26. board games

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Florence sat amidst the silence in the comfort of her own dorm room as she studied for charms, but there was never really much to study for for that specific lesson.

The blue-eyed slytherin lazily flicked through the pages of a book of spells she had gotten from the library which they were supposed to go over to understand the spells they had been learning in lessons.

The door flew open, surprising Florence because there had been no knock leading up to it. Her head shot up as Theo walked inside her dorm, looking as if he was hesitant to say something. "Are you okay?" Florence asked him, placing her book aside.

Theo didn't reply. Instead he walked over to her and stood about a meter away as she moved her legs over the edge of her bed, putting her feet onto the floor. "Theo?"

"I wanna take you out." Theo blurted, "Right now."

Florence was astonished. She'd never expected this from him. She didn't think he was a type of guy that would ever take her out, like, out out. But, he did new things everyday that surprised her. She stood up from her bed and they eyes met as he took a step forward, closer to her. Florence slid her black, worn-out converse on her feet and quickly did up the laces before standing up straight in front him.

"Where are we gonna go?" She asked, looking up at him as he stood looking down at her. They always seemed to be looking at one another.

"Hogsmeade. It's the second to last weekend we can go this year and I really want to take you out." Theo explained, seeming rather nervous in his tone and way of speech. It was a rare sight to ever catch Theodore Nott nervous. Florence was the first person to ever make him feel that way. To make him nervous was rather impossible when it came to Theodore Nott, but Florence managed to find a way to do it, even if she didn't notice she did.

"Okay." She smiled up at him before he walked over to her trunk, grabbing his jacket he gave to her.

"Don't forget your jacket." Theo said as he walked back over to the first girl to ever make him feel nervous. She smiled as he kindly offered to put it on for her. She was confused at this Theo. This Theo surprised her.

"Thanks." Florence spoke as he began putting her jacket on for her. Theo came back into her view after he had helped her fully put her jacket on. He didn't even stand there for over a second before he grabbed hold of her soft hand and led her out of the room; she closed the door behind them.

Florence was surprised. But she didn't want to mention it. She thought it'd ruin it. She just wanted to enjoy it as much as she could. Her mind was convincing her something bad was going to happen, she believed it.

Her mind was right.

When they arrived at Hogsmeade, it had gotten fairly darker in the sky now. The air was cold and the moon was out to show instead of the sun which was slowly setting over the horizon.

Florence didn't ask any questions as Theo led her into Hogsmeade. It was a quiet evening in Hogsmeade at around nine pm and they had one hour left before curfew hit. It was no surprise in the end that Theodore and Florence did not make it back in time. But that's later on in the night.

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