17. not good enough

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Lenora and Malfoy had gone off into Hogsmeade on that particular sunday, leaving me and Theodore alone in my dorm. I was leaning against my headboard reading an old book I had found from a deserted area of the library I stumbled on the last time I went. The book was so worn-out that the name wasn't even visible to the human eye, the book was practically destroyed on the cover so I borrowed it out of curiosity. Turns out it was a romance book about two people who were never set on the idea of love but seemed to come to terms with it as they start to fall for one another. I honestly didn't realise they had these types of books in the library at school but I guess I'd just never looked hard enough to notice.

Theo was looking around my dorm, as if it was the first time he had ever been in there. It was the same as any other of the older year dorms except with a few touches by me and Lena. For example, the scented candles spotted around the room, cushions that me and Lena had bought from Hogsmeade during our second and third visits in third year on the sofa. There were six cushions all together, two from the second time we visited and four from the third. The first two we bought were on each corner of the sofa and the other four were on the floor next to a bookshelf stacked with all of mine and Lena's books, it gained a few books a year.

As I looked over for what felt like the millionth time, Theo had started walk over to me, taking slow steps at a time, holding his hands behind his back. He then reached my bed, but he didn't sit down with me. Instead, he leant over and grabbed hold of my waist, gently scooting me over on my bed so there was enough room for him. He lay on my bed, diagonally, his head at my thighs, whilst his feet, and half of his legs, hung off the side of the bed, not having enough room. At first, I was confused as to why he didn't just lie next to me, but I soon understood why. He took out a lighter which he placed beside him before taking out his paper and what I presumed was weed but I wasn't paying to much attention. What I was really paying attention to was the large, veiny hand on my upper thigh even whilst he was beginning to roll his joint. His thumb grazed my thigh as he stroked my skin before leaning down once and pressing a kiss on my inner thigh. I attempted to hide my face with my book, but also not making it too obvious I was. I bit my lip as his lips touched my skin, trying to keep myself together.

I hate people. As soon as Theodore's lips left my skin; the door opened and Lenora and Draco made their way inside, laughing and giggling together at whatever they were talking about. They both stopped in their tracks as they saw us. Honestly, I would too if I walked in to my friends on the same bed, one rolling a joint on the others thigh also with a hand on their thigh.

"Hey guys." Theo greeted the two as they still stood a few meters away, confused at the sight. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, a great time, thanks." Draco replied unsurely, his eyes squinting a little bit as he watched the two of us be so comfortable in each other's presence. A bit too comfortable, may I add, at least for their eyes anyway.

They began to walk slowly towards Lenora's bed, tuning away from us, puzzled expressions wore on their faces as they forced their eyes away from us.

Theo seemed the most unbothered he ever had been, so I went along with it. He obviously couldn't care less if anyone found out about us, so why should I care?

The two didn't say a word for the rest of the afternoon, to us I meant, as they sat on Lenora's bed together chatting away about goodness knows what, occasionally glancing over at me and Theo.

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