39. not the right one

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shorter chapter ig, quite boring if u ask me... so just don't ask me.


Late at night in the common room. The hours had been flying by at such a slow pace, strangely enough, if that is even possible.

Florence was waiting on one of the sofas, by her self, her impatience growing by the second as she waited for the brunette Slytherin to return from the library. But time was ticking. And so was Florence.

It was well past curfew now, perhaps an hour or more later, and three seventh years had just entered from a late night of studying. Theo didn't even tell Florence what he had been in the library doing, she just presumed that he was working on something for a class they didn't share together. But the later it got, the more impatient and intrigued Florence grew.

So, without further ado, she needed to go find him. He had told her he'd be back by 11, it was almost midnight. If he was out at that time, he would've most likely have been caught already, and if she dared to track those halls at that time of night in the hurried state she was in, there was no doubt of her being caught to. But that didn't stop her. The curiosity won and she pushed herself up off the sofa and headed outside of the dungeons, out into the open, breezy grounds which were always beautifully quiet at that time of night, seen as everyone else who lived there were supposedly in bed.

Florence headed straight down to the library, eager to find Theo and make sure he wasn't stuck in an overnight detention with Snape for being caught out late, but she wasn't alone in those ancient corridors.

Someone else walked in her direction, both of them edging closer and closer to one another as they walked, neither of them hearing the other, leading to them becoming shocked when they turned a corner and bumped into each other. Both Slytherins stumbled back slightly from the sudden force, but quickly realised who he other was.

Draco Malfoys pale face looked just as ill as it had done the first day of their sixth year, when things really started to go downhill. Florence Mortimer looked up at him, wide eyed. He looked just as surprised to see her as she looked to see him. "Draco," Florence exclaimed when she saw the platinum blond boy stand in front of her, pulling at his tie in some sort of sweat, looking rather anxious, "Do you happen to know where Theo is?" The short brunette questioned, but it was just them she noticed the rough and anxious look across the boys face. He looked almost terrified.

The worry present in his features only grew as he took in sight of the blue-eyed girl who looked just as shocked as he did to see each other at such place and time. "No. I don't," Draco stammered, looking anxiously over Florence's head, as if something was meant to be coming their way, something that didn't sit quite right with the blond Slytherin.

Florence took a step back to examine his features, seeing as though he didn't look too well in himself as he normally did. Even though, those days, he never really looked himself. "Draco, are you okay?" She softened her voice as she watched his eyes wander their surroundings, causing her confusion to grow even more as she watched him practically panicking about something she wasn't in the known of.

Dracos eyes darted down to look at the worried girl due to the question he had just been asked, and his demeanour looked as if it had loosened a little as he looked at her and forced out his words. "I have to go," He said, almost politely, before brushing Florence's shoulder as he walked past, down the corridor she had just emerged from. She watched him from the other end of the corridor, where they had just collided, as he walked off into the distance.

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