47. say yes to heaven .

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warning: i think you may have an idea after that last chapter but, just in case, sexual content + swearing. like, a lot. there's literally nothing else.
degrading, praising, choking, you name it.
this is very long. painfully, severely, deadly long.
(that's what she said)...


Florence didn't even make it three steps into the room. Not three steps into the room, before her back was shoved against the locked door.

She felt the heat rise in her chest as she looked up at Theo, who had a fiery look on his face.

He towered over her, as always, his hands on either side of her head, flat against the door as he looked down at her.

"You didn't really think you'd get away with it that easily, did you?" Theo wondered, his voice low and dripping with lust.

Florence's heart was pounding in her chest, her stomach doing cartwheels as she tried to find her words - but all she could find was incoherent nonsense that she couldn't even voice. Her mouth fell open, as if she was about to speak, but nothing came out. She was silent, stunned by the boy trapping her against the door.

"Cat got your tongue?" He teased, a smirk adorning his features as his eyes glanced down to her lips, and they stayed there.

Florence's breath quickened, and so did his, but she still didn't reply. She was trying not to give him anything, but she was really giving him everything.

He leant down so his lips hovered over hers. Her breath hitched in her throat as his own breath fanned over her face. She felt trapped under his gaze; he seemed to always have the same hold over her. It was never going to change.

His right hand traced down her arm, moving underneath to trace her side, before resting at her hip - the other hand still placed firmly on the door, as he breathed in her intoxicating scent - a scent that was barely even there, but the amortentia still clung to him like feathers to a bird.

"Florence, we can keep playing this game for as long as you want - getting each other to the point where the other will kill for just one more touch." His hand rested on her hip. He didn't dare go any farther, not just yet. The tension was suffocating Florence. Her want for him was just increasing by the second and he was making indefinitely harder for her to prevent herself from just jumping right into the act. "Or, you can just stop pretending it's not so fucking difficult to not jump my bones every time you try and tease me. Because I for sure know how sorrowfully difficult it is for me."

At this point, the reason for Florence's silence wasn't due to the fact that she wanted to tease Theo - it was due to the fact that he had actually rendered her lip speechless.

"Or," He repeated again, extreme amusement lacing his lowered voice, "You can just stand there, and not do anything. And pretend I'm not having any affect on you right now. But you can't do that, can you?" A devilish smirk appeared on his face as he stared into Florence's eyes, occasionally looking her up and down.

Florence tried to steady her heavy breaths as her eyes dropped down to Theo's pink lips that were aggressively close to touching hers.

"Talk to me, Florence." His demand sounded more like a beg, his voice coming out as more of a whine than what he'd meant it to sound. "I know you can't do it. If I were to kiss you right now, I know you'd kiss back. Wouldn't you?"

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