 'friends', more like 'allies'.

Florence shoved the strange feeling off as she turned her head away from Potter and sat amongst her friends, in between Blaise and Lenora. When she had arrived at breakfast, Blaise had 'The Daily Prophet' laid out in front of him on the table, lazily scanning through the pages for anything he might find particularly of interest, but turning the pages every 10 seconds or so. Adrian was eating a slice of toast with butter on, observing the room as he did so, as if he was looking for someone, and barely even noticed when Florence sat down at the slytherin table. Lenora was wearing a charming, giddy smile as she made eye contact with Dean Thomas from across the room, and he was smiling back.

Draco and Theo, however, sat in complete utter silence, poking around at their food on their golden plates. Theo locked eyes with Florence as she sat, forcing a smile before turning his attention back to his food, stabbing a piece of bacon with his fork and eating it. Florence furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of the two but tried to shrug it off seen as though it was only the morning. Maybe they were just tired.

They were.

They were the most tired they had been in the entirety of their lives.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

The end of the day had come, and the night had drew on, it was the day of Florence's astronomy class, which she shared with Ivy Harlestone and Theodore Nott. None of her slytherin friends had astronomy with her other than Theo, they either always skipped it, or had already dropped out of the class.

Astronomy, for Florence, was the best class ever. She loved being up there, in the Astronomy Tower, even if it is that she's up there surrounded by a bunch of other sixth years who she's not even friends with, at least she got to see the stars one a week without having to sneak out past curfew.

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