30. the nott fucking family line

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also, idk but wattpad comment sections are the best things to ever exist fight me their bloody hilarious


Theo had been gone for four days. Florence was even worried about him at breakfast on the day he disappeared. She hadn't known he wasn't there and she knew something was up because he never ever missed breakfast. She became even more worried when he didn't show up for their first lesson, then the second, then it was the last lesson of the day, he still hadn't turned up. Later that day, after school, she went straight to his dorm, but the only one in was Blaise, he told her he hadn't seen Theo all day either, not even when he woke up. Something was definitely up.

But, when she reached the second day, she realised Draco wasn't their either, and Blaise had no clue where either of them were.

Then it reached to the fourth day, and Florence was the most worried she had ever been in her whole life. She had to know where he was, but he never warned her about disappearing, she wasn't prepared. She went out for a walk that night, around the castle grounds, it was before curfew so there were still a few students spotted around, but she never found the boy she was looking for. Florence already knew something was going on with Theo, Draco too. Blaise knew what was going on, he just didn't want to tell Florence so soon, he didn't want to make her even more concerned than she already was. She didn't even have her defence against the dark arts partner anymore, even though they'd only had three defence against the dark arts classes in the past four days Theo hadn't been there, she was already falling behind, she couldn't understand anything, that was what she was like in most of her classes on those four worrisome days, because all that she could think about was Theo, where he could be, why he is where he could be, and when the hell he was going to come back.

It was fairly late when Florence returned back to the dungeons, late enough to be past curfew. She knew it had to be past 10 because on her way back to the dungeons, there was no other students in sight, other than herself.

When she strolled into the dark, dimly lit slytherin common room, her eyes immediately landed on Lenora, Blaise and Draco, who were sitting on the sofas next to the fire. There were a few other students, four at the round table, two on the opposite sofa to the trio she saw, and some just sat on the floor giggling and talking. Florence's gaze hardened when she noticed that Draco was sat with her two best friends and she didn't hesitate to walk over to them. Blaise's smile widened when he noticed Florence approaching them, but it soon died down and his eyes widened instead, seeing the glare she held on Malfoy.

"Hey, Flo, you okay?" Florence had gotten used to Blaise calling her 'Flo' now, given that the only other person who ever called her that name was Ivy, but she was soon beginning to feel just as close to Blaise as she did to Ivy. Florence sent a smile Blaise's way, but not a word came out of her mouth before her eyes darted back to Malfoy who had only just noticed the stern look on her face.

"Where's Theo?" Florence demanded an answer, towering over the blond boy who sat, now not so comfortably, on the black, leather sofa.

His lifeless expression slowly turned into an expression that someone where's when they get caught out for something, "Why are you asking me?"

"Malfoy, he's not the only one who's been missing for the past three days, you haven't been here either. Where the fuck is Theo?" Florence sternly questioned the now debilitated boy.

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