50. dumb (by nirvana; not just a random boring one-word title)

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DUMB (by nirvana; not just some random boring one-word title)

"What?" Blaise shrieked, looking between Florence and Theo in disbelief. "That was you?"

"You didn't know?" Florence replied, am amused smile on her face.

"Does this seem like the reaction of a boy who knew that?" Blaise remarked.

"Who did you think it was?" Theo asked, seeming just as amused as Florence, who was walking in between him and Blaise.

The three were walking down the corridor to transfiguration, and they were already running a little bit late. They'd complete lost track of time beforehand as they'd been in the library.

Of course, they weren't studying. Because when do they ever, in all honesty? But they were looking through the never-ending number of books that travel back centuries in the history of magic, for few certain books in particular. They were searching for inspiration for their next prank on their dearest friend, Malfoy. They'd obviously noticed he'd been in the dumps recently. So, they'd decided to lighten his mood, and keep him on his toes, by pranking him. They'd only done a couple, but so far they seemed to be cheering him up — whether he admitted it or not.

Currently, Blaise had just found out that it was indeed Florence and Theo who'd pulled the purple hair prank on Draco not far back — most credits went to Florence. "Well, I don't know. Honestly, I kinda thought I'd done it whilst I was sleepwalking." He said casually.

"Do you sleepwalk often in broad daylight?" Florence replied, her wit being quick, as per usual.

"Only in desperate times." Blaise replied nonchalantly before turning away from the two and continuing to watch where they were walking.

Before either Florence or Theo had time to comprehend their replies to the strange answer Blaise had just given them, and after glancing at one another with expressions full of concern for their best friend, there was a familiar voice from around the corner of the corridor that caught all three's attention. And they quickly came to a slower walk, before they came to a stop altogether when they silently decided between one another that they wanted to be nosy and listen to what sounded like McGonagall telling off some students.

They were fairly close to corner in which was the only thing in the way of them and the teacher whose lesson they happened to be already running late to — well, walking late to, at a very, very slow pace.

"What have I told you three about messing with the other students?" They heard the familiar Scottish accent echo through the corridors as they neared closed to the edge. "And don't think I haven't realised all three of you are supposed to be in class right now. I'll be expecting you all in detention, tomorrow night." Suddenly, Blaise poked his head around the corner to see who was getting the telling off this time.

"But, Minnie-" Emmie Mortimer, Florence's dear sister, was prime suspect of the whole facade. And she stood their with pleading eyes, making it obvious she was about to try and guilt trip McGonagall into letting them out of the detention.

"It's Professor McGonagall to you." She corrected her, looking down on the smaller boys and girl.

Emmie sighed before continuing, "Professor McGonagall," She addressed the older woman properly, "We're so sorry and it won't happen again."

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