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Over the time Theodore and Florence had spent getting to know each other, they were getting closer everyday. And by this day in time Florence had told Theodore about Ivy and how the two used to be best friends. She told him how she still wishes they were and how she doesn't go a day without thinking about her. Florence didn't even have to tell Theodore about Lenora ditching her for the boys, he already knew.

As the two sat in Theo's dorm on his sofa, Theo's mind was urging him to speak up about how he felt about the way Florence's friends treated her. He didn't understand why they wouldn't want to be around her or why they'd ever leave her. This was by reason of purely believing he would never ever dare to let Florence go.

Florence noticed he was agitated as soon as she glanced over at him. He had a joint in between two of his fingers as he exhaled the smoke. "Are you okay?" Florence asked, concerned for the boy.

Theo looked up, completely and utterly shocked that she would ask such a thing. "Yeah." He responded, taking another hit of his joint.

"You seem irritated. Has something happened?" Florence leaned in closer to the boy, reaching an arm out to his shoulder for comfort.

"Why does Lenora treat you the way she does?" He snapped, causing Florence to become exceedingly confused at what was going on, but her hand stayed rested on his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" The brown-haired girl questioned the boy who seemed so irritated about the whole situation yet she hadn't the slightest clue what was going on.

"How can you not fucking see it? You two barely hang out anymore." Theo's point wasn't getting to Florence the way he expected it to. She still didn't understand what the problem was.

"That's not true." She protested, her hand falling from his shoulder as she brought it back towards her, resting it on her stomach as she brought her knees up.

"Yes it is. She is always with Adrian. Last year she was always with Draco. She never makes any time for you and it's fucking pathetic. Why does she choose them over you?" The words seemed unreal to Florence. She noticed Lenora rarely ever spoke to her during the days she was at her highest with Adrian or Draco, as it had been last year, but she never really got into too much thought about it. She didn't want it to bother her as much as Theo was letting it bother him.

"Theo, she isn't always with them. And besides I don't see the big deal, we still hang out sometimes and I don't really care." Florence lied. She did care. Of course she cared. This was her best friend no longer making time for her they were talking about. But she was too afraid to admit it. Florence never wanted to talk bad about her closest friends. She liked to think that they didn't say anything about her behind her back so in return she was loyal and never said anything bad about them behind their back. It was a fair play.

Theo took one more quick hit of his joint before pushing the end flat against the wooden table in front of him. He'd done it plenty of times before so he knew the table wasn't flammable. "You should care."

"Why should I? Why should I be listening to you about this? You obviously don't know what you're talking about." Florence snapped, trying to shrug off the fact that her closest friends indeed were not talking to her and indeed were not available for her anymore.

"Why should you- Florence, I'm telling you they're not good enough for you. They don't deserve you." Theodore's voice rose higher, fuelled by anger as he began to shout.

mind over matter - theodore nottWhere stories live. Discover now