33. last night

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Florence and Lenora sat in their room late at night, the moon was already beaming in the sky, surrounding by thousands of tiny stars. They were both ready for bed, but just as Lenora had was brushing her teeth, there was a knock at the door.

Lenora groaned as she spat into the sink and rinsed out her mouth.

"I'll get it," Florence shouted for her to here in the bathroom as she stood up from her bed. She was wearing her green plaid pyjama bottoms and a black sweatshirt, a black sweatshirt which belonged to Theo.

She tucked her hair behind her ears as she arrived at the door and sighed as she opened it, both of the girls letting whoever it was know they were irritated by their presence.

Theo and Blaise stood there, towering over Florence when she opened the door, "What do you want?" Florence demanded as soon as she saw them standing there. The two boys were both in greg joggers, the difference being Theo was wearing his slytherin quidditch jumper and Blaise was just wearing a black t-shirt.

"Well, hello to you, too, Flo," Blaise cracked a smile as he let himself into the girls dorm, trailed after by Theo who wasn't sure whether he should go in, given that Lenora could be naked for all they know.

"Who is it?" Lenora shouted from the bathroom as she took off her makeup.

"It's just Blaise and Theo," Florence replied. Theo scanned the room when he entered before turning to look at Florence who was slowly closing the door, whereas Blaise went straight over to the sofa, launching himself on it. "Seriously, though, what are you doing here?"

"You do know how to play quidditch, right?" Blaise asked, positioning himself upright on the sofa.

"Yeah, why?" Florence sat opposite him on the other end, bringing her knees up to her chest. Theo followed slowly behind her, leaning against the arm of the sofa, over Florence.

"We're gonna go play some, you're coming with," Theo stated, his breath lingering on her neck as he whispered into her ear. Her breath hitched at the contact but she tried not to let it bother her. Everything this man did was so bloody hot.

"Why are you guys here?" Lenora groaned as she left the bathroom, making her way over to her bed and collapsed onto it, spreading her body out in a starfish position.

Blaise turned his head to look at Lenora, who looked almost out of it as she lay face down on her bed. "We're gonna go play quidditch. You can play, right?" Blaise asked.

Theo took this risky opportunity to place a soft kiss just underneath Florence's ear, and then another below it. He swiftly pulled away when Blaise's attention was drawn back to them, a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm the fucking best," Lenora responded, pushing herself off her bed, suddenly full of energy and eagerness to leave the room. Sure, Lenora had never been on the quidditch team, nor even tried out to be on the quidditch team, but she was fairly good at it, in her opinion.

"Alright, then," Theo muttered as he pushed himself upright from leaning over behind Florence, soon joined by the other two who were sitting on the sofa, opposite each other.

Florence quickly slid on her converse and did them up before leaving the room, followed by Lenora who sped up to her as she closed the door, "I saw that," she whispered with a smirk before the four of them began walking to the common room.

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