48. little lies

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The morning light shone through the glass paned windows and all to be heard was the sweet sound of birds chirping in the whistling trees on the hills. But that was in the Gryffindor common room; that was what they were waking up to.

Meanwhile, in the Slytherin common room, there were no pretty paned windows; just stone walls and ancient carvings. So, Theo and Florence awoke to the sound of pure nothingness - only their heartbeats and steady breaths as they stirred awake.

Theo cleared his throat and he opened his eyes before they squinted half-shut. But he didn't squint because there was no light. That was what the Slytherin's took for granted in their dormitories, there was no blinding sun shining through their windows and into their eyes to look forward to when they woke up. Instead, it was just the bedside light from two beds away, that was barely even enough to reach the two lying on Florence's bed.

An sudden burst to wee overcame Theo, and it was only when he tried to move off the bed when he felt the light weight on his body - keeping him stuck on the bed. He peered down to see Florence fast asleep with her head on his chest, and her leg over his, holding him tight even when unconscious.

A lazy smile creeped up onto his face as he took in the view, admiring the girl lying limp on top of him. She seemed to peaceful, so serene and without a trouble in the world. He wished she was like this all of the time - he absolutely hated seeing her upset and worried, like usual. He knew she couldn't help it, and she, too, wished it would all just go away and she would be happy. And for them both to be happy, together. But that just wasn't in the cards for them at that point in their lives. It was confusing, that was for sure, what they had got going on - as well as everything else interfering with their puzzling lives. Neither were sure what it was going to end like; what they were going to end like.

However, in this moment, as Theo looked closely at the girl in his arms, he realised that no matter what happened in the undetermined chaos of the future that was yet to be revealed, he wanted to do it with her. It was going to be painful and it was bound to be difficult. But he wanted her. He realised even if fate decided to tear them apart and leave them stranded without one another, a life spent missing her every second of every day was better than a live spent never knowing her. But he was scared of the circumstances that may lead to him missing her. If anything like that were to happen, he wanted it to be the case that she got out and it was for the better. That she escaped the unruly life she had going for her, and she entered a life of freedom and happiness - with of without him. He very much preferred it to be with him. But if she was safe, that was all that mattered. He just had to know she was going to be okay.

Despite all of that, Theo still couldn't push back the overwhelming feeling that he was going to piss himself if he didn't get to the toilet in the next twenty seconds. Therefore, although he hated that he had to do it, they couldn't stay in that position all day, anyway.

Slowly, he held onto the side of her waist, his other hand resting on her head as he tried and succeeded to lift her off of him. As soon as she looked to be in a comfortable position, and he was finally off of the bed, he made a run for it. Well, at least he tried to make a run for it, he stubbed his toe on the way going past one of the other beds, leading him to hopping around on his unharmed foot, and holding his harmed foot in both hands, a pained look on his face. He quickly turned around to see if he had awoken his sleeping beauty. And, when he saw he hadn't, he sighed and tried to turn around - still hopping on one foot, before he then collapsed onto the ground after tripping over the rug. "Shit!" He mumbled as he fell flat on his face, his hands being too slow to move from his foot to prevent himself from landing as he did. However, the pain on the chest wasn't half as bad as the pain in his crotch. "Jesus, fuck- Shit, motherfucker." He cursed repeatedly as he rolled onto his back, cradling his extremely-painful area with both hands, his face screwing in agony as he whined.

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