15. same thoughts .

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warning: sexual content, yk...


My whole body ached for him.

Theodore Nott.

All of these girls wanted him. All of these gorgeous, beautiful, stunning girls wanted him.

Yet he wanted me. That's what confused me the most. But also attracted me.

He was so goddamn attractive in so many ways it was hard to keep up. His curly, brown hair which fell just above his eyes. His deep, blue eyes which I could stare at for however long I could and not gain an ounce of boredom. His charming smile. His way with words. Everything about him drew me in. I couldn't fight it.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

I waited in the hall with Blaise and Theo for my best friend and her... whatever Draco was to her.

I was sat next to Blaise whilst Theodore sat across from us, occasionally making eye contact with me when he managed to catch my wandering eyes. Lunch had just started, but I wasn't so hungry so didn't place an ounce of food onto my plate. If I wasn't going to eat it, what was the point?

I turned to look at Blaise who had just swallowed something and was quite clearly about to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth in order to get his words out, we were approached by an unwanted gryffindor who I thought we had finally gotten rid of. Cormac McLaggen, the fucking prick of an arsehole he was.

Theo's jaw clenched when Cormac sat next to him without any hesitation when he arrived at our spot on the table. Cormac was wearing a smug smirk, as usual, and I honestly just wanted to slap it off his face. For the love of god, McLaggen, wipe that stupid smirk off your face. It doesn't make anyone want you anymore than they do. Or make anyone want you at all, for that matter.

"Zabini, Florence, Nott." McLaggen's eyes switched from either one of us, lingering when he looked at me before turning to Theo who very clearly, he the look on his face, didn't want him there. Especially in that close proximity the two were sat in.

"Florence, I was wondering, is there any chance you'd like to, I don't know... come to a party in the gryffindor common room tonight?" His words went straight through me as soon as my name came out of his mouth. I rejected him once. Why was it that I had to reject him again? Fuck off.

"Um-" I wasn't even allowed to answer the gryffindor before I was interrupted by the slytherin who sat across from me.

"She's busy." Theo snapped harshly, sending a glare Cormac's way.

"I'm sure she can answer for herself." Cormac failed to look as smug as he did when he first neared us, which I wish he never did. All eyes were then on me. Obviously, by that I mean Theo's, Blaise's and Cormac's eyes, not the eyes of everyone in the entire great hall.

"No, thanks." I sent a small smile Cormac's way but it most likely failed to come off genuine yet Cormac still sent a smirk back.

"How about after class? Are you doing anything?" Cormac carried on with his pestering. I mean, yeah, sure, I liked that a guy was showing interest in me, of course. But I didn't like the guy that was showing interest in me. He wasn't the guy I wanted.

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